Surviving a Sexual Prosecution in 21st Century Salem
Criminal defence lawyer Samira Taghavi has published an article on The Daily Blog, outlining the concerns about the proposed Sexual Violence Bill felt by many in the legal profession. She writes:

Lawyer Samira Taghavi
Instead of respect for science, common sense and the presumption of innocence, we are in an unhappy age of Salem witch-trial-style hysteria that has now given us the Sexual Violence Bill. There are numerous very ugly consequences that will flow from the bill and while conviction and imprisonment on a false allegation is of course the worst outcome – and an outcome this bill will multiply – another collection of indignities has not received focus, being life as an accused person prior to and during the trial process. Indeed, even if acquitted, men can still expect to have survived their prosecutions at an often-crippling price.
If you can’t afford to pay megabucks for legal representation, you might be in trouble:
For lawyers too, defending sexual cases has become traumatic. Those lawyers who work through legal aid are disillusioned with the dismal pay and the heavy hand of a state under political pressure to produce more sexual convictions at any cost to their innocent clients – and to their own peace of mind and sense of justice. Many are refusing to take on such work. What then for those defendants, thrust into a terrifying world that once seemed inconceivable in an enlightened country like ours?
Read the full article here:
Samira Taghavi has done a few good pieces. The RNZ interview on FDR and the impacts on men a couple of months back was also very good as well as balanced. Last year my 78 year old father ‘survived’ a sexual assault allegation from my ex-wife. He attempted suicide and was hospitalized for 5 days. The Police investigated found no reason to prosecute but my ex-wife sought a without notice PO and dragged him and his 84 year old wife through the family court. He successfully defended the PO. While it was plain to see the ‘lies’, I find it abhorrent that judges glaze over these and would rather substitute them as ‘misunderstandings’. The lack of perjury and defamation possibilities leads women to say whatever they want and get away with it in the hope that something sticks.
Comment by ErasingDad — Tue 29th June 2021 @ 10:40 am
@1 It is the hospitalisation hypocrisy you just can’t fathom.
First you allow such nonsense to be carried out on a man, and then you are arrested for going insane.
Comment by Lukenz — Tue 29th June 2021 @ 4:04 pm
I don’t mind the idea of the going insane, arrest.
It costs government a fortune, to look after you.
And you get 3 normal hospital meals a day.
It’s like a slightly boring holiday, with a ‘free’ lawyer.
It’s a good tactic, for men.
Cost the government, as much as you can.
For example.
Leave work, and become a student.
Create as much child support debt, student debt, as you like.
Leave NZ for a nation that treats males humanely, when qualified.
Join a gang.
Brothers, with different mothers, generational.
Child support, safe incomes.
Already an epidemic, in many forms.
Change your lifestyle, to living out of a van.
Earn just enough to live on, and see the kids.
Far more relaxing.
And far less a slave for money, that other people get.
Still pay, but live in Australia.
So they get your taxes, spending, not NZ.
Return, when you need, rest home, hospital care.
Costing them lots of money.
Unfortunately the sex crime allegations, victims.
Stops some of those options.
You become trapped, and can’t flee.
The bonus, you cost them a fortune.
All due to a mistake.
Allowing dependency.
IE allowing females to have children, without fathers.
The Universal Theory must apply.
If you create dependency, someone must support it.
Women get dependency, therefore men must support it.
On the subject of sex offending.
I notice the Children’s Commissioner.
Saying boys need to be taught about consent.
The girls need no education about anything.
Since he also ignores defenceless newborn babies.
There rights to identity, with a correct birth certificate.
There I.
Also a crime committed only against boys, by females.
And also the boys.
Who said girls were doing things to them.
To there I.
Often even things boys get arrested for.
Somethings only girls can do to boys.
But the Commissioner, remains silent, on boy things.
Compliantly, silent on banned subjects.
The Girls Commissioner.
Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 29th June 2021 @ 8:28 pm
You are absolutely right Lukenz. Elder abuse in it’s raw form too. Knock on the door of Age Concern for help/support and all they got offered was a Christmas hamper. Must admit the Police were great.
Comment by ErasingDad — Tue 29th June 2021 @ 8:32 pm
#3 I like the idea of leaving work. Become a student. Etc. Etc. If I had money, I would create a refuge for men. Wrap them in support services so that they didn’t feel that the only option they had was to end their life.
Comment by ErasingDad — Tue 29th June 2021 @ 8:47 pm
#5 Support Services are for women. If you take away a man’s problem he’ll pick himself up and get back on track.
Comment by Downunder — Wed 30th June 2021 @ 6:02 am
#6 The cold hard truth.
Comment by ErasingDad — Wed 30th June 2021 @ 10:22 am
Racketeering up 17 convictions.
Then magically, he is dead.
Opps, the mans dead.
Better create some propaganda.
Phew, society will not see how women get judged.
Man arrested with 17 previous DV convictions.
With partner suffering years of abuse.
Found with head injuries, as a result of an assault.
The victim returning intoxicated from a night out.
Women’s refuge is outraged.
The mans behaviour, had not already resulted, in prison.
Claim the system is failing, vulnerable women.
Government caves, with emergency millions.
Bail denied.
Due to his clear risk to the community.
In reality it’s a complex case.
The police, coroner, both.
Noting to see here people.
Just a horrible accident.
So they look like fools.
And she shouldn’t be punished harshly, for others foolishness.
Or highly likely, just biased judgement.
Perception of events based on gender.
The male likely charged with manslaughter.
From day one.
All humans are narcissistic.
Look you can see it.
On the fist picture in the Stuff article.
Traumatised by her harsh sentence.
Appeal, it’s too harsh.
The Herald has a pretty mountain.
No picture, of the manslaughterer.
An interesting case.
“Instead, she was sentenced to 17.43 months in prison, which Churchman converted to 11 months home detention and ordered her to serve at a home in Napier.”
And she appealed.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 30th June 2021 @ 6:38 pm
Seven years ago David Cunliffe was sorry for being a man.
I suspect he is still quietly regretting that today.
Comment by Downunder — Sun 4th July 2021 @ 12:24 pm
@ 9 David Cunliffe
Comment by Lukenz — Mon 5th July 2021 @ 6:49 pm
Just when I was saying the Police were great, I have video footage of an egotistical Detective Sargent mocking my 78 year old father after he confronted him for helping my ex-wife remove relationship property from a shared garage. While my father has laid a complaint with the Police I’m trying to think of reasons not to give the footage to the media as an example of living the stigma of false allegations.
Comment by ErasingDad — Mon 5th July 2021 @ 9:24 pm
9, yes he probably regrets not including the colour of his skin in his apology.
He’s so 2014.
Comment by Voices back from the bush. — Thu 8th July 2021 @ 12:31 pm