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Alleged Corrupt Heads of Bench Judges Exposed by Lawyer Tony Ellis & Journalist Karl du Fresne was watching.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 7:23 pm Wed 12th January 2022

District and Family Court Judge Pete Callincos sent a woman to jail for perjury. This is what happened next.

Audio Part 1

Audio Part 2

I know in my heart these Judges will be exceedingly in agreement with this publication as it is in line with those same Judges who are always telling the accused their right to privacy and wellbeing is nowhere as important as the public’s right to know.

Karl du Fresne – Blog Here

Abstract from Karl du Fresne 1 Blog “The two senior judges, known as the Heads of Bench, acted after Sir Wira Gardiner – then head of Oranga Tamariki, the department whose social workers Callinicos grilled over their behaviour in the Moana case – had contacted them.”

Further abstract from Karl du Fresne 1 Blog “Chief District Court judge Heemi Taumaunu and Principal Family Court judge Jackie Moran intervened while the case was still in progress, prompting a complaint from Callinicos that their action compromised his judicial independence.”

How is it that Sir Wira Gardiner, a senior Government employee, can contact Chief Family Court Judge Jaki Moran over a decision from another Judge he didn’t agree with?

A little while back I wrote about how it was impossible to complain about the conduct of Judges as no complaints ever made it past Alan Ritchie. I was wrong. But only because I never considered a complaint made by DC Judge Peter Callinicos represented by Mr Tony Ellis about the alleged behaviour and actions of the most senior Judges and supported by a further 60 NZ Judges. A clear sign they are just as fed up as the public is with the nasty, underhanded measures from the brass when justice is served on a woman lying in court.

300 Complaints about NZ Judges in 3 years


  1. I think the problem, is lying is an epidemic.

    People lie about income, to avoid tax.
    People lie about living arrangements, the get benefits.
    People lie about assets, to avoid matrimonial property..
    People lie about offending, to get custody.
    People lie about anything, to get revenge.

    As I said, imagine a legal precedent for lying.
    Who would we cast stones at, as certain as the little white lie.


    As for the judges, the secret is out.
    Behind the scenes, influential people exist.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 14th January 2022 @ 12:57 pm

  2. I experienced, something similar.
    Yesterday, I was bitten by a small hammerhead shark.
    It left a 40 mm circle of teeth marks, on my arm.
    It’s not the sharks fault, as I was the fisherman.
    It didn’t even take the bait, as it was foul hooked in the tail.

    So once aboard the boat, I attempted to set it free.
    But couldn’t with one hand, get the hook out.
    The contradiction to my fishing, as I didn’t want to hurt it.
    So grabbed its tail, with my other hand.
    With remarkable speed and flexibility, it turned and bit the arm helping it.

    Are the judiciary, turning on themselves.
    Even the long arm of the law, cannot avoid how nature responds.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 15th January 2022 @ 11:06 am

  3. When a case goes wrong, it is not only the judge failing.
    The investigations failed, to comprehend the evidence.
    The prosecution failed, to properly examine the evidence.
    The defence failed, to expose the truth.

    Has the prosecution, presented false arguments.
    The defence, failing to present arguments.
    The judge doomed, by the substance of the evidence.
    Worse again, if they are forced to create precedents.

    What then would be a bad judge, in the Callinicos example.
    Certainly it is the government, that failed.
    Giving him erroneous laws, requiring coin toss judgement.
    Neither the applicant or respondent, could help with evidence.

    Even the perjury case, overturned eventually.
    At the time, the defence failed to present argument.
    Wrong on appeal, but correct at the time.
    That does not make a bad judge, if they judge with good intent.

    So I fail to see an argument, that Callinicos is a bad judge.
    Behind the scenes, is far more concerning.
    External forces, attempting to instruct his decisions.
    Bureaucrats, dictating laws interpretation.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 15th January 2022 @ 8:33 pm

  4. Update.

    Comment by Lukenz — Sun 30th January 2022 @ 2:40 pm

  5. Given what has been aledged, who now is going to judge the judges?

    Ellis asked Allan Ritchie to recuse himself from hearing his new complaint because his decision to refer his previous complaint to Justice Winklemann “irrevocably compromised” his independence.

    Does this mean Allan Ritchie gets to choose a comrade from the JCC to judge his handling?

    How can the public have any confidence in the JCC?

    I think the matter should be referred to the Privy Council in the UK.

    Comment by Lukenz — Sat 5th February 2022 @ 4:40 am

  6. It seems the case, has come to some decision.

    The girl was abused, so the risk of psychological damage is high.
    But it’s a sad assumption, to say harm is an inevitable outcome.
    Actual brain injury is different, than knowing intimately events.
    What then is the cure, to say harm is not done.

    Would you make life stable, or unstable with more change.
    Would you protect good relationships, avoiding difficult ones.
    Imagine the abuse plus suddenly, everyone in her life disappeared.
    Replaced with new people, and a new home.

    Soon she can’t bond with any human, the worst result.
    Luckily best interest of the child, was considered.
    The risks of change, is greater than arguments on race.
    Soon the stable home, will turn the child into an adult.

    Plenty of time for the child, to learn about her family.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 9th November 2022 @ 5:23 pm

  7. The courts left the child in the care of her abuser – this was our story, as lawyers turned a blind eye to the severe harm, and lied to the courts perverting the course of justice.

    My books out now – Trust and Truth

    What happens when those who want to be the sole arbiters of TRUTH AND TRUST get it WRONG, and deny good peopke access to commerce and transport?????? – YOU end up on a black list as the criminal is protected – that’s NOT a system anyone can TRUST.

    Comment by Hornet — Thu 10th November 2022 @ 8:19 am

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