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Filed under: General — Julie @ 8:42 pm Mon 18th June 2007

Do you see the events under single parents on the right hand side of this site. That is our group and we organise events for single parents and their children.

But we are not just for parents that are single and looking after children full time. Most of our parents are in some sort of arranged shared parenting deal. And most work. AND Dads and Mums.

We get alot of free stuff offered for parents and children regarding outings from numerous charity groups and fund raisers. For instance, live shows, circus, santa parade seating lollies and free parking and many other events. Also we create outings that are small costs or free so you can be with a group rather than on your own spending time with your children and letting them meet other children in the same position. And, most importantly … we network and support each other. We have adult activities so that parents get out and meet others and this is not always easy when you have recently broken up. Plus it is good to gain support from others who are and have been in similar situations as you as a lone parent. BTW, we never mind you bringing new partners.

If you need furniture of free counselling or other such stuff we can help. Maybe even free food now and then. We can also put you onto others to get scholarships for your children and much more. There is a lot that is offered for parents struggling in the community. You are not alone and there are no fees.

If you want to be on a list with another 100 odd parents to be kept up to date on activities and promotions please get in touch.
Auckland Single Parents Trust

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