MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Sunday Thoughts for Men

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:46 am Sun 25th November 2018

In a world that can’t stop writing, talking, thinking, you’re here on the net, perhaps connected to other social media, thinking about a selfie perhaps – is that a man thing?

Or is the face off in a women’s world a slap in the face for men?

Has that narcism turned men into shrinking violets?

A world that demands the right to emotional sensitivity, hiding behind emotional intensity but says you should not harden up you should open up. Is that a mixed message we’ve been brightsided with?

In a world that says average is a thing; it’s okay to be average, but grow into a world that demands perfectionism from men although there is no right answer – are we confused about that?

To hell with it, it’s just easier to be bad, are the benefits of bad better, easier, more definitive, successful, satisfying, normal, in an upside down world?

The bulletproof spirit of men, a plague on us, the power of resilience, redundant, if you’re battling giants, you’re trapped within your youth, harden down, be the quiet influence, but don’t procrastinate … it must be done today.

Are we out of hidden strengths, running on empty, wave after wave of vanishing points, thresholds and tipping points, a mere illusion.

Are you confused, yeah me too – welcome to my confused post.

It’s a confused world out there. Being careful is marginally safe when there’s a stiletto in the eye around every innocent corner.

So, what are your thoughts on this crazy mixed up world?


  1. This toxic masculinity piece just turned up of ZB

    New Zealand has the highest rate of reported violence towards women in the developed world. (Photo / Getty)
    New Zealand has the highest rate of reported violence towards women in the developed world. That’s despite 80 per cent of abuse going unreported.

    One in three women will experience parent violence in their lives, and 14 woman a year are killed by their partners or ex-partners.

    These statistics are a sober reminder today – White Ribbon Day – which is a global campaign led by men who condemn violence against women.

    Richie Hardcore is a board member at White Ribbon and an educator in family violence prevention.

    He told Lorna Subritzky says it’s vitally important to get men to talk about this violence.

    “If men don’t talk about these things, I don’t think things will ever change. It’s all well and good to speak out and raise awareness, but what tangible things are we as men doing to shift our culture?”

    Hardcore says that people often mistake ‘toxic masculinity’ as meaning men are bed[bad], when it is really referring to how damaging the traditional expectations and interpretations of masculinity can be.

    He says that research shows that trying to fit traditional ideals around physicality and strength can be psychologically damaging to men.

    Comment by Evan Myers — Sun 25th November 2018 @ 1:05 pm

  2. Kelvin Davis
    Today is White Ribbon Day. I’m proud to be a
    Ambassador. Take the pledge & commit to listening, talking to others, calling out negative behaviour & valuing respect & kindness in our relationships. #StandUpNZ take the Pledge at (link: #whiteribbon

    Comment by Evan Myers — Sun 25th November 2018 @ 2:19 pm

  3. Kate Hawkesby on the sacked Santa …

    “And as for the sacked sexist Santa: how about corporates such as the Farmers parade organisers harden up – and stop indulging this kind of madness by endorsing this current crazy currency of offence.”

    There you have, we’ve going to soft on fragile Feminists and need to ‘harden up’.

    Comment by Evan Myers — Mon 26th November 2018 @ 2:03 pm

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