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It’s OK for a Woman to Joke about Serious Violence Towards a Man

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 9:11 pm Tue 11th October 2016

Anika Moa has her own NZ television show and when recently interviewed by a male journalist about her show , this is what she said:

Anika Moa narrows her eyes and says, “I’ll cut your balls off.”

As if that wasn’t menacing enough she then intensifies the threat.

“Then I’ll eat them! Like Hannibal Lecter.”

With that she makes those famously creepy slurping noises – thip-thip-thip-thip – before roaring with laughter.

“I won’t! I won’t!” she says, patting my knee reassuringly and wiping fake laugh tears from her eyes. Suddenly, she drops silent, that stone cold stare returning as she growls, “I’ll bite them off instead.”

This was reported in the NZ Herald yet nobody seems to have batted an eyelid about it. Ho ho ho. Soon after this, Anika Moa was inducted into the NZ Music Hall of Fame, a national heroine.

Yes, Ms Moa’s comments were all in good humour. But when men make jokes seen as involving the slightest disrespect towards women or any trivialization of violence towards women the feminists and white knights get up in arms and demand those men are sacked and even stripped of their previously earned honours. For example, Chris Gayle made a humorous and in fact complimentary invitation to a female tv presenter (ambitiously referred to as a ‘journalist’) and the feminists saw this as so terrible that they successfully pressured the Melbourne Renegades to fine him and to not renew his contract (talk about white knights shooting themselves in the foot by losing this incredible cricketer).

Imagine if a male tv host lightheartedly threatened to cut a woman’s tits off!

No worries for a female though. If she lightheartedly threatens to seriously injure, indeed to maim a man by cutting off his genitals that’s all ok and causes no trouble at all for that female’s status and ongoing tv show.

What unbelievable double standards we see under the religion of feminism.

We’re not suggesting that Ms Moa’s comments should be censored, censured or disciplined. Men can accept and laugh at humour, even outrageous humour at their expense from women. However, men don’t receive the same tolerance and goodwill from women.


  1. Creepy…!!!!! Well thats one connotation fems would put to it if the genders were reversed. Maybe this reveals more about Anika than she would have thought. I’m mostly interested in all those folks who are always looking for the slightest trigger for them to take offense at normal and natural male behaviour – but then the manifest much worse behaviour themselves – and or the overlook such behaviour of their sisters.Are they so ignorant that they cannot see what it reveals about their own sick minds and hearts within – well of course that are that ignorant – deliberately or because of delusion. The sicker they get, the more prominent is their media platform.

    Comment by Jerry — Wed 12th October 2016 @ 5:09 am

  2. I had a thought, there is jail time for attempted robbery, attempted murder and all sorts of attempted crime, but no jail time for perjury, neither for attempted domestic violence. Any threats like the above should be considered as a serious threat and should be dealt with. We all know rules around domestic violence and I know that if I threatened someone I would expect some sort of ramification.

    Comment by goose — Tue 18th October 2016 @ 7:03 am

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