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Registrars review – Parenting order

Filed under: General — BF1972 @ 3:12 pm Sun 5th January 2014

For those of you that have already gone through the hoops of the Family Court in relation to parenting orders, I have a registrars review with respect to counsel led mediation (that hasn’t happened yet) later this month and I need to provide written submissions of my proposal to the Court. Can someone tell me if this is in the format of an affidavit or just a letter back to the registrar?




  1. The first time this happened to me, many years ago, I wasn’t sure what to do either. Turned out that the you could turn up at court and have a meeting with the registrar and sort out everything you weren’t sure of. Her solicitor didn’t turn up of course, but I got everything sorted that I needed to.

    Maybe someone has some more up to date information. I wouldn’t think things have changed too much, it is really a check to make sure everything is ready for the court hearing.

    If you don’t get any other suggestions, then talk to the registrar, they are supposed to be there to help.

    Comment by Downunder — Sun 5th January 2014 @ 7:39 pm

  2. Dear Brent,

    do you have a clear image of what you want the parenting order to say? It does pay to have your ideal outcome and also an idea of what range of options that are acceptable to you. You need to be confident that whatever you might propose, you can live with it on a day to day basis.

    If a few examples of possible options would be helpful, please give me a call and I can EMAIL some examples for you to think over.

    In recent times, the registrars have been under intense cost down pressure from Government. (This is necessary to help fund the recent substantial increases in judge’s salaries.) On occasions, they may not be very helpful. Even so, it does pay to try to establish a personable relationship with them, even if they are rather sharp.

    Cheers, MurrayBacon.

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Sun 5th January 2014 @ 8:19 pm

  3. Where are you based Brent? Get yourself some on the ground help and a McKenzie Friend if you can.
    You attend a registrars review normally by letter or fax or e-mail with a short sumbission (no particular form needed just a short note) saying what you wish to happen procedurally (not about the substantive matters).

    Comment by Allan Harvey — Mon 6th January 2014 @ 5:28 am

  4. Registrar’s Review are about procedure. What procedural step should happen next. In your case, the court is probably wanting to know if the mediation has happened or, if not, has it been arranged for a particular date. Usually, you would send a letter or email to the court with copies to lawyer for child and to the lawyer for your ex.
    Before amalgamation was forced on the suburban courts, such as North Shore or Waitakere, you could go into the court and ask for information. Marg Dixon at the North Shore court was usually quite helpful. Since what is officially called “Centralised Service Delivery” also known as “The Auckland Shambles” the local court staff may not know how to access your file if it cannot be brought on the computer.

    As to the mediation, I endorse Allan Harvey’s comment about taking a support person. It is difficult to take in everything at the same time as thinking up your response. A second person can sit and take notes, and prompt you to take a break to go outside to discuss what is happening in the mediation.

    Comment by Anthony Morahan — Tue 4th February 2014 @ 8:43 pm

  5. I’m based down in the Waikato so Mediation is by tele-conference to Auckland. The review has been pushed out to March as the set date was premature given no Mediator had been appointed.

    Comment by BF1972 — Fri 14th February 2014 @ 10:20 am

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