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Sexual Risk Orders

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:33 am Sat 23rd January 2016

Is this a Yorker?

A man has been banned from having sex unless he lets police know at least one day in advance.

North Yorkshire Police have sought a “sexual risk order” for the man who has not yet been convicted of a sexual offence, but who is thought to be unsafe for the public, according to the York Press.

The man from York must contact the police to tell them of any woman he plans to have a relationship or one-night stand with.

You think I’m making this one up, eh?

Sarah Green, acting director at End Violence Against Women, said such orders were necessary to keep potential victims safe.

But, wait, there’s more …

The man’s use of the internet is also under specific controls which mean he must tell police about every phone that he could use to text, call or access the web with, according to the York Press.

Does this sound familiar?

A full sexual risk order lasts for a minimum of two years, and breaching one can lead to a prison sentence of up to five years, despite no initial sexual offence conviction.

“York Police, how may I help?”

“Willy Bonk here, and I’m planning a fuck.”


  1. So much for spontaneity. Apparently some women can have sex more than 100 times a day … that’s a lot of quickies. Women devour femme magazines that devote most pages to talking about sex in one form or another. This is just another example of the narrow minded one-eyed views held within the Criminal Justice System that regularly convicts innocent men based solely on (false)allegations made by a femme.

    Comment by JR — Sat 23rd January 2016 @ 9:58 am

  2. … and they call us the lascivious gender!

    Comment by Downunder — Sat 23rd January 2016 @ 10:29 am

  3. That could backfire as a person objecting to this order could phone up 100 times a day to inform the police how he planned to have sex with everyone from Catherine Zeta-Jones to Sue from the fish shop.

    Comment by Mike — Fri 29th January 2016 @ 11:12 am

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