The Witches Coven
AM I A MISOGYNIST? … no, i’m just a witch doctor.
If you’ve been paying attention, and not that you should need to, but if you have been watching New Zealand news lately with a WTF is going on, running through your mind, it’s because you’re watching the most disturbing media spectacle we’ve seen in this country.
It’s no coincidence.
Our Stuffed News is a long story that you may not be familiar with. Regardless it’s what’s taking place now with the breaking news of Sam Uffindell (Kirsty Johnson) the release of “Fire and Fury” (Paula Penfold) and the extraordinary attack on a local body candidate this weekend (Andrea Vance) and now the machine interviewing itself about its integrity and success, essentially the self determination and justifications of its celebrated cause.
Which is clearly independent because Andrea Vance says, “People who honestly believe we’re being paid by the government need help.”
The whole damn lark is funded by the tax-payer and this lot are bolstering up what’s left of their business after Big Boss Bouchier entered a media cooperation with Spinoff a benefactor of WHO.
Now, though we’re on the sinister path of destroying public opinion which is critical to society overall and not just to the silencing of the men’s voice that is so often talked about here.
The guise they are odopting is this:
If you have published, as an individual, a group, or in particular some “critical thinker they have identified as a conspiracy theorist” then, they as the legitimate media have a right of reply, even without consulting you.
Not only a right of reply but to hunt and kill because their opinions are superior, backed by a Podium of Truth.
The Podium of Truth not as we saw it in the abuse of emergency but in a broader sense where some “ideology of journalism” represents what they have decided is right.
That’s not journalism.
Some form of journalistic enterprise? Yes it is, even if the best way you can describe it, in a bloke’s short sentence is “Their Bullshit”.

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Propaganda, is like casting spells.
People take in, what they consume.
So if there feminists, we would see feminism.
Certainly argument for men, is rare from Stuff.
I have a very feminist, poem from my past.
Written after my own experience, of violence.
But before the Family Court, so a good view of my thinking.
My partner wasn’t a drinker, so it not actually about her.
Fully stereotyping men as bad, feminism in its content.
All the propaganda in my life, helped to write it.
If Stuff wrote it, I would call it feminist.
Help up the wounded.
Battle scars and bruises.
Cannon fire from a distance.
All coming to near.
Cowardly answers.
To problems and cares.
Intoxicated stumble.
Mistakes been and made.
Help up the wounded.
Escape from the stares.
Close the door.
And let him fumble in the darkness.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 29th August 2022 @ 6:35 pm
Macbeth is a cautionary tale of love, greed, and power, falling from glory into the calamity of Witches spin.
Comment by Evan Myers — Mon 29th August 2022 @ 7:16 pm
Feminist journalism is made to look fact rather the fiction it is.
Some quick off the cuff examples are.l
Government fund women only shelters – Almost all homeless are men.
Government funded ministry for women – 4 out of 5 suicides are male.
Government funded breast screening – No funding prostate screening.
Idealists always ignore the facts by choosing individual tragic examples and not the overall situation. There is no magic, just spin. Oh and if you take a closer look, individual tragic examples are the result of a man who was abused beyond his tolerance.
Male suicides are males abused beyond their tolerance. It happens in divorce, parental alienation, property snatch and grab.
Mentally abused men have a much higher risk of ending with tragic results.
When men lose the plot and go berserk because of the way they were treated, the police turn up and shoot them dead.
We need a country with laws that treats all humans equal. To recognise men are being abused beyond tolerance.
Until this happens, I suggest changing the “W” in witches to “B” to be more factual.
Comment by Lukenz — Tue 30th August 2022 @ 10:10 am
Yes our police have history, killing many men.
We could ask, the police Men’s Study expert.
When was the last review, of how they treat men.
Imagine a court case, when they need the expert.
Where is this government exam, of 50% of citizens.
They can say why he got shot, but not the reason.
There were dozens of events, prior to the shooting.
He was angry, that she got pregnant.
He was angry, she was sleeping around.
He was angry, for some reason.
He was angry, he was getting ripped off.
But he only stole about $50,000, and that’s not much.
Certainly not much, for prison time.
What exactly is this new standard, for dishonesty.
Paying bills, is now a crime.
How many bought her a car, that she leaves with.
Jewellery and things, and funding her lifestyle.
Child Support, and alimony.
Sitting around the coffee table, the lawyers cackling.
Jail for stealing $50,000, lol.
Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 31st August 2022 @ 8:29 pm
“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”
We are in hard times and they could get harder surrounded by weak men and bullying women.
It’s interesting to note that most of the harm caused to women is by other women.
In our own journey it was women who were jealous and bullying of other women.
Statistics are coming to light to show that women in power are more prone to bullying – the Queen Bee
“Something wicked this way comes”.
Stay TRUE to your HEART – Do WHAT IS RIGHT, and remain COURAGEOUS in the face of ADVERSITY and never ever back down to BULLYING COWARDS.
“This above all: to thine own self be true, …
“Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once.” …
Comment by HORNET — Fri 2nd September 2022 @ 9:12 pm
WOMEN HARMING WOMEN – look at the news today with more and stories coming to light of women harming others.
or WOMEN HARMING THE VULNERABLE. The FLYING MONKEY TACTIC using others to cause harm to avoid being caught.
Flying monkeys is a rotten tactic.
Comment by HORNET — Sat 3rd September 2022 @ 9:08 am
Comment by Evan Myers — Sun 4th September 2022 @ 5:46 pm
I haven’t paid attention, to Andrea Vance.
“We are specifically reporting on those who share false information and baseless conspiracy theories.”
Like Russia collusion, and other Trump conspiracy’s.
Stuff went well down, that rabbit hole.
“Stuff is drawing attention to these candidates because they cannot distinguish fairytales from reality.”
Geez, now that’s funny.
Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 4th September 2022 @ 7:38 pm
Ross was fired, for telling the truth.
Except of course, for the witch hunt.
His sins exposed, dramatised by media.
Otherwise, his actions were moral.
He saw a wrong, and complained about it.
So in the end, the whistle blower is prosecuted.
I am perplexed, by who else is guilty.
The whistle blower is prosecuted, for what.
Wasn’t he complaining to others, who told him to do it.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 5th September 2022 @ 7:21 pm