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Act Party to abolish Ministry for Women

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 1:28 pm Thu 17th August 2023

News Link – Act Party to abolish ministry for women

“We shouldn’t have ministries that are there just for a type of person because every ministry should be serving every type of person.”

Luxon is partly on board with the idea.


  1. I think banning something, is almost radical.
    The taxpayer spends less, at the cost of jobs.

    I made an argument in court, about representatives.
    That for men, we don’t have a men’s minister.
    But I made the argument, a women’s ministry is good.
    It examines law, and it’s effects on women.
    That’s a good thing, trying not to do bad things.
    Law good or neutral, women not treated badly.
    Law can do anything to men, nobody’s looking.

    So you need experts, looking at women in society.
    Can you improve the lives of women, making small changes.
    Radical changes, can have radical results.
    Getting rid of them saves millions, but maybe billions in lost progress.

    Our argument is about men, who have no representation.
    Nothing funded with millions, examining things in society.
    No minister in parliament, who you can ask questions.
    Can you improve the lives of men, making small changes.

    Is a minister for men, something to radical for humans as a solution.
    Somehow the only solution, is banning things.

    You need expert representation, for all groups.
    A small team of people, paid for that task.
    Who represents children, who represents the mental patient.
    Who must study racism, who represents the sick.
    We don’t propose, banning those things.

    Where does the saving money, come to an end.
    The state could decide to spend no money, and collect no tax.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 17th August 2023 @ 6:34 pm

  2. Geez the ACT party, love landlords and the rich with debt.
    If your a landlord, then they look good for you.
    But if your a renter saving, they look bad for you.
    Landlords need renters, like the rich need the poor.
    Where is it’s policy, for low income people owning homes.
    Do the poor get tax deductions, for paying there mortgage.
    As a party, who or what is it representing.

    It’s not a society, where every home is fully owned.
    It says it helps you get rich, but few will live the dream.
    The fist home buyers, vs debt leveraged tax free landlords.
    They don’t offer a society, where the game is fair.
    People will still vote for them, for personal reasons.

    Is that right wing, helping the rich get richer.
    Left wing would be, helping the poor get richer.
    Act as a party, presenting us with a genuine extreme.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 28th September 2023 @ 12:34 pm

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