How to deal with your Ex in Family Court.
A total reality check for fathers who are at the beginning of their journey in a corrupt family court.
- promoting a clearer understanding of men's experience -
A total reality check for fathers who are at the beginning of their journey in a corrupt family court.
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The portion of protection order applications that are used vexatiously to effect “ established patterns of care” of children in separations in NZ is far greater than the public or policy makers could imagine. The issue we have as a nation is the requisite research required to bring reform to bear needs to get past so called “ ethics committees “ which are now stacked with woke feminists who assume the effective role of maintaining , minimising and denying this institutional abuse of effected parents ( who are overwhelming fathers ). It’s a very sad state of affairs, for children with willing and good enough fathers taken out of the picture by misuse of well intended DV laws.
Comment by Jim — Tue 31st December 2024 @ 4:24 pm
If we were looking at raising children, some things look bad.
If the ideal is two parents involved, many parents fail badly.
Certainly wrongly accused, is a real problem for men.
But there’s many things happening, research would be good.
How many abandon the children, a parent is left on their own.
How many with drug problems, and can’t be parents.
They were violent, and they get a protection order against them.
Poor and living in the car, having the kids is not possible.
The parent moved to another city, visiting is not possible.
The parent has a weekend occasionally, the very part time parent.
Can we seperate want to be a parent, from not allowed.
How do we then go from not allowed, to the involved parent.
Was the not allowed to harsh, are we being to paranoid.
Why would you choose to have kids, but not then be involved.
They may find they hate being a parent, then run away.
Not wanting and not allowed, would be interesting statistics.
I can guess the statistics, it’s nothing for men to be proud about.
Is the very gendered parenting culture, natural and unchangeable.
Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 20th January 2025 @ 9:19 pm
Very good video. Relevant to NZ.
Thanks to Luke for posting it.
Comment by Anthony Morahan — Thu 20th March 2025 @ 9:56 am