MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

The New Brown-Shirts

Filed under: General — Rob Case @ 5:27 pm Mon 6th August 2007

Here’s what’s happening in Britain these days. (Posted recently on Heretical Sex:

One of my friends was a victim of domestic violence for years, at the hands of his violent wife. The final straw came when she stabbed him and he was seriously injured. Fortunately he recovered, and he was divorced. He told me how he called a domestic violence helpline, and was told that they had nothing to offer to men. Domestic violence, apparently, is something that men do to women.

So he eventually set up his own domestic violence helpline. He published his phone number and address, and that is when the trouble really began. Every night in the small hours, a car load of women used to come to his house and scream abuse at him. He used to wake up in the morning to find that they had daubed the front of his house with graffiti reading things like ‘Rapist’ and ‘Paedophile’. He was eventually forced to close his helpline down and retire.

Radical feminists insist that the domestic violence issue is their territory, and no-one else is allowed to intrude. Check out this video on YouTube, of radical feminists disrupting a conference about Battered Men.


  1. The ‘arrest the male’ policy was adopted by the NZ police about 15 years ago. It is about to be introduced in parts of the USA. They call it ‘arrest the one who can do greatest harm’ based on size, etc. Ultimately it is business for the lawyers while men and the children suffer. She gets legal aid and if he responds with his own lawyer it all goes to hell. A great saying about that is: ‘A town that cannot support one lawyer can always support two’. Don’t play the feminarcissists game. These nasty, self centred bitches must be exposed

    Comment by Infidel — Wed 8th August 2007 @ 1:50 pm

  2. Wow, I didn’t expect Infidel to come here. Welcome.

    Comment by julie — Wed 8th August 2007 @ 2:16 pm

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