Added in 2010: Information for paedophiles

COSA Casualties Of Sexual Allegations 1994 – 2000 Archive

The national organisation COSA Inc. formed in 1994 and closed down in June 1999. The Auckland branch COSA (North) Inc. wound-up in October 2000.

Overview of sexual abuse hysteria in New Zealand:

Excerpts from Lynley Hood’s 2001 book ‘A City Possessed – The Christchurch Civic Creche Case’.

DSAC – Doctors for Sexual Abuse Care Concerns have been raised by men’s groups about this organisation’s mis-education of professionals regarding sexual abuse and more recently (1999), domestic violence. Includes criticism of presenters at the  IPSCAN (International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) conference held in Auckland in 1998.

Psychologist Dr John Read has been one of the most vocal critics of COSA.

Archived material 1994 – 2000 from COSA and COSA (North)

COSA Newsletter Archive

Information about COSA & false sexual abuse accusations.

History of COSA – Gordon Waugh’s presentation to the Australian False Memory Association in Sydney, 2nd December 2000.

Information about COSA founder: Dr Felicity Goodyear-Smith.

Published Papers by Dr Felicity Goodyear-Smith.

First Do No Harm: the Sexual Abuse Industry 1993 book about false allegations by Dr Felicity Goodyear-Smith.

Gordon Waugh’s Address to Victoria University Psychology Students (September 2000)

Gordon Waugh’s 1999 Presentation to Australian False Memory Association

A collection of letters to the editor in 1995 by Gordon Waugh.

More letters by Gordon Waugh on the Wayback machine (formerly at

Recovered Memories of Sexual Abuse – three ‘Men’s Hour’ interviews.

Personal Horror Stories from COSA members

Mental Health Training Service (MHTS) at Greenlane Hospital in Auckland offered a training course entitled Certificate in Sexual Abuse Counselling – Approaches to Practice. Critique by Gordon Waugh and Greg Newbold.

Peter Ellis and the Christchurch Creche Case Information, media reports.

Books on Therapy, Child Abuse, Recovered Memories, & Satanism.

False Sex Allegation Links to websites related to False Memory Syndrome & False Allegations.

Published Papers by Dr Goodyear-Smith

The Price of Safety at All Costs

Felicity A Goodyear-Smith, MB ChB, MGP, FRNZCGP and Tannis M Laidlaw, PhD published in Nuance Journal, number 1 December 1999 link to PDF [34 KB]


In our desire to protect children and prevent their coming to harm, our social, educational and justice systems have progressively developed policies aimed at keeping children safe at all times. While not questioning the need to educate our children in personal safety skills, we argue that a policy of absolute safety (complete freedom from danger or risk) is neither feasible nor desirable.

Specifically, separating a child from a parent on the basis of hearsay evidence of child maltreatment without corroborating evidence could well be creating a situation for a child that is more harmful for him or her than the risks warrant.

Education about safety balanced with and tempered by education about exploring possibilities and taking calculated risks enhances a child’s physical and psychological well-being and development. Children should learn skills to deal with risk, to be able to weigh up a situation, estimate the chance of bad consequences and develop appropriate strategies. Parents and educators need to address the positive values of the various risks that occur in the lives of our children.

Civic Creche Case, Christchurch

by Felicity Goodyear-Smith link to article


Allegations of children being sexually abused by workers in child care centers are now becoming common throughout the Western world Frequently these cases follow a similar pattern whereby a concerned parent interprets a symptom or behavior of her child as indicating sexual abuse and activates investigations by other parents and the authorities. Although they initially deny any molestation, repeated interrogations eventually lead to children claiming increasingly perverted and bizarre events, naming more and more child victims and adult perpetrators.

Allegations typically involve consuming urine and feces, penetrating body orifices with fingers, objects and penises, ‘sex rings’, making child pornography, animal and human sacrifice, and even eating dead babies. No objective evidence is ever found to support these claims. Although the initial allegation may be unfounded the investigation will gather momentum and result in many people convinced in the truth of the children’s "disclosures," public outrage, and long, expensive trials which are traumatic to all concerned. Children who report such stories generally only start manifesting signs and symptoms of emotional distress after they have ‘told’.

This account describes a case at the Civic Creche, Christchurch, New Zealand which demonstrates a clear parallel to similar cases in other parts of the world.

Victim-oriented Law Reforms: Advantages and Pitfalls

by Felicity Goodyear-Smith link to article


This paper addresses issues arising from the well-needed reforms introduced in the past couple of decades aimed at treating rape complainants with consideration and compassion, and minimizing the stress endured by undergoing the judicial process when making a complaint.

It is argued that procedures which offer advocacy and support for the complainant can lead to an effective presumption of guilt of the alleged perpetrator and erosion of the principle of impartiality. The difficulty of gaining a conviction when a rape has occurred but no forensic evidence is available is weighed against the dangers of conviction in the absence of corroboration. Issues regarding (mis) interpretation of consent and the effects of an expanded definition of rape are also discussed.

The growing ‘backlash’ from concerned academics and members of the legal profession is examined.

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