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Muslim Women in the West

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 4:42 pm Sat 12th May 2007

I came across this short excerpt from a news article. Interesting isn’t it that while fundamentalist religious beliefs are said to be at fault no mention is made of these women’s readiness to misrepresent themselves fraudulently and deliberately. As women of course they are the victims and their behaviour must never be criticized.


Excerpt from NSS Newsline

Muslim women desperate to “restore virginity”
Gynaecologists in France are divided over a new phenomenon: demands by Muslim women to “restore” their virginity.

Some Muslim women are demanding operations to reconstitute their hymens before marriage and medical certificates stating that they are virgins. They are desperate to avoid rejection from men who won’t take supposedly “unchaste” women as wives.

The demands are also being made to doctors in other European countries and in America. They have been condemned as a “socially regressive” indication of the rise of Islamic fundamentalism among European Muslims. Muslim women desperate to “restore virginity”

Doctors would be very busy if that happened in USA with two thirds of the brides affected.


  1. yeah thats true, but i think misrepresenting yourself as virgin doesnt come close to ,misrepresenting yourself as a loyal wife when shes just a gold digger. i get your point but ive spent time in the middle east and truely feel sorry for alot of muslim women, and dont think the privalged place of western women really excists for them, women here can be a selfish, greedy, lazy and dishonest as they like and still run around saying the “oppressed”. thats true but i dont think many of us are virgens when get married either, not that i would have wanted to be one when i married!

    Comment by chris — Sat 12th May 2007 @ 7:21 pm

  2. Good comments Hans.As an aside;is there an operation for men such as me to have my virginity restored and to be issued with a “virgin” warrant of fitness ; in case I should go mad and and want to be married again?

    Comment by keith — Sun 13th May 2007 @ 2:13 pm

  3. Thanks Keith. It sounds like if you should choose to get married again you might be able to pay a specialist to give you a virginity certificate but you might not have enough to pay someone to attest to your sanity!

    Comment by Hans Laven — Sun 13th May 2007 @ 2:50 pm

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