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Coercive control – Get your man sent to jail.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 9:37 pm Sun 19th March 2023

This is Australian based. There are a few abstracts for some of the links below.

Coercive control is the latest weapon aimed at destroying men. Be warned, It’s coming soon to a police station near you.

False allegations have long been used by women to obtain violence orders to get men thrown out of their homes. But they need breaches to get him imprisoned. What’s different about coercive control laws is they are criminal offences, which makes it much easier to send convicted men to jail.

1. What is coercive control?

2. The worldwide state of play

3. Coercive control and homicide

4. Roll out to target men.

5. Legal and policing clusterfuck.

6. Male victims in the news

7. Advice for male victims of coercive control

8. Advice for falsely accused men


  1. For every two, female victims.
    There is three, male victims.

    Relationship rape, should occur at the same ratio.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 20th March 2023 @ 5:32 pm

  2. Humans are experts, at lying.
    In some ways, how can you blame police.
    She behaves like a monster, till the police arrive.
    Then it’s all tears, and any accusation works.
    Forced to penetrate cases, are hard to read.
    The system destroys the male, all on lies.

    The criminal justice system, is as corrupt as the family court.

    Everything has become arbitrary, for men.
    A rape allegation, is arbitrarily investigated.
    And arbitrarily prosecuted, on balance of probabilities.
    Yet false statements of allegations, are never prosecuted.
    Even perjury in rape allegations, are arbitrarily not prosecuted.
    False child abuse allegations, are arbitrarily not prosecuted.
    False domestic violence allegations, are not prosecuted.

    Yet for the male accuser, arrest is arbitrary.
    Essentially all male allegations, are made at DV events.
    The male is arbitrarily arrested, if he responded with violence.
    The male is arbitrarily arrested, if he defended himself.
    If nothing happened, he is arbitrarily prosecuted on the footpath.
    The male victim arbitrarily, gets the Police Safety Order.
    The police arbitrarily, refuse to investigate male complaints.

    The video, is all to real for men.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 20th March 2023 @ 8:18 pm

  3. The criminal justice system, is as corrupt as the family court


    Comment by Downunder — Tue 21st March 2023 @ 5:56 am

  4. Maybe that’s an exaggeration, but I think they are corrupt.

    Today in court, the judge made it clear.
    They won’t let me defend myself, guilt is compulsory.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 22nd March 2023 @ 3:22 pm

  5. My marriage was as coercive controlling, as possible.
    Maybe I’m in a tiny group, of males forced to marry.
    I’m angry at society, they taught me nothing.
    I was as unprepared, as you can get.

    I wasn’t taught, about female violence.
    How to get help, or who can help.
    That it was wrong, and I should have left her.
    But I didn’t, I stayed and paid the price.

    29% of male victims, experience being stitched up.
    Lying about contraception, and who knows what else.
    Society again, taught me nothing about violent women.
    I just didn’t see it happening, that she would do that.

    Then came the threats, marry or she leaves me.
    The law the threat, of being a banned father.
    Society again, taught me nothing about my rights.
    I was simply prey, and couldn’t stop it.

    In the end violence against my son, was enough.
    Finally something, a good reason to end the relationship.
    So I did it for my son, her punching me became trivial.
    The relationship finished, she then forced me to have sex.

    So I don’t mind, the crown punishing me more.


    Today was very stressful, going to court.
    So when it was over, then came the result.
    At home again, as if today never happened.
    I had a little cry, remembering events in my comment.
    Thinking of my brother, and what they did to him.
    I can blame it on chemistry, my biology responding.
    But I know what I did, in court today.
    Nobody can take it away, I fought the best I could.
    It will be a memory, I will never forget.

    To remind myself, I played my favourite song.
    Memory, by Barbra Streisand.
    I turned it up, to my daughters objections.
    Despite today, there will be a new day tomorrow.
    I must do it again, in the hope it is better.
    Her singing is brilliant, the song with a great ending.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 22nd March 2023 @ 9:15 pm

  6. How convenient, I was looking for this data.
    Because I have the male figures, for coercive control.
    So it’s no surprise, male offenders are just as bad as women.

    So male victim figures, are here.
    While different, the picture of abuse is identical.

    “ it’s also rape (36%)”

    For males, that’s 22% FTP cases.
    Technically women rape, as much as men do.
    Once you account, for higher female coercive control offending.

    Figures from CDC on coercive control, can give us estimates.
    There is about 8% of women, and 12% males as victims of population.
    You can apply the birth rate, for numbers of new DV victims per year.
    So about 2,400 women victims, and 3,600 male victims in NZ.
    Or more correctly new, 2400 male and 3600 female offenders.
    You get 1 in 3 women DV victim rate, from having multiple partners.
    The male and female offenders, wrecking multiple lives.

    Normal relationships, have different DV events.
    A drunk argument, with some pushing and shoving.
    Which I’m guessing, is most of police work.
    Coercive control relationships, are terrible in comparison.

    64% of the male victims, are falsely accused or 2/3 of victims.
    So real victims, plus false victims also at 2,400.
    So you should expect 4,800 new offender, bad DV cases in the family court.
    All the women victims with cases, plus false accusations.
    Plus some cases, when women are punished.
    The physical violence, went to far even for the police.
    Half of cases are therefore correct, punishing a bad male.
    Half are bullshit, with the victim being punished.

    About 500 male FTP victims, are legally punished each year.
    Had to do it, the article didn’t give men’s figures.
    Like 10% forced pregnancy, our figure is 29%.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 31st March 2023 @ 11:50 am

  7. Be frightened of change, change is what it says.
    More and more, laws to improve one argument.
    This is all men are bad, so we need better rules.
    I haven’t seen figures, for male false accusations.
    Coercive controlling men, may be just like women.
    So dishonest, you can’t believe anyone else as a result.
    The truth, can’t be separated from the false.

    So next is banning cases, in the family court.
    Any accusation must be believed, if by a woman.
    The men’s accusations, are just labeled nonsense.

    Can they not see, this is just a scam by lawyers.
    Not solving things, cases never able to stop.
    The banned father, will now be potentially stopped.
    They run out of cases, to object to events.
    Trying desperately, for contact let alone equality.
    This doesn’t stop cases, it encourages more cases.

    The female accuser is believed, but not the male accusation.

    “Litigation abuse can be hugely costly and traumatic, continuing for years. Stuff reported on how one woman had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to answer baseless claims from an abusive ex-husband.”

    Yet the female claims, will be equally baseless.
    Some claims true some false, but nobody is proving anything.
    What of the false accusations, they imply it’s only men.
    Yet for coercive control, about 2/3 of men get falsely accused.
    It’s normal the for the male victim, to become the accused.

    Child abuse accusations, are as true as often as they are false.
    The family court, responding to just the accusation.
    Guilty is the default position, and now you can’t defend yourself.
    The female offender is given more power, more ability to win.

    Instead of recognition of the abuser, as one or the other.
    It is just a process of making money, not justice.
    If it was a justice system, the false accusation would also be 20 years.
    Yet not a word about that subject, feminism doesn’t want equality.
    Not in the justice system, not when it’s as secret as ours.

    Stuff never referenced, the male horror story of the family court.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 21st April 2023 @ 12:35 pm

  8. I seperate relationships, into two types.
    One partner, is very controlling.
    Or no partner, scores highly when tested.
    A third group of both very controlling, looks very toxic.

    So the very controlling group, matches personality disorder rates.
    A normal person, doesn’t score highly when tested.
    Yes there’s specific things, like with contacting family.
    The boss with money, or who controls the TV.
    Every relationship, has controlling behaviours.
    And most relationships, has the boss.
    They can be very healthy relationships, the balance just right.

    But that group, the very controlling is something else.
    It’s when you read, they were made to have sex.
    It’s when you read, they were made to have an abortion.
    It’s when you read, there was made up lies and accusations.
    It’s when you read, they were made to have a baby.
    It’s when you read, they were punched into submission.
    It’s when you read, and it’s not believable it’s shocking.
    It’s when you read, and you don’t want to read it.

    Would a normal person, do those things.
    There’s something different, about some things.
    Just like the disorders, coercive control is not gendered.
    The narcissist or psychopath, borderline or just crazy.
    But our response, is extremely gendered.

    The worst of the men, get prison time.
    The things they have done, are shocking.

    The worst of the women, destroy men’s lives.
    One after the other, relationship after relationship.
    Not once was she tested, scoring abnormally high.
    Ticking boxes, for not normal things.
    Three kids to three dads, each accident dad magically becoming bad.

    Yet the male is in prison, the women is on relationship four.
    Humans, can be very gynocentric.
    It’s a long list, of absolute different treatment.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 3rd July 2023 @ 9:09 pm

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