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Mothers Parental Alienation – Crazy Making – Jays response.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 7:00 am Tue 18th January 2022

Part 1

Part 2 – Jays Response

The comment section tells it like it is. Fathers who love their children and a blind family court narrative that is completely destructive towards families. That narrative is to dad bash and make unbalanced decisions.

It is no wonder western society is crumbling under the weight of young criminal offenders, serious methamphetamine abuse and high levels of suicide. That and the people turning to gangs as a surrogate family. Those victims of the family court that includes the children who turn to the gangs and their activities that also includes prostitution.

It is very easy to say suicide, but it is not easy for a child to cope with that.

Turning towards the comments section of the video post.

Jeremy says,
After 28 times defending myself in court, I finally decided to walk away. My daughter was going with the lies in the last year. I hurt all the time but didn’t want to subject her any more to the constant attacks. We did everything together, and I pray one day to be reunited and hopefully just start where we left off. Catching every species of fish.

Terillngua’s response to Jeremy,
My heart hurts for you. I’m considering walking away now. After fighting this for 16 years I’m drained, and they are slipping away no matter what I do. Hardest decision I have ever had to make, and I’m not sure I have the guts. But I’m ready for my kids to be able to live in peace, and I’m ready to be able to live.

Jays response,

I tried for so long even after failing with the courts, the law is stacked against men here in the UK, it’s heartbreaking. What I could not believe was how brainwashed a child could be, even when you tried to show them real facts, they would always believe the other parent. She is 22 now, she is so twisted, that no man stays with her for very long, I have watched her take apart ex-boyfriends, to the point of posting nude images of one on Facebook (so I was told). I myself have had vile things said about me and spread about me, none of my family wish to have anything to do with her because what they have seen 🙁 5 members of my family including her grandfather has gone to their graves never seeing her. I wish I could say there is a happy ending to this, but there is not. There is no happy ending to the many victims out there and sadly only a few children actually wake up and realize what has happened to them. It most definitely is the worst kind of child abuse there is. As we all like to think parents would never harm us, and this is why even kids in adulthood in many cases do not believe that have been abused, it seems to be normal behaviour for them. From what I have researched on children that have grown up as an aliened child, they also either become alienator’s of their selves or alienated from their own children, it’s a problem that becomes systemic 🙁 I don`t want people’s sympathy, I just want people to know how bad it can get and how alienating a parent is one of the evilest thing one person can do to another, that it does affect a child’s mind and well-being. That the one that has to truly suffers from all this is the child. If alienating parents think they love and care for their child, then I would ask them to think about their actions. Because alienating a child from any family member or parent is not love for your child. It’s using them as a weapon for your own twisted ideals. Love for your child is allowing them to see and know and have bonds with the other side of their family.


  1. 2 very good books I found helpful (but there are many so worth doing your own research) are Surviving Parental Alienation by Amy Baker and Dr. Richard A. Warshak’s book Divorce poison. These books don’t just talk about it but enable someone to spot it early on and develop strategies to counteract it. I missed it with my daughter (who I’ve now lost). My younger son and I are still very close but I can see what’s happening and now working to stop this rather than fumbling on as I did before.

    Comment by Kbec — Tue 18th January 2022 @ 10:13 am

  2. We have a rescued kitten, that has used many of its lives.
    I think it may have broken a leg, when it was much younger.
    But it is full of life, and seems unhindered with a crooked leg.
    But it must be hampered, as it gets older.

    So to the children, caught up in the crazy stuff.
    As if humans can’t work out, that actions have reactions.
    Maybe nobody can notice, this virus like human behaviour.
    Not until the dysfunctional adult, is the harm done exposed.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 18th January 2022 @ 7:46 pm

  3. Nice summary here:

    Comment by ErasingDad — Wed 9th February 2022 @ 9:48 am

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