MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

One Ombudsman Resigns Early

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 10:16 pm Mon 27th June 2016

There must be an interesting back story to this. White Knight Boshier takes office as Chief Ombudsman and within a short time existing Ombudsman Ron Paterson resigns the position two years before the end of his term.

With Boshier in charge of protecting the rights of NZers in dealings with the state, men may well be deprived of one avenue of possible support previously available to them. Boshier has made a goal to speed up decisions on complaints and it seems likely that his intended methods for doing so have not met Paterson’s approval. We might expect that men’s official complaints about poor treatment in so-called ‘child support’ reviews, Family Court and other government agencies that believe it’s ok to discriminate against those with a penis will be dismissed in more cursory fashion. That should get the Ombudsman case clearance rate up! Of course, women’s official complaints can be expected to achieve considerably greater support. Esteemed law professors who uphold the law as faithfully as possible may well have no place in the new order.

We have previously expressed our opinion that it’s highly inappropriate to appoint to Ombudsman a person who has a demonstrated history of discrimination against men, as Boshier does both in his refusal to meet with fathers’ groups when Principal Family Court Judge and then even more blatantly by heading the White Fibbin’ ‘anti-violence’ Campaign that deliberately excludes concern for men, the most frequent victims of violence.


  1. Professor Ron Patterson has an excellent ethical reputation, especially when compared to ex-judge Peter Boshier.

    Sky City-National Party have been defunding Government monitoring, prosecution and protective services. This is resulting in reduced quality and possibly ethical performance of these services. This brings back examples such as the refusal to prosecute Peter Whittle, of Pike River Coalmine infamy. Prosecutors take on easy and abusive cases (such as fathers flicking a child’s ear) and avoid socially important but costly incidents and criminals….. The end result is an increase in the corruption of our society.

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Tue 28th June 2016 @ 9:03 pm

  2. Staff in Ombudsman’s office are a total waste of taxpayer funds and should all be fired. Their primary task under John Key’s orders is to protect government agencies and their staff against complaints from citizens adversely affected by those agencies.

    Comment by JONO — Wed 29th June 2016 @ 9:06 pm

  3. Dear JONO, less and less Government funds are being wasted, due to successive waves of defunding.

    Rich people can easily pay for lawyers and fight their own cases. They can also get legal advice and not fall into the holes in the footpath put there for poorer people to enjoy.

    The poor are mainly mental health cases anyway, so they don’t really feel pain. It just doesn’t really matter……
    Child [and spousal] support poor people are mental health cases, just like the rest of them…
    Anaesthetics are cheaper now, that is why they are still available for poor people…at present………

    So, maybe we need to setup complaints systems that work, ourselves. Otherwise, nothing constructive will ever happen.

    Comment by MurrayBacon — Thu 30th June 2016 @ 1:23 pm

  4. Murray, I have not been on here for a while as you know – I had to reply here as Runner Ron had my file – and had tried every excuse imaginable to try and rid himself of it……

    In brief after years of complaints we have the following facts which the ombudsman office just can’t seem to destroy……….

    They have multiple Evidence of direct breaches of common law, rights to due process – fairness – during the administrative review process.
    and then I was deliberately MISLEAD by a case manager…….

    1. Child Support Case manager recommends a Means Test HEARING to determine liability. A right to due process and fairness…great.
    2. Case manager then sends letter to this effect advising me that I would get a hearing. A fundamental right to due process which I welcomed.
    3. Case manager recommends on her internal file that I have a means test hearing and a right to due process.

    Wow – so you would think I should have received a hearing? and a right to due process? NO……investigators in IRD went out and obtained without notice, under urgency warrants to seize family property which had to be retuned – unreasonable search and seizure. And warrants based on decisions made against all the rights to due process and fairness – exactly my complaint to runner ron……

    So the trick they tied to play here was – RUNNER RON tried to close my file – claiming I had NOT BEEN MISLEAD – and lied to by the child support case manager….who also told me I did not have to sell property to pay the outstanding artificially created and inflated debt – and that child support was based on INCOME only…..

    So gentlemen = this is the back story, Runner Ron was trying to slip out the door so he did not have to answer questions after the fact – an age old trick when matters need to be covered up……and questions avoided……

    I still await the next ombudsman ….because as I have noted on the file – they have still not addressed the direct and clear breaches of rights to due process, the unlawful decisions being made at review, the unreasonable search and seizure and the illegal surveillance of our family home by ministry of social development staff – who were caught by me, as I noted their registration number and tracked them to MSD in Rotorua = where interestingly Todd McCLAY was also moved sideways out of Revenue = again so as to avoid any questions as Minister of revenue as to unlawful surveillance of citizens who simply complain about the corrupt practices of the NZ child support system……

    who are conducting Review hearings against all the rights to due process and fairness – making excessive demands against parents her and above what they earn as income, and inflating the debt burden we have to pay…then when you can’t pay – coming after your property with illegal warrants…all in direct contravention of the Bill of rights, and the rights to fairness – which is what the Ombudsmans office is supposed to investigate………FAIRNESS FOR ALL……

    Hope this helps clarify the situation we have here in NZ – illegal and inflated debt creation against good parents …..against all your rights to due process…..proven but not admitted to -= yet……I am still pursuing this……..



    Comment by hornet — Wed 31st August 2016 @ 8:56 pm

  5. Parental Alienation – the direct cause of Conflict between separated parents.
    Parental Alienation – directly contravenes the United Nations article on Human Rights.
    Parental Alienation – Directly contravenes the United Nations articles on the care and protection of our children.

    yet our Justice minister Amy Adams does not seem to think we need to make Parental Alienation a criminal offence ……. recommending the family court will help you…..yeh right……

    god forbid, we can’t remove the one thing propping up the family court conflict circus…….without dads being deliberately deprived of time with their kids we would have no conflict…….and no business…..

    MY child as many here know was Severely harmed by Parental alienation – and my career was destroyed by it.

    I have thrown the question over to Jacinda Adern the opposition justice minister – who claims to want to protect the children…….so lets see if she sees a need to close down this horrible tactic and proposes a bill to criminalise parental alienation …..and stop it once and for all……

    Once your child is destroyed by parental alienation and your career and income earning ability are as well = when you cant pay – they then come for your property, using illegal warrants obtained on the back of unlawful review decisions demanding excessive debt…..all gathered against all the rights to due process and fairness…….a very disgusting corrupted practice which needs to end…….

    if Govt want to create excessive debt on NZ parents – this is how they are currently doing it…….dragging you into conflict and destroying your credibility with domestic violence labels when you simply just want to see your own child…..


    Comment by hornet — Wed 31st August 2016 @ 9:17 pm

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