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Lawyer Child Maintenance Fraud

Filed under: General — sharingiscaring @ 12:08 pm Thu 27th October 2016

Hi all,

1. My ex-wife’s lawyer made 3 applications for child maintenance payment.
2. She won all of them against my former lawyers, one of whom did not prepare saying he could get the hearing deferred which he couldn’t, and the other who failed to turn up to represent me for the 3rd application and so they won a massive extra amount of child maintenance.
3. The Court Ordered me to pay money ‘for the maintenance of the children’ while seeking no information about my ex-wife’s finances and support she receives from her boyfriend, one of the wealthiest business executives in the country, with whom she lives in luxury.
4. The amount the Court ordered me to pay was 42% of my salary for a 2 and 5 year old.
5. This has thrown me massively into debt so that I can only rent a bedroom in a homestay
6. The money I pay goes directly into my ex-wife’s lawyers bank account.
7. The lawyer and my ex-wife refuse to provide evidence of how the child maintenance is being spent.
8. My ex-wife has admitted in writing that the child maintenance money is needed to pay her lawyer.
9. Since my last lawyer quit in October of last year saying “You can’t beat this people” I have taken over representing my children in Court myself. Have not lost any of the 10+ conferences, hearings, trials and Court of Appeals that they have engineered.
10. In two recent enforcement hearings this month my ex-wife’s lawyer failed to move the Judge to enforce the payment order
11. Today I formerly accused my ex-wife’s lawyer of defrauding the Court to receive the money meant for my children.
12. My ex-wife’s lawyer went nuts in Court today and failed to get an immediate restraining order against me to prevent me from accusing her of fraud for claiming child maintenance payments for my children which she instead takes to pay herself
13. The Judge has set the hearing for 25.11.16.
14. Does anyone of any legal precedents where
a. lawyers have been sued for taking money ordered for child maintenance payments?
b. child maintenance payments have been reassessed in the light of evidence that the payments are not being used for the children?

Yours Faithfully,
Sharing is Caring


  1. Mrs. (lawyers name),

    Lawyer Child Maintenance Fraud is a very serious issue worthy of the attention of the Disciplinary Committee of the Law Council.

    Lawyer Child Maintenance Fraud is where a lawyer herself has been taking money a Court has ordered for the maintenance of children. It is in simple terms the taking of candy from a baby’s mouth by a lawyer to claw back her fees.

    To be certain that this has not happened at all in Matrimonial Case X of 201X;

    Could you please provide evidence of how you have been transferring to my ex-wife all of the money the Court Ordered for the maintenance of our children that I have placed in your bank account?

    Presumably you have a bank statement detailing these transfers of money from your account to my ex-wife’s account or signed receipts of payments from yourself to my ex-wife.

    Should you prove unable to provide documented evidence of the proper transfer of child maintenance funds to my ex-wife, I will be forced to bring this matter to the attention of the authorities.

    Yours Faithfully,
    Sharing is Caring

    Comment by sharingiscaring — Thu 27th October 2016 @ 1:31 pm

  2. Who are the authorities again?
    Is it the Standards Committie?

    Or is it the LCRO? Got three years?

    You could perhaps go on Trade Me, buy Jamie Pink’s sledge hammer go to the lawyers house and visit him. If he complains and the police charge you, select a trial by Jury then explain that you have simply gone to his house with your sledge hammer to highlight the fact that this lawyer has stolen money and I have asked him for it back but this has not been forthcoming.

    You were not committing an offense but hi lighting a theft.

    Let the lawyer demonstrate to the court and Jury that he has not stolen money, then prove it. Remember it is the lawyer who will need to demonstrate to the jury that he has not stolen the money at all. The onus will be on him to show that he has not, remember don’t do a home invasion but do cause the lawyer discomfort to the point where police are involved and you are charged. Then get the prick I to court and see how he goes.

    Comment by Simon grant — Thu 27th October 2016 @ 7:04 pm

  3. Who is the lawyer?

    Comment by Simon grant — Thu 27th October 2016 @ 7:23 pm

  4. Lawyers read these comments so beware when naming names. It may give them a chance to prepare things

    Comment by A dad — Mon 31st October 2016 @ 10:44 pm

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