MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

The Demonic Male

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 12:28 pm Tue 2nd July 2019

This is where we are headed now.

The day after the introduction of new Family Law Legislation we see the demonizing case carpet-bombing New Zealand media.

This story from Australia is a used as a coordinated attack on our social perspective. There is a deliberate intention here, of simple-minded people who have no concern for the consequences of their actions.

In isolation it is one case. However, published to this extent, with selectively edited content it is effectively persuasive case law. I thought I’d mention case law since it has been the subject of recent discussions. Distinguished from binding case law that is the perogative of the superior courts. In this respect to becomes almost binding until contested in a superior court through ‘our Bill of Rights’.

The ‘courts’ ruled she (the mother) was able to change the name of the child if she chose, and she was even allowed to remove the father’s name from the birth certificate.

The following dialogue is a published fantasy; an author’s version of events, but published into another jurisdiction.

“I said, ‘okay, I trust my lawyer, we’ll offer him visitation’,” Melanie said, “but he just declined it anyway.”

“He said he was too busy running his business, and he didn’t want to travel four hours.

“That’s when I got really upset. I was frustrated because he’d forced us back.

“The person running the conference was just like, ‘wow, he’s something else’.”

As a result, Melanie was given sole responsibility for her daughter.

This supposedly should be the basis and understanding of the/our law, not the diligent intellectual efforts of centuries of work. We regard philosophers as the basis of some utopian future and dismiss the ‘past wisdom of law’.

In terms of a social contract people need to know where they stand and what their obligations are. Is it realistic to imagine that any society that reviews not only its former foundations but continually its status quo in this fashion would see stability?

Of course not: we will see our courts clogged with confusion, not the pursuit of reason then appoint more judges to deal with the chaos, rather than the pursuit of any reasonable answer.

When you put aside your empathy with the ‘victim’ and look at basis of this process it is irresponsible and dangerous and those responsible should be thrown before the courts themselves, charged with criminal nuisance.


  1. This is the same game they played in my family court case many years ago.

    Remove the father, try and remove his guardianship, and during the process try and alter the children’s identity, without any consideration for their wellbeing, all to suit sick feminists peddling the discontent of sick women who wanted to identity as heroic feminists.

    It’s the same sick game again, now being played in public, rather than behind closed doors.

    Comment by Boonie — Tue 2nd July 2019 @ 12:58 pm

  2. thank goodness for a Man scorned,,, Cliff Richard has joined a campaign to protect Men from being hounded when being accused of an alleged crime, this is all going too far.

    Every week now we are hearing of horrific (supposedly) happenings, another school in lock down,, dangerous stuff,,(supposedly)… tables thrown, no we have to see tables turned!! at this rate they will succeed in having children scared of the very men in their lives,, media must be held accountable for the scare moungering that is taking place. So while we are placing watch dogs on social media, the very media is hyping directly to our public and altering the perceived persona of males in our society.

    Comment by mama — Tue 2nd July 2019 @ 1:53 pm

  3. This Man will get compensation???, I think not,,, what is said of the accusor??? of the alleged sexual assault????

    and this was two years ago,,, a long time to be him I am sure…

    Comment by mama — Wed 3rd July 2019 @ 1:28 pm

  4. There is a mass of organizations lining up behind the certain MPs Jan Logie in particular who peddle the mantra of all men are guilty:

    Kathryn McPhillips, executive director of HELP says there has been an “immoral standard” to get people off sexual violence charges “at any cost”.

    The latest changes to sex trials announced this week will see a new vague system yet to be tested.
    Men need to be aware not only are there changes but they will be the guinea pigs in a new system looking for convictions.

    That’s the primary expectation here, not innocence or guilt but the % of successful convictions.

    Comment by Boonie — Wed 3rd July 2019 @ 2:37 pm

  5. I’m no legal expert but surely if the Famiky Court is not a court of record it can’t create case law?

    So the media behavior of selective reporting of these cases is fake law but becomes persuasive by nature and what, the new common law?

    Comment by Boonie — Fri 5th July 2019 @ 10:23 am

  6. # 3,, to add to this case, the chap looks like a real stand up citizen to me.

    Comment by mama — Mon 8th July 2019 @ 5:36 pm

  7. #5 Dear Boonie, familycaught$ has always had “paperwork” problems. This is especially true when significant amounts of money are present, somewhere among the families.
    Sorry to bring up old old news, it is going back to 2001…. but the issues remain unresolved.
    This all adds to the “drama” of the familycaught$. Actually, I should have said the “squeezing power”.
    Sorry, but…..
    Things only change, when someone MAKES them change. Petty fiddling with legislation is not actual change, it is only window-dressing for the masses.

    Comment by Murray Bacon — Tue 9th July 2019 @ 8:06 am

  8. Case law or common law makes an assumption that similar situations would be decided similarly by another judge.
    That assumption just doesn’t work in familycaught$. There are many possible reasons for that, some of them positive sounding and many negative sounding.
    When there is little or no public visibility, then there is no pressure at all for similar cases to be decided similarly. Quite the contrary.

    Comment by Murray Bacon — Tue 9th July 2019 @ 8:16 am

  9. Hi Murray,, do you know of any organisation that helps people with convictions ,whereby they did not receive a jail term, re train or get into work.

    Comment by mama — Tue 9th July 2019 @ 11:22 am

    Prisoner’s Aid and Rehabilitation Society (PARS)
    The New Zealand Howard League for Penal Reform
    These two organisations offer practical and useful support for ex-jail inmates.
    I would guess that they would also support people who were convicted, but not sentenced to a jail term.
    Probation Service provide a lot of supervision/support to people on remand or just released from jail.
    Salvation Army also offer support.
    I hope that I have answered your question?

    Comment by Murray Bacon — Tue 9th July 2019 @ 3:05 pm

  11. Thank you. When I searched, I found a site that made it pretty evident that you will not get a job working with people as a focus, it will be interesting to find this is not necessarily the case out there, I hope.

    Comment by mama — Tue 9th July 2019 @ 3:54 pm

  12. It is one thing to offer help.
    But it sounds as though you too are finding it challenging, after amassing strings of convictions.
    But whether the help is useful, may be quite another thing.
    Thank doGness for rational suicide.
    As my grandfather used to say, when he wasn’t in prison, its all the same in a hundred thousand years.

    Comment by Murray Bacon — Tue 9th July 2019 @ 4:25 pm

  13. #10,, when I started reading about these guys I thought, yeah, good,,,but then you go on to see they rely on volunteers, I worry very much that Lil ol’ NZ is chocka with charitable outfits that are relying on this status as there personal acollade and great desk job to boot. I can not cast principles aside and nod to them being the right people for the job of saint in the community.

    This from their site…
    Now the league wants to keep men and women them out of prison in the first place. So let’s hear some more stats first. Williams gleaned these from former Labour MP, now Waipareira Trust head, John Tamihere. “I banged into him in Hammer Hardware in Te Atatu. He told me about 65 per cent of Maori who are in prison start their penal career with a driving offence.

    “It’s not just literacy,” continues Williams, “they don’t have a legal car, they don’t know how to get a birth certificate, they don’t have a bank account. And if they go to jail they’ll get recruited into a gang and learn how to cook P.”

    So another programme began, again under the jurisdiction of the Howard League. This one identifies second-­time offenders who have clocked up two offences related to not having a drivers licence and are on probation. Next step, prison beckons ­- unless they mend their ways.

    The programme teaches probationees the rudiments of reading, together with the intricacies of obtaining a licence.

    “Not only are these people subtracted from the justice system, a lot are subtracted from the benefit system. In terms of bang for buck it’s hugely effective.”

    The league costs these sessions out at $1000 per person, compared with the $2000 a week it costs to keep someone inside.

    Again, the initial programme was launched in Hawke’s Bay. This month it will also be rolled out in Waitakere, courtesy of $100,000 from Department of Corrections funding. Meanwhile, the Land Transport Authority has picked up the tab for the continuation of the Hawke’s Bay driver licensing programme.

    “They’re half­way towards getting a programme in south Auckland too,” says Williams. “So if anyone writes me a cheque for $50,000, we’ll do one in south Auckland.”

    Clearly, he still talks the sort of fund­raising talk that powered him through all those years as Labour’s main man. Equally clearly, there is life after the party’s over, although Williams hasn’t really left it totally behind. He is currently helping raise funds to get a documentary made on Helen Clark ­- working title A Day in the Life of Helen. “Helen sent me an email and said ‘Gaylene Preston is doing a documentary; can you find some funding’. So I’m still fundraising for Helen.”

    Comment by mama — Tue 9th July 2019 @ 4:37 pm

  14. #12,, all would be sweet if we were all elligible for the theraputic court, it is the lesser convicted that may be falling through the help cracks now,, be a real bad bugger and we will help mend your situation. be good and stumble in your relationship, ie f. caught troubles and you may well have to live with the consequences for life, a sentence on top of a sentence.

    Comment by mama — Tue 9th July 2019 @ 4:44 pm

  15. #12,, due consideration taken into account of a Mans clean slate and less punitive reaction by the court when considering the future of that same person would go a long way.

    When we consider the numerous cases whereby these things are shown to be considered for the females before the courts.

    This lack of respect for males in general is not only lessoning respect in turn but nulifying there very prospects for the future, some of the child support should be put in to a fund not only for the child but for the fathers future. Instead we get a fat cat cake and eat it situation for the Mummas and a dubious upbringing for the children of these Daddies.

    The Mummas get help at every twist and turn for the Daddies it is just twisted, twisted stomachs, finances and lives.

    Comment by mama — Tue 9th July 2019 @ 4:58 pm

  16. It is always worrying when Government pushes work onto volunteers, that for many reasons should be done by its own staff.
    Even more worrying, is that each man or woman in prison reflects a failure to protect the young child that led to that adult in prison.
    All the differences in severity that you mention, show that the Bill of Rights and Human Rights protections are not working in practice.

    Comment by Murray Bacon — Tue 9th July 2019 @ 9:42 pm

  17. The worst thing of all is that the so called bill of rights is being used for some and not others and I feel and fear that this is squewing further.

    This is why we must make sure our young people, particularly young boys/men are educated with the fire they play with which is digital in conjunction with new punitive laws.

    Comment by mama — Wed 10th July 2019 @ 11:46 am

  18. The worst thing of all is that the so called bill of rights is being used for some and not others and I feel and fear that this is squewing further.

    This is why we must make sure our young people, particularly young boys/men are educated with the fire they play with which is digital in conjunction with new punitive laws.

    Comment by mama — Wed 10th July 2019 @ 11:46 am

  19. #5 “I’m no legal expert but surely if the Family Court is not a court of record it can’t create case law?”

    I wonder what a court of record is????

    #5 [ “So the media behavior of selective reporting of these cases” ‘is fake law ‘]

    Are the cases then REAL if it’s not a court of record?

    #5 “the selective reporting… is fake law”

    So is the selective reporting of fake law the problem?
    Or the existence of a court making fake laws?

    #5 ” but becomes persuasive by nature and what, the new common law?”

    Common law?
    What’s that???

    Comment by JustCurious — Thu 11th July 2019 @ 8:41 am

  20. @16~
    Government wants to sponsor initiatives.
    Only increases the wealth gap…
    those running the show live in utter luxury
    whilst those volunteering bleed their hearts out.

    #13 ~ All of that just to get them a driver’s license. 🙂

    “Waipareira Trust head, John Tamihere. “I banged into him in Hammer Hardware in Te Atatu. He told me about 65 per cent of Maori who are in prison start their penal career with a driving offence.

    “It’s not just literacy,” continues Williams, “they don’t have a legal car, they don’t know how to get a birth certificate, they don’t have a bank account. And if they go to jail they’ll get recruited into a gang and learn how to cook P.””

    Reading the above backwards seems to say:

    “65% of Maori population in jail do not know how to interact and participate in the system.
    They are not enrolled, are not interested in enrolling and without their enrollment, we can but temporarily hold them in custody.
    We cannot identify them.
    Without an identity we cannot catch them and sequester them permanently.
    And without an identity confirmed by a bank account…
    we cannot extract taxes, child support, fines and deductions …
    whilst they walk free the land.

    However enrollment is voluntary and since they will not volunteer,
    we will continue to have them arrested/harassed/abused/used as target
    practice by police and used by department of corrections as guinea pigs.”

    I wonder if we have not surrendered our contract.
    The day we got given a driver’s license?

    Comment by JustCurious — Thu 11th July 2019 @ 9:38 am

  21. District Court  Act 2016

    This will come into force on 1 March 2017, with some exceptions which cover access to court and judicial information (in force the day after Royal assent, on 18 October 2016). The District Courts Act 1947 will be repealed on 1 January 2018.

    The legislation reconstitutes the District Courts as a single court, with divisions for a Family Court, a Youth Court, and a Disputes Tribunal. Section 9 states that the general division will exercise the ordinary civil and criminal jurisdiction, including common law and equitable jurisdiction and admiralty jurisdiction. It provides for the constitution and jurisdiction of the Court, its practice and procedure, and selection and appointment of its judicial officers.

    Comment by Boonie — Thu 11th July 2019 @ 9:52 am

  22. ‘They are not enrolled, are not interested in enrolling and without their enrollment, we’…will anoint people to speak for them…

    Comment by mama — Thu 11th July 2019 @ 9:59 am

  23. #21,, so this is how it going presently ?,… it did not include the Theraputic Court,,,

    Comment by mama — Thu 11th July 2019 @ 10:07 am

  24. Since when did enrollment become voluntary?

    Comment by Boonie — Thu 11th July 2019 @ 12:44 pm

  25. #24,,, my take on ‘enrolled’ was two fold, one enrolled in society, two enrolled to vote, my twist on the second was local council and future parliament related.

    Comment by mama — Thu 11th July 2019 @ 1:51 pm

  26. what’s the difference with demonic female?

    Comment by renanda tribowo — Wed 6th November 2019 @ 10:07 pm

  27. Good article, thanks for sharing, please visit

    our website

    Comment by Fianda Briliyandi — Fri 30th October 2020 @ 8:15 pm

  28. Objection your honour. (Imaginary Lawyer, real ones are beaten into submission)

    The client was obviously wanting a transport option that didn’t involve 4 hours of travel.
    The mother wants sole custody and has wrongly asserted that my client didn’t want to see the children.
    She has already shown contempt by both abducting the children, then fighting in court to stop there return.
    He does wish to see the kids, but not where the demand by the mother is excessive and better options exist.
    The female is intentionally misleading this hearing with a version of events about this male with an exaggerated claim.
    It is female being difficult and obstructing contact.
    The client is able to offer this arrangement as a solution.
    Blah Blah Blah.

    Don’t panic. Just another child abduction.
    Male victim, media please report propaganda version.
    All clear.
    Male gone.
    Lawyers paid.
    Scheduled Law change and funding plugs. Taxpayer funded (NZ on Air, Lotteries, Hate Men entities like the Crown).

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 31st October 2020 @ 6:21 pm

  29. thank you very helpful!

    Comment by Adri Favian — Thu 20th June 2024 @ 4:23 pm

  30. Good article

    Comment by Dio Andika Pradana Mulia Tama — Sun 23rd June 2024 @ 5:12 pm

  31. good idea

    Comment by lia mf — Mon 24th June 2024 @ 6:14 am

  32. Good Article

    Comment by Bayu Prasetyo — Wed 26th June 2024 @ 2:13 pm

  33. Nice Article

    Comment by Cahyo — Fri 28th June 2024 @ 12:22 am

  34. Good Article

    Comment by Dhika — Fri 28th June 2024 @ 12:22 am

  35. good

    Comment by Rio Ramadhan — Thu 4th July 2024 @ 10:51 pm

  36. Good Post

    Comment by Ahmad — Fri 5th July 2024 @ 6:55 pm

  37. this is messed up

    Comment by Kime — Wed 10th July 2024 @ 3:30 pm

  38. ok

    Comment by jasmin — Wed 10th July 2024 @ 8:32 pm

  39. hai>,<

    Comment by Afifah — Sat 20th July 2024 @ 7:58 pm

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