Gender test
The American-designed IntelliGender test has sparked a row in New Zealand over whether it would lead to sex-selection abortions, the New Zealand Herald reported.
The test could be used from eight weeks after conception.
The kit went on sale in Australia last month, and its Australian distributor hopes to launch it in New Zealand within a fortnight.
But the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and anti-abortion group Voice for Life said they were concerned that people would terminate pregnancies on the grounds of sex-selection.
What this report doesn’t mention is that leading experts in Australia thought it highly unlikely that the test of a urine sample could determine the gender of the unborn child, particularly so early during the pregnancy.
lol, no replies in 8 days!
That could be because men have no part in the abortion process apart from donating half of the genes required to start a new life.
Abortion has become an unilateral decision that is only made only by women. Men can neither force nor prevent their developing child from having it’s life snuffed out.
If the evolution theory is incorrect and the creation theory is correct then I’m glad I won’t be explaining the whereabouts of any of my missing fetuses to a higher being.
Comment by SicKofNZ — Tue 16th June 2009 @ 10:33 am