MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

What kind of society allows government actors to abuse children and parents?

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 12:34 am Fri 7th April 2023

Firstly, I am not advocating for a single political party. But I am aware a minority party destroyed the family court in Australia. A powerful example of the tail wagging the dog that brought the family court, barristers and FC judges to their knees.

The election is now just 6 months away. Once every 3 years, we the public get to vote in who we think might make our lives and NZ better. When we vote, at that moment it is virtually the beginning and end of our input into democracy for another 3 years.

So that got me thinking who is going to make mens, fathers and childrens lives better? I searched up a few important things that would be of benefit. I never use google anymore as I know exactly how it works in my industry. You would be very surprised who your searchers and activity is being sold to. That and often two people searching the same thing receive different results based upon their history. I choose to use based out of Switzerland. That doesn’t always work because they restrict some words.

There are a lot of needy things we are all looking for. Things like lower taxes, better medical, retirement age, less woke. What’s annoying you or the nation most?
My search resulted in a couple of articles.

Scoop News

Some abstracts from 2003.

ACT New Zealand Social Welfare Spokesman Dr Muriel Newman today called on the Government to make provision for shared parenting in its Care of Children Bill – to avoid New Zealand mirroring Australia, where family law is driving many fathers to suicide.

“According to Australian statistics, males aged 25-44 are most at risk of suicide. Research shows that relationship breakdown – exacerbated by experiences with the family law system have been identified as major trigger factors,” Dr Newman said.

“In New Zealand, our latest statistics show that the group most at risk of suicide is also males aged 25-44, with 192 males committing suicide – 82 percent higher than any other group. Since the median age for male divorce in 1999 was 41, it is obvious that men in the 25-44 age bracket are most at risk from the highly traumatic ordeal of family breakdown.
“You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realise that, with sole maternal custody being the predominant outcome of Family Court custody battles, many of these fathers faced with losing all effective contact with their children – find it all too difficult to handle and take their lives.

That was 20 years ago. I don’t know if that is their policy now.

In 2018 LETTER: Dysfunctional family courts destroying lives USA.

Dysfunctional family courts destroying lives

Some abstracts.

More than $100 billion is spent on divorce and child custody matters annually. It costs the public over $20 billion for false allegations of domestic violence which occur in over 80% of all divorces. Family Courts cause death; 20,000 men/fathers are committing suicide because family courts prevent them from seeing their children without cause or unlawfully arrest them in civil matters for support. It is institutional killing of children and parents.

What kind of society allows government actors to abuse children and parents, even causing death? Socialist totalitarian regimes of the past did this to groups of people. The actual definition of this is genocide through official acts. The longer the state engages in social engineering of families, it delays the day that the state is out of the killing business of families. Death is a product of state Family Courts and its judges and attorneys. They view it as the cost of doing business in the ever expanding fraud business model that is styled as “family court.” and it’s effort to socially engineer American society.

Children and parents will be reduced in health, well-being and reduced to poverty after contact with State Family Court Public Officials and its employees. You can’t reform a judge who is also a criminal. You can’t reform an attorney who is also a criminal. You can’t reform a corrupt, malicious, mentally disturbed parent which usually make the family court scheme more successful for the State. You have to jail these people for long stretches and fine them heavily.


  1. When society is asleep, it argues petty things.
    Pay gaps and feelings, and if women are actually women.
    The real issues, are never mentioned.
    You sleep easily, when you don’t know the truth.
    Best not wake them, there would be hell to pay.

    How then to wake them, they must feel shame.
    The public slap in the face, the last resort.
    Politicians nap, only the protester is awake.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 7th April 2023 @ 5:41 pm

  2. Change is coming to the NZ Family courts

    Thought you might be interested in our story – please share the link and encourage good parents to purchase a copy.

    We cover the following subjects.

    1. Lawyers for child protecting the abuser of children ( and vulnerable widows ) to incite conflict and to ensure maximum profits.

    2. Lawyers encouraging alienation of the child to incite more conflict.

    3. Envy, Jealousy, Hatred Revenge, are all emotions that lead to maximum violence against others and yet the NZ Family courts protect offenders and abusers with these harmful characteristics.

    4. Envy is the leading cause of narcissistic personality disorders – a serious mental health concern in NZ which is not being addressed by the courts or the police.

    5. NASH was minister of police and revenue – who knew who the offenders were in our story but chose to remain silent and allow an innocent law abiding family to be terrorised and harmed.

    6. Reputation attacks – gas lighting, making false accusations is psychological harm and is a CRIME – a serious Fraud Crime – Section 240 Crimes Act – 7 years prison – Causing loss by Deception which the NZ police and the courts have refused to prosecute or investigate and most disturbingly have protected the criminals and become a party to and an accessory to these crimes.

    7. Tactics of criminals ( regardless of where they are ) to avoid being caught – Darvo = Deny, Attack and Accuse those who caught them, reputation attacks, gas lighting, blame shifting and projection and if all else fails feign memory loss.

    All tactics designed to avoid responsibility and to avoid liability for the harm and loss caused.

    The NZ herald finally interviewed our family and have all the evidence – verified truth as to what was going on – Govt employee abusing a position of power, police refusal to investigate criminal complaints and lawyers perverting the course of justice and preying on the most vulnerable in NZ for profit – lawyers protecting lawyers it does not get much worse.

    Thought you might be interested in our story – please share the link and encourage good parents to purchase a copy.

    We cover the following subjects.

    1. Lawyers for child protecting the abuser of children ( and vulnerable widows ) to incite conflict and to ensure maximum profits.

    2. Lawyers encouraging alienation of the child to incite more conflict.

    3. Envy, Jealousy, Hatred Revenge, are all emotions that lead to maximum violence against others and yet the NZ Family courts protect offenders and abusers with these harmful characteristics.

    4. Envy is the leading cause of narcissistic personality disorders – a serious mental health concern in NZ which is not being addressed by the courts or the police.

    5. NAsh was minister of police and revenue – who knew who the offenders were in our story but chose to remain silent and allow an innocent law abiding family to be terrorised and harmed.

    6. Reputation attacks – gas lighting, making false accusations is psychological harm and is a CRIME – a serious Fraud Crime – Section 240 Crimes Act – 7 years prison – Causing loss by Deception which the NZ police and the courts have refused to prosecute or investigate and most disturbingly have protected the criminals and become a party to and an accessory to these crimes.

    7. Tactics of criminals to avoid being caught – Darvo = Deny, Attack and Accuse those who caught them, reputation attacks, gas lighting, blame shifting and projection and if all else fails feign memory loss.

    All designed to avoid responsibility and to avoid liability for the harm and loss caused.

    The NZ herald finally interviewed our family and have all the evidence – verified truth as to what was going on – State services employee abusing her position of power, police refusal to investigate criminal complaints and lawyers perverting the course of justice and preying on the most vulnerable for profit while destroying wealth health and trust in NZ and its economy – it does not get much worse.

    Lawyers denying police investigation of lawyers in NZ

    Please buy our book or subscribe to RG and receive a free copy of our story

    Comment by Hornet — Mon 10th April 2023 @ 8:06 am

  3. @2 Did Nash know too much?

    Comment by Lukenz — Mon 10th April 2023 @ 10:04 am

  4. What the …., you might say.
    The minister for police, was also minister for child support.
    Isn’t that a conflict of interest, one helps the other.

    Police refuse paternity fraud exists, so IRD makes more money.
    Female sex crimes are ignored, so IRD makes more money.
    False accusations are ignored, so IRD makes more money.
    Things done to men are ignored, to maximise IRD income.
    Then they redistribute the money, to the offenders they support.

    Abusing men for money, has never been more lucrative.
    Nash is gone, his legacy is a life of dirty politics.
    Who knows the truth, maybe he said something honest.
    Realised his wrongs, and tried to stop things.
    In no time at all, they destroyed him as a result.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 10th April 2023 @ 10:56 am

  5. Yes, it would be great if someone ascertains whether any current political party has any policies or even awareness that could lead to policies that might benefit men, fathers and/or families. Or that might reform family law to move away from parental gender discrimination, encouragement of family wrecking, acceptance of women’s allegations without proof, and child-abuse through depriving children of full relationships with and input from their fathers.

    Comment by Ministry of Men's Affairs — Thu 13th April 2023 @ 7:47 am

  6. Hornet @4: You refer to your story but the linked articles you provide don’t seem to tell it or even relate to it. The first one goes on about the Russel McVeigh lawyer who was ‘found guilty’ by the lawyers’ disciplinary committee of sexual misconduct towards female interns at the firms work functions. Rather than critique the kangaroo-court nature of such a committee and the lack of fairness to any male accused by women especially of sexual impropriety, this article bemoans all the sexual harassment that women claim to experience in workplaces and wants a disciplinary body that punishes men even more readily. It extends the false idea that 20-something-year-old highly educated women are like children who have never been courted and cannot be expected to inform a male colleague, even a more senior one, at a function with alcohol that they are uncomfortable with his behaviour, but who should then be totally believed, supported and put in control when they later run off to tell the headmistress “he touched me on the shoulder and I’m so traumatized and I want his career to be wrecked please”.

    The next linked article is about Crown Law withholding documents from those investigating abuse of psychiatric patients at Lake Alice. It’s unclear what this has to do with Family Court failings, protecting people against reputation attacks, better ways to catch and punish criminals or any of the other matters mentioned in your post.

    The third linked article is an appalling piece of propaganda referring to men and only men as abusing women both in families and during Family Court proceedings, calling for men’s relationships with their children to be wrecked even more readily on the basis of any women’s allegations, and claiming that women hardly ever make false allegations. This seems a very weird article to put forward in support of your post or indeed to present on this platform.

    The final link in your post takes one to the ‘Reputation Guardian’ website that encourages people to sign up to a service, states it’s ‘absolutely free to get started’ but provides no information about the eventual costs once a customer has started. This service may or may not be a worthwhile one; it’s hard to tell, but we tend to avoid any service that is not up front about the costs. Also, one allegation especially from a woman about a man will easily override all the good reputation, unblemished past record, life of service to society and any number of positive references from supporters. It’s unclear how having a place to store evidence of one’s good reputation will change that.

    Given the apparently irrelevant and considerably inappropriate links provided with this post, we wonder if it’s a scam or at best simply designed to attract customers to the ‘Reputation Guardian’ service.

    Comment by Ministry of Men's Affairs — Thu 13th April 2023 @ 8:34 am

  7. This is very good from the media, I liked it.

    So what the article reveals, is men’s health is ignored.
    We recognise females at risk, but not the men.
    Clinical depression, is nothing to be ignored.

    “While statistics on perinatal mental health of men are patchy, a landmark study using Growing Up in New Zealand data found 2.3% of dads had clinical levels of antenatal depression or anxiety. That rate rose to 4.3% after the baby was born.”

    So something is happening, doubling the problem.

    “Manatū Hauora (the Ministry of Health) does not hold comprehensive data on the prevalence of the issue. However, a report into maternal mental health services published in 2021 estimates that 10% of men are affected.”

    I find the same issue, men are not intentionally studied.
    You have to find things about men, nearly by accident.

    “Then, new dads’ prolactin – the hormone that causes women’s breasts to produce milk after birth – levels fall within about 30 minutes of meeting their child.”

    Wow who knew, men are like magical creatures.
    A real thing happens to them, but nothing actually happens to them.

    I liked the article, because it identifies services as a problem.
    Society try’s to help, but services are actually missing for men.
    Events get better for the woman, as society wants to help.
    Society oblivious to not helping men, who have the same needs.
    So things get worse for the male, but better for the female.
    You can guess the result, it is men doing bad things.
    Imagine the money lawyers make, from society failing.

    “While most men who attend the sessions have arrived there after a detour through the justice system, they’re open to anyone who feels isolated and wants to develop more self awareness and make better choices about how they express their distress.”

    Women’s refuge would love this comment, as a service provider.

    “Those systems, if they’re being paid for by taxpayer money, then they should be gender inclusive.”

    Geez, that even sounds like feminism.
    The ending to the article, is near perfect.
    It had to sneak past the editor, something happened.

    As Hohepa puts it: “It’s not a women’s issue. It’s a family issue. Mothers are extremely important. Fathers are extremely important. Until we see the consequences of not having the good that comes out of each role, we’re not going to get anywhere fast”.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 22nd April 2023 @ 11:59 am

  8. Dear politician, plead ignorant to your crimes.
    They are everyday things, it’s not like you don’t know.
    Say you were shocked, when you learnt the truth.
    Like the recession, nobody saw it coming.
    If the politicians are guilty, then you are guilty.

    You voted for them, I certainly did not.

    How can I vote for Labour, sins against men are many.
    How can I vote National, just as sinful as man is just the worker.

    So let’s do a process, events that become crimes.
    It’s an everyday thing, normalised and accepted in society.
    Women get 26 weeks maternity leave, men get nothing.
    The politicians celebrate, women do need help with babies.
    But it’s a human rights act violation, not helping men.

    So what you say, that’s not a crime.

    The parents separated, resulting in a court case.
    The child has bonded for 26 weeks, with full time childcare.
    But only with the mother, due to a vote by politicians.
    It’s not like they are stupid, they knew men got nothing.
    The men have little bonding, working with no childcare time.
    Custody decisions, become near 100% in favour of women.

    So what’s the crime, from maternity leave.
    It’s perverts the course of justice, the decision is changed.
    If the male gets 26 weeks, you can’t judge the parenting time.

    So what you say, it is only a few cases.
    Yet it’s true, the bigotry is true for every baby.
    Every court case, is influenced by the policy voted on.
    Is that what justice has become, it’s decisions up to politicians.
    They can use policy, to get results in court.
    The judges just puppets, the politicians decided the result.
    It is the mother, that shall be more likely to get custody.

    So maternity leave, is overall a good thing.
    I don’t like dependency, but mothers do need help.
    It’s not the maternity leave that’s wrong, it’s the politicians.

    They decide law, they vote for budgets.
    Law after law, helping women and helping women.
    Each a process, with an end result.
    Everyday things, magically become bad things like crimes.
    You voted to do good, but it’s effects are bad.

    So I gave up on voting, being an observer is better.

    Ask the minister for men, if it can change court case results.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 15th July 2023 @ 8:02 pm

  9. My best friend, is at the end of a relationship.
    There are kids involved, and he will lose badly.
    Sadly for him, his addictions are the problem.
    He now faces, being evicted from home.

    The police are involved, and he is making mistakes.
    He is about to become, a homeless statistic.
    Couch surfing, family letting him stay.

    The mother gets the home, as it’s her work provided house.
    The mother has no need, for emergency housing.
    Where is society, making certain the father is helped.
    If a mother needs help, there is help with housing for mothers.
    He needs accomodation, that’s child suitable just like her.
    So he can be a parent, just like she can be a parent.
    But that’s not provided, there’s no homing fathers agency.
    At best some addresses, you may get a motel room.

    It may even be the case, she says no to him seeing the kids.
    Without any money, his legal options are limited.
    And the more mistakes he makes, the worse it gets.
    The situation is not good, for my friend.

    I for one will be good to him, I won’t kick him when he’s down.
    I hope from a bad situation, something good can happen for him.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 18th July 2023 @ 12:05 pm

  10. Women do commit suicide too due to “criminal (not civil) family courts.”

    %80-$90 of women who initialed a Domestic Violence call do regret making the call.

    Some women do commit suicide when they realize what a scam was the initial ordeal, from the moment the rapist pigs showed up, to the courts’ “victim” advocate.

    The threat of being thrown into the streets, after the advocates convince the “victim” to file a restrain order, and dictate to the “victim” in verbatim the accusations, the false accusations, the journey then was not anticipated by the “victim”; to be raped by the pigs and pimped out into the street after being raped in a “women shelter” and hooked to heroin.

    The stress and fear of loosing her partner also add more pressure on the woman.

    It is the psychotic woman, at times, who make the 911 call; the mentally unstable ones.

    The state knows it, women know it too; all women are state agents; all women are jail bait in the West.

    They do kill themselves because of that.

    After all it is for the love of “the women and children”, as witness in the Western genocide in Gaza.

    Perhaps they don’t like the knit family values in Gaza.

    Comment by Citizen of Western Regimes — Mon 29th April 2024 @ 4:41 pm

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