MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

More Sexism

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 6:38 am Sun 26th December 2021

Do we take this lying down?

We all know it should be Ken in the wheel chair.


  1. I haven’t seen the stats, but I can take a guess.
    Due to accidents, males are over represented.
    Have they not picked, the rarest of society.
    Some not satisfied, her pale slim figure offensive.

    Some people prescribe, to no toy stereotypes.
    But you cannot avoid it, as it is one or the other.
    And to the buyer, the child walking the toy aisle.
    What will inspire them, to say they want it.

    The child, can rescue this barbie.
    Helping it, to stand and walk again.
    The accessory, will be abandoned in the toy box.
    The boys, have picked other toys.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 27th December 2021 @ 9:10 am


    Comment by ErasingDad — Wed 29th December 2021 @ 10:37 pm

  3. @2

    You can understand why we have genuine concerns for the survival of the human race.

    “ Anna Leask, specialist in crime and justice reporting for New Zealand’s Herald, has covered some of New Zealand’s biggest events, incidents, tragedies and disasters.

    I’m Anna Leask – Senior Journalist and Crime and Justice Specialist. From a young age, I was an avid storyteller and writer so it was no surprise to anyone when I chose journalism as a career. I studied Mass Communications and Sociology at Canterbury University before completing a Post-Graduate Diploma in Journalism in 2005. This led me to my first job at The Star in Christchurch. I spent two years there, covering all things crime and court and then made the move to the Herald on Sunday. In 2010, I became a police reporter, a role that soon came to be much more about broader crime and justice issues and particularly the people involved. I’ve covered some of the most high profile crimes and events New Zealand has seen. To name a few, the Pike River mine disaster; the Christchurch quakes; and the unprecedented four-day sentencing of the gunman responsible for the 2019 terror attack. Alongside my daily reporting I write, host and produce monthly episodes for the chart-topping podcast A Moment In Crime which won a silver award in the true crime category at the inaugural New Zealand Podcast Awards in 2021.”

    Comment by Evan Myers — Thu 30th December 2021 @ 5:23 am

  4. So far more men died, but no list for them.
    The murdered men, just a statistic without names.

    You will have, male stabbed by female partner.
    But also former partner, killed by new boyfriend.
    Maybe the list is not printed, for men’s deaths.
    So we don’t notice, females manipulate others to murder.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 30th December 2021 @ 9:17 am

  5. Manipulation not simply to murder.

    There’s the ongoing enjoyment of slow persecution.

    Manipulation of the crowing crowd of supporters over a period of time is probably more cherished that one gravestone.

    It’s seldom unraveled except where the extreme has grown too distant for reality.

    We saw that posted here in the shape of British Lawyer Rhianon Brooker.

    Finally the professional credibility wore off.

    How many ordinary situations remain ongoing, undiscovered or consequential suicides.

    The self serving egotistical justification that give lesser men a purpose in life.

    They’re not always the fairer sex.

    Comment by Downunder — Thu 30th December 2021 @ 11:00 am

  6. What shall the new year bring, certainly change must happen.
    If our minds can find bias, in the barbie doll.
    Then sexism, can be seen in anything.

    The new year, brings all of human flaws.
    Is there rubbish, not piling high.
    It’s waterways, as polluted as ever.
    It’s forests cleared, for human use.
    More toxic things made, and more nuclear waste.
    Oxygen used, and endless bad gases made.
    Humans fleeing from conflict, and nation shopping.
    Mob shoplifting, and riots wrecking city blocks.
    Persecution by place of living, and by religion.
    People raped without justice, and innocent men in prison.
    The haves, and the have nots.
    Fiat currency everywhere, printed like a Ponzi scheme.
    And for more and more, life was not worth living.

    All the things you see, are human things.
    They have not changed in substance, for many years.
    Just like the carelessly used barbie doll, it’s near inevitability.

    Not in human years, but in doll years.
    It’s life is short, and somewhat brutal.
    Sexism in society, remains unchanged.

    So the new year beckons.
    I dare not, make predictions.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 30th December 2021 @ 3:47 pm

  7. Yet more sexism alive in NZ…

    Comment by JAD — Mon 17th January 2022 @ 3:44 pm

  8. Well it is sexism, probably not even legal.
    They don’t offer much, for such a rare commodity.
    In my trade, females are very rare.
    Sounds similar to an add, from an all women law firm.
    Like the Law Commission, or women only social services.

    Interesting the push for females, in male dominated industry.
    But any male, going near a female dominated profession geez.
    It may rate a mention as an oddity, but will be otherwise be ignored.
    You will notice, the rare male preschool teacher.
    Or the very rare, male midwife.

    The question becomes, is the discrimination harmful or with intent.
    Does a large company with a single female worker, then become non discriminatory.
    That the all male workforce, is discriminatory so it’s the opposite in intent.
    Not like the statistically impossible demographics, of the Law Commission.
    Where no excuse exists, for a gendered workforce.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 17th January 2022 @ 5:56 pm

  9. It seems men, have ideas.

    This idea sounds good, and should stop unemployment claims.
    At least transferring the figures, into something else.

    The argument is, it’s sexist.

    It’s not actually sexism, as women who work also get it.
    This is about, who doesn’t get it.
    If there is unemployment insurance, why not pregnancy insurance.
    Accident insurance, and health insurance.

    If this continues, there may only be insurance.
    Government, will be jobless.
    Someone must run the scheme, for profit.
    Then there’s human nature, I’ve got insurance pick me.

    The taxpayer, must still pay somehow.

    If it’s a levy taxed on the worker, so only they can claim it.
    Then those that don’t pay, ask for payment they didn’t gamble on.
    And insurance, doesn’t work well like that.

    How would the teenager, have insurance.
    If you needed pregnancy insurance, or daycare insurance.
    Would the teenage male, be made to pay.
    Yet still gets no, paternity leave from his taxes.

    Could all the money spent, be better spent.
    Reforming the workplace, for the working parent.
    And helping people, so they do work.
    If they became experts at finding jobs, would there be unemployed.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 5th February 2022 @ 10:05 pm

  10. Today I came across bigotry, at its most basic.
    The subject, of sexual intercourse.
    A female teacher was charged, with having sexual relationships.
    All nine boys, ranged in age from fourteen to seventeen.
    The age of consent, being eighteen.

    So she was charged, so the police have acted.
    It was the comment section, that got me.
    Because most joked, and condoned the sex.
    Yet the same people, want people like Andrew hanged in comments.

    Why did there end up nine victims, as male offenders like this often just have one.
    At most few, before they are accused.

    So it must be in the mind of the boys, that it’s not a crime to have sex with them.
    Or even if they were actually made to do it, they couldn’t complain.

    So it must be in the mind of the girls, that any sex with them is a crime.
    Even when they initiate or entice, they can still complain.

    In the minds of the commenters, they said how they would have gladly had sex.
    So how could it be a crime, as they don’t see it as wrong.
    They used the common excuse, she can get pregnant he can’t.
    Look humans, I found a comment I hate.

    Personally I think the offence was, she is a teacher and they her students.
    Biology wise the boys are ready for action, so are the girls for the same reasons.
    Look humans have education and contraception, even a complaint system.

    Culture wise, sexual activity has become more criminal over time.
    There is the argument, that the caveman had no rules about sex.
    But as a result, had no civilisation.
    The more rules about sex, the more civilised we become.

    They bias of the outcomes for the same thing, is to the extreme.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 21st February 2022 @ 5:39 pm

  11. My spelling and grammar, still sucks.
    Maybe in some examples, it’s meant to be slightly wrong.
    My use of there, and to.
    There’s some rules, about there use somewhere.
    I think it’s funny, I barely got School C English.
    A good excuse.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 21st February 2022 @ 7:50 pm

  12. I had a good conversation today, with a young male.
    Not in consistent work, and has just wrecked his car.
    So inevitably money was a subject, needing a discussion.
    And sees money, as a corrupting thing.

    Imagine him with money, but also him without money.

    He would like to have a nice sporty car, for his self esteem.
    I told him of the car I was driving, my trusty A to B car on its last legs.
    Certainly without his own car, giving him a lift was its purpose.
    I explained how I could make it imaginary, and have a flash car.
    I could tomorrow with my money or debt, buy a flash car.
    For me then it is a choice that is real, but for him it’s not.
    He can only afford the cheapest car, the flash one is actually imaginary.

    What then if he was rich, has he not then crashed a flash car.
    Could he then afford, the new cost of his self esteem.
    Mine, comes cheaply.

    We talked of him being rich, splashing his money around.
    Setting himself up, with a house and things.
    Making for himself, many friends.
    What then if he cut the money off, and his new friends.
    Affirmation of his belief, he would have few if any friends.
    Yet poor, he has a few good friends.

    He asked, what use is money then.

    It can make the imaginary, become real.
    And let’s the real, become imaginary.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 22nd February 2022 @ 7:14 pm

  13. Who would have thought?

    Comment by ErasingDad — Fri 25th February 2022 @ 5:47 pm

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