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Donald Trump and the War Against Men

Filed under: Gender Politics,General,Sex Abuse / CYF — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 7:45 pm Mon 17th October 2016

We don’t much care about the US elections and we’re not fans of Donald Trump for many reasons, but allegations by women about ‘groping’ are not among them. These allegations from women suddenly coming out of the woodwork two weeks before the US election are eagerly supported by mainstream media propaganda machines, most of which are now feminist gutter press.

Surely, if these women were so incensed by Donald Trump’s alleged sexual assaults they would have complained some time other than just prior to the election?

If they have any truth at all, the most publicized allegations suggest that the circumstances involved Trump trying something on with women with various degrees of encouragement and participation. The point that media don’t acknowledge is that men are expected to take the risk of making the moves towards sexual liaison and thereby to take the risk of rejection or objection. The truth is that if a male does not make some move towards intimacy then he risks being seen as not interested in her, not being virile enough, being too boring, and he may well not be of further interest to her.

The allegations suggest that when the women made it clear to Trump that they did not want him to continue his courtship gestures, he desisted. Given that men are placed in the position of having to make first moves, surely women should accept a responsibility to make their wishes clear when approached. The most any woman can reasonably expect is that a man will desist if she tells him to, not that he won’t make the approach in the first place. However, feminists encourage women to use what’s expected from males against them.

We saw the same violence against Colin Craig (see comment here) from a woman who clearly participated in and encouraged his foolish romancing, then when he did not want to take matters further she made him out to be an harasser. We saw a similar episode with Roger Sutton (see comment here) when one woman on his team couldn’t be bothered telling him she didn’t like his jokes and over-familiar behaviour yet was prepared to go to his superiors and to go public in vicious attacks against him. We saw similar towards John Key from a waitress who couldn’t be bothered telling him she didn’t like his attention towards her pony tail but was happy to embarrass him publicly.

This violence towards males is all OK, apparently.


  1. If you’re not a fan of the Don? Then you’re brainwashed pussy.

    The epic level of hypocrisy has been exposed, its now up to the people as to whether to continue on with it or not.

    Comment by mantrol — Mon 17th October 2016 @ 8:40 pm

  2. In the news last night and today, I see how “Groping is not to be permitted. It makes me wonder how a male can have any kind of natural normal relationship with any female, without being vulnerable to some part of the courting to be portrayed as groping and even rape. Indeed its now considered violent abuse if a male whistles at a female, and its so extreme in places that talking to a female when one is not welcome to, is also a crime.
    This is all rubbish. I can only think its time all females had this feminist politics come true for them. That will mean that there will be no males taking the initiative, even when requested by the female that they do. No heterosexual relationships whatsoever. I think the test for them is for this insanity to come true for them.
    Females are generally “Cat lovers” and do champion a cats right to roam freely, without registration, or leash – and the owners need not take any responsibility for the damage their pets do. In this females acknowledge the primal nature of the animal. Well the news is that our species is just as primal, and that is normal and natural. These idiots are pretending we are not a natural normal life-form.

    Comment by Jerry — Tue 18th October 2016 @ 7:45 am

  3. I would be voting for trump, I believe that Clinton should be in Jail. She’s two faced and controlled. Trump would change things.

    Comment by too tired — Fri 28th October 2016 @ 12:53 am

  4. Trump was found guilty, in a defamation case.

    It’s important, to look at what he did.
    Because he does defame her, by saying she lied.

    “Jurors rejected Carroll’s claims that she was raped, but found Trump liable for sexually abusing her.
    The trial was a civil case, meaning the jury was asked to find if Trump was legally responsible for harming Carroll in a way that met New York’s definition of battery. No criminal charges were ever brought.”

    So they decided, they had consensual sex.
    The standard used, was a 50% chance.
    But somehow, the event was battery.
    Wow, $7.9 million for sex with a rich guy.
    See girls, feminists have a winning strategy.

    “A plaintiff must show two elements in a battery case:
    Intentional contact with the plaintiff’s body

    One is true, but what injury.
    It doesn’t make sense, that it was battery.
    They just made all consensual sex, battery.

    “Today, the world finally knows the truth,” Carroll said in a statement.
    “This victory is not just for me but for every woman who has suffered because she was not believed.”

    But she said she was raped, Trump was accused of rape.
    He was defamed, endless people say he raped.
    Media and everyone else, just endless bullshit.
    And election after election, influencing people to vote.
    A man had sex, he must be destroyed.

    The Jury decided, no rape happened way back in 1996.
    I assume they proved 100%, the event did happen.
    It wasn’t 50% as well, that they even met.


    Dear young girl, read these words carefully.

    If the rich man uses you for sex, were you wronged.
    His ego sated, you just an object and morals absent.
    What of the poor mans one night stand, were you wronged.
    His ego sated, you just an object and morals absent.

    Be certain if it happens, you chose to be the object.
    You had the drink, you chose to speak to him.
    What then of your ego, what desire are you satisfying.
    Was it the hot guy, hoping for great sex and not getting it.
    Are you dreaming now of a rich man, to rescue you.
    If he is not moral, how can you then be moral.

    If the boss hits on you, it is not moral.
    If you hit on the boss, it cannot then be moral.
    The married man hits on you, it is not moral.
    If you hit on the married man, it cannot then be moral.

    Telling the wife, to ruin his life.
    Extorting the rich man, threatening with media.
    Exaggerating, and simply telling lies about it.
    Targeting a male, waiting for your chance.
    Changing your mind, after the event for revenge.

    They make you think sex, has a value.
    If you give it away, you are immoral and less of a woman.
    Nonsense I say, sex has nothing to do with being moral.
    It is friendship and caring, lust and intimacy.
    Making a bond with a person, that’s never broken.

    Only your bad intentions, makes sex immoral.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 10th May 2023 @ 7:48 pm

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