MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Feminist Extremists attack Men’s Conference

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 2:04 pm Fri 13th June 2014

The first international men’s conference has been labelled controversial as feminist extremists move to inflict maximum damage and disruption.

Threats against the Detroit hotel complex hosting the conference brought a prompt demand from the venue owners, for organisers, A Voice For Men (AVFM), to engage off duty police officers for security, adding considerable cost to the event – see our recent post Men’s Conference brings out the feminasties.

Detroit media have been following developments, with local independent news site Motorcity Muckraker reporting:

The inaugural conference at the DoubleTree has been canceled for unknown reasons, and organizers of the first International Conference on Men’s Issues haven’t said yet whether it will be moved to another hotel and conference center.

The blog has photos of a recent protest outside the proposed venue with protesters calling for a cancellation of the conference – details have emerged of a 3000 signature petition in support of the call for cancellation.

The blog is open for discussion.

In an update from The Detroit News:

A controversial conference on men’s rights that was to be held at a downtown Detroit hotel has been moved to a nearby VFW hall.

The Hilton Doubletree Guest Suites Fort Shelby on West Lafayette was to host the A Voice for Men’s International Conference on Men’s Issues on June 27-28. But instead, the conference will move to the VFW Post 1146 Walter F Bruce at 28404 Jefferson Ave.

In a response from AVFM Paul Elam had this to say:

The disingenuous and quite insane backlash against the International Conference on Men’s Issues has produced some interesting results. First, the onslaught of yellow journalism from places like Daily Kos and the Huffington Post has been unprecedented, even for those two myth-factories.

The other thing it has produced is a hell of a lot more interest in the conference, and more ticket sales. So much so, as a matter of fact, that we have opted to move to a venue that will seat more people and provide more security than was available previously.

There has certainly been a rapid development in the conflict surrounding the conference. Our best wishes to AVFM, as the conference looks to be an even bigger event at the new venue, although we understand there are question marks over some of the original presenters who have concerns for their personal safety.


  1. I am shocked and amazed at the blatant double standard, It is hilarious. I am going to do a video about this on

    Comment by terrence popp — Sun 15th June 2014 @ 11:43 am

  2. This is probably one of the funniest responses found here in this Huffington Post Article;

    Kelly Jackson, who is studying culture and gender at Wayne State University in Detroit, initially posted the petition. As of Thursday, it had more than 1,000 signatures.

    “As far as we’re concerned, it’s exactly like hosting any hate group,” Jackson told The Huffington Post. “Detroit has already been brought down to its knees by bankruptcy and corruption and hatred, so for the DoubleTree to host a hate group, it’s like they’re willing to bring Detroit all the way face-down in the mud.”

    OMG – this is worse than the Global Financial Crisis – Kelly waxed lurical from a wanning state university.

    Yes, Kelly is taking life seriously, just in case the International Men’s Conference should bring about the final destruction of Detroit.

    On a more serious note, I am sure the conference will, at some point, cover the well rounded and grounded education provided to students at our modern academic institutions.

    Comment by Downunder — Sun 15th June 2014 @ 1:15 pm

  3. Dumb dumb people thanks for promoting it even bigger and better. once again the other way around it would be the end of the world !

    Comment by Dominic da Silva — Thu 26th June 2014 @ 1:11 pm

  4. Check this video….

    Comment by Kumar — Mon 30th June 2014 @ 9:56 pm

  5. Kumar (#6): The women singing this aren’t being facetious!

    Comment by Man X Norton — Mon 30th June 2014 @ 10:15 pm

  6. Interesting to see what has happened to R Harris More flood gates are now opened for so the so called allegations of mishandeled women ,;Lawyers all over the world will be rubbing their hands together!

    Comment by jefhrm — Tue 1st July 2014 @ 6:39 am

  7. Dad looses the child….was it in the best interest of the child??? Was he a bad dad?

    Comment by Kumar — Tue 1st July 2014 @ 9:50 am

  8. There are never any winners in relocation cases. A child this age the decision basically means Court has (probably reluctantly) that mum is to be parent and dad is to be lost over a (research shows short) period of time.

    Comment by Allan Harvey — Tue 1st July 2014 @ 11:16 am

  9. A bunch of dead beat dads trying to get out of paying child support. One of the speakers Terrence Popp is an infamous woman hater that supports prostitution. Just a group of cry babies.

    Comment by Frank Lee — Sun 20th July 2014 @ 4:20 pm

  10. #11 Frank Lee
    “A bunch of dead beat dads trying to get out of paying child support. One of the speakers Terrence Popp is an infamous woman hater that supports prostitution. Just a group of cry babies.”

    Clearly Frank needs education in the realities of this world.
    Sitting on some moral high ground Frank?
    Did you notice that you just practiced FREE SPEACH, but implied they shouldn’t.
    Have a go at proving my statements are false Frank.
    Don’t just blankly criticise, express your knowledge and intellect for all to see.
    I’ll be waiting Frank.
    You judged me but everything you implied of me is false.
    Wait for the week prior to the election Frank.
    I,ll be knocking you and others of a perch you never knew you were on.

    Comment by The man in Absentia — Sun 20th July 2014 @ 5:00 pm

  11. Frank Lee = Troll.
    by the way, anyone criticising someone in NZ who “Supports prostitution” is themselves on thin ice. Prostitution is fully legal in this country. People are fully free to support it (whether or not they pay or provide). They break no law. Don’t support it? Fine. Don’t use it. But you have no grounds whatsoever for criticising those that do “support” it. Each to their own (within the law).

    Comment by OMG! You're *(&^*$^&* — Sun 20th July 2014 @ 5:26 pm

  12. Dear Franketta, I too am a troll, I recently discivered. Nuffink wrong with living under a motorway bridge, due to poverty of wealth and mental health? Why be proud?

    I see you practice Free Speech, sorry I meant Worthless Speech.

    You throw out crooked challenges, so I hope you can rise to the challenges above? From your vitriol, I would guess that your arousal points down, or is crooked or just doesn’t work?

    Are you much in the supporting child stakes that you wave around with such glee? Or are you made up as a taker, rather than a giver?

    Full marks for the most barbaras in the least words! Maybe you are missing out on caring for children too?

    You just sound like Frankenstein. MurrayBacon – boring axe murderer.

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Sun 20th July 2014 @ 7:28 pm

  13. A fool can’t learn from a wise man, but a wise man can learn from a fool…….

    So, what is fiend Sergeant First “Lass Franketta telling us? Listen to Terrence Popp!

    Download Terrence S M Popp Second Class Citizen
    About Terrence Popp: An Old Man’s Perspective By Douglas

    I didn’t really understand it, but I spent quite a bit of time trying to get the hang of it. It was really worth it. It was all a bit above me, but a Stein of beer really helped.

    Nice media lessons, from a very hard space.

    Thanks again, Frankie.

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Sun 20th July 2014 @ 8:29 pm

  14. Frankie was right! DEADBEAT DAD DILEMMA – Thank you, Frankistein.

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Sun 20th July 2014 @ 9:01 pm

  15. Now that the beer has worn off, I see that Frankie was right – Terrence Popp’s ideas are shit, funny shit. If you are like me and the novelty of living under motorway bridges is fast wearing off, on these cold nights, you might need some funny shit? Its worth watching just for the spelling misstakes. There is light at the end of the funnel.

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Sun 20th July 2014 @ 9:41 pm

  16. Terrence Popp’s logic is flawed. He appears to have made many bad choices in his life and expects to get the courts to side with him and let him off the hook. He made the choice to not focus and get poor grades, join the Army, get married, have children, treat his wife the way he did, choose a career that does not pay much, Ridicule women on social media sites, and can’t consistently pay child support. Blame the system? blame the judge? Blame women? Then expect society to bail him out and let him off the hook forcing his children into further poverty.
    Don’t get me wrong, I have made some poor choices and have to pay child support too. I would also like the laws changed. Mr. Popp’s rants sound like a cry for others to believe that his position in life is somehow not his fault. Instead of making videos complaining about his demise, maybe he should spend his extra time gainfully employed so that he can pay his court ordered child support.

    Comment by Devon Jones — Sun 28th December 2014 @ 5:45 pm

  17. Dear judge Devon [Serious] Jones,

    sorry about your sense of ‘umour. Perhaps you can’t afford to get it fixed? For lots of people, it is all that they have got left and can protect from others.

    If you do want to get “fixed“, come and have a chat with me.

    Cheers, MurrayBacon – axe murderer.

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Mon 29th December 2014 @ 10:30 am

  18. Cool you like my humor or you dont, cool got it and I dont care. If you goto at the bottom I clearly state if your not offended we will try harder. As for the so called bad life decisions? poor grades OK cool had dyslexia in school that was undiagnosed. Still pulled a c+ GPA. went in the Army which was the best thing for me and the best thing in my life. I walked out with a green beret and the army paid for my 4 year degree, which by the way with the aid of a computer pulled over a 3.0 GPA. as for treating my wife poorly? I am at a loss on this one, because I loved her dearly. Her betrayal and killing of my 6 year old chocolat lab was a dirrect attempt to get me to iether kill myself of assault her. both of which did not happen. I expected to be treated fairly in court and was labled a murder and assissin in court. My wounds which were recieved in comabt were used against me as a basis to remove my children from me. So I fought back, using logic, facts, math and humor. I have lost my children but that was but one battle, I intend to win the war and thus ensure the men behind me get there 50% custody. you cant refund time and the stolen days from men have crushed there hopes. for 30+ years men have suffered in silence, quietly poring them selves into bottles, killing them selves quickly or slowly. Its about time some one stood up? I looked around and saw no one was doing it, it needed to be done , so on my feet I stood. If any one is so butt hurt about me or what I do feel free to look me up and track me down. Be at your best and show up with your A game. Because I will do my best to put you in the hospital, and here is news flash I am insanely good at it.

    Comment by terrence popp — Thu 22nd January 2015 @ 8:49 am

  19. I read these reactions and I can only find empathy for all concerned.How could I not have empathy.
    Every single case concerning Alienated Fathers trapped inside a systerm that makes judgements Through the public through the Law,courts, media or otherwise is different yet All fall under the same Social disease.

    *Every case has its merits and defects*.
    I ask myself an uneducated truck driver a Father what would disqualify me from my Children and I from suffering PAS? The simple answer is nothing other than death.

    *No where that I can see dis qualifies any person thats suffering no matter what their mantle*.

    As a Father who has suffered like many who share on here, Im not looking for any Angels for representation.
    I doubt there is any human out there that could full that criteria.

    It saddens me that so many feel threatened and are effected.It saddens me that someone who is radical, obviously bitter, angry, spent.Yet at least they are been open about it. Hell Ive been all of these without breaking any law and have still felt the bitterness of been Judged and have reacted accordingly. Why? because I wanted to be heard,I wanted my suffering validated.

    It is the Fathers we have lost, that have run against the machine and lost their lives doing it.
    I read these comments and some reactions toward a fathers Grief and I feel ashamed. WHY.

    Is this the Storm before the Calm. Yes Ive changed this quote around for a very good reason.

    If you have ever been associated with a Fathers grief so terrible that it changes their whole being into something even their Mothers and Family dont recognise anymore to the point of ending themselves

    You may find yourself in my position where you would not want to be the last ,the very last person to push any one suffering no matter what the circumstances over the edge. Re education, support and help can change a persons outlook

    We ALL need to stop thinking that suicides concerning this disease is happening on another Planet
    and bring it HOME where it belongs.

    Comment by joseph — Tue 16th June 2015 @ 9:25 am

  20. There are no winners in divorce. The biggest losers are the children. Both men and women bear the responsibility to raise the children they brought into this world at least until the age of 18. Finger pointing, blame, lies, and courts could all be avoided if both parties acted as mature adults.

    Terrence Popps portrays poor judgement by continually attacking only women. Obviously, he only sees one side of the story which reveals the truth behind his bias. The lack of intelligence to recognize and acknowledge different opinions has lead him into a spiral of self inflected pain. Ignorant people understandably make poor life choices. Stupid people continue to make poor life choices Hence the life of Terrence Popp.

    Comment by Dave Kaleb — Sat 21st April 2018 @ 4:44 pm

  21. Dave Kaleb, I think you are showing poor judgement in your analysis.
    Firstly feminists only attack men so do you call them out for only attacking men?
    Do you call them out for only seeing one side of the story?
    There are winners in divorce. A man may free himself from a controlling, violent, sexless marriage.
    The children don’t always loose. A father may get custody saving them from the harm of an abusive mother.
    If men and women behaved as mature adults things would be great. Sadly mature adults are in short supply hence your irrational attack on Terrance Popp.
    The cliam that Terrance Popp is stupid was childish and clearly wrong.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 21st April 2018 @ 9:08 pm

  22. If both parties acted as mature adults.


    And she has a screwed up little piece of shit for a lawyer.

    Don’t like your chances.

    Comment by Evan Myers — Sun 22nd April 2018 @ 2:58 pm

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