MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Dr Vivian Roberts on child abuse and Court bias against fathers

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Law & Courts — JohnPotter @ 9:35 pm Thu 9th August 2007

I’ve just listened to a [sorry, this item is no longer available from radionz – Admin] podcast of Dr Vivian Roberts talking about child abuse to Jim Moira on ‘The Panel’, broadcast on National Radio, Wednesday 8th August. Viv is a general practitioner in Hawkes Bay and a Fathers Coalition representative. He claims, very persuasively and with an excellent use of statistical data, that the bias against fathers in the NZ Family Court contributes to child abuse.
Dr Vivian Roberts Photo: Dr Viv Roberts.

With him on ‘The Panel’ was Julia Hartley Moore private investigator and author of the recent best selling book “Suddenly Single”. She also had some interesting insights:

…little children are given a lawyer and often those lawyers become very biased on one side – very much pro one or the other – and we often find out they turn out to be very pro the mother – and then when you go to court it’s like the child’s lawyer is second chairing for her lawyer… there’s a lot of fathers who get a raw deal.

When Dr Roberts demonstrated how “Violence against men is often hidden”, Hartley Moore immediately agreed. The interview [a 12MB download for those of you on dial-up – right click and save the whole file before trying to listen] is well worth listening to.

There are a whole bunch of videos made by Rd Viv Roberts about MEN SUICIDE AND DEPRESSION on Noelle Papillon’s site.


  1. At last!!!
    Some people actually pointing these things out!!
    Perhaps there is a glimmer of hope for New Zealand’s future after all.

    Comment by Dave — Thu 9th August 2007 @ 11:35 pm

  2. Did anyone see that short clip on one of last night’s news channels where a gang of lions pounced on a herd of Cape Buffalo?

    The lions managed to single out a young calf, tossed it over the river-bank, then took to the water to finish it off.
    Then a bloody great crocodile leaps out and there’s an all out shit-fight between lions and crocodile. The lions win in the end, and drag the calf back to shore – unbelievably, it is still alive.
    They are about to tuck in to dinner – you can see them licking their chops, but they stop – a herd of 30+ Cape Buffalo surround them completely, and tower over them. Then the first buffalo goes the first lion with his horns, and within seconds, lion bodies are being tossed around in the air like bails of hay.
    It was thrilling to see. All that teeth and growl was no match for the muscle of the herd, once they turned.
    I’m looking forward to a similar thrill when all these predators who have been thriving on the back of public fear start feeling the heat of a change of mood.
    Public mood can change pretty swiftly, and when it does, there will suddenly be a few friendless, toothless lions wishing they had been vegetarians.

    Comment by Rob Case — Fri 10th August 2007 @ 12:06 am

  3. Did the lions hesitate because they had a calf and not an adult? Did the buffalo come back for the same reason? It appeared like both the Lions and the Buffalo reversed their behaviour, the herd attacked and the Lions didn’t kill. Perhaps in was just the laws of nature in action.

    Comment by Bevan Berg — Fri 10th August 2007 @ 9:07 am

  4. A lion would die quicker if it was either vegetarian than if it was toothless or without friends. Lions are lions, like people are people.

    Hungry lions eat, as do crocodiles – but aren’t Cape Buffalo vegetarian?

    Good on you Viv – well done! Roger Payne had contact with Rajen Prasad as well and his letter emphasised the 6 cases where yours lacked that assurance, so I am less agitated toward the lack of reply from the Families Commission.

    Comment by Benjamin Easton — Fri 10th August 2007 @ 10:18 am

  5. Well if Viv is going after the lions, let’s hope the herd sticks with him.

    Comment by Bevan Berg — Fri 10th August 2007 @ 11:33 am

  6. Hi Viv, Long time. Would be nice to catch up. I liked your item very much. Did you see Celia Lashlie on 60 Minutes Wednesday 1 Sept? Her target was deserving, but hey, aren’t Dads family too? She only spoke of males as crims, potential crims, druggies, and never dedicated to our families. And didn’t she get the coverage? Alan Radford

    Comment by Alan Radford — Thu 2nd September 2010 @ 9:59 am

  7. Good to hear you mention Celia Lashlie. I want to contact her but she doesn’t have a website. Do you possibly know her contact details?

    Comment by julie — Thu 2nd September 2010 @ 12:34 pm

  8. Sorry Julie

    Comment by Alan Radford — Thu 2nd September 2010 @ 12:50 pm

  9. Hi, Can someone please put up a working postcast link or email me the podcast to [email protected] as I can’t seem to get it working LOL, thanks….

    Comment by Graeme Axford — Wed 8th September 2010 @ 7:54 am

  10. Hi, the podcat link does not work and I am unable to find any info anywhere on what was said. Can anyone please find a link or transcript of what was said and email it to me please on [email protected] Thank-You

    Comment by Graeme Axford — Fri 1st October 2010 @ 11:07 am

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