How to deal with your Ex in Family Court.
A total reality check for fathers who are at the beginning of their journey in a corrupt family court.
- promoting a clearer understanding of men's experience -
A total reality check for fathers who are at the beginning of their journey in a corrupt family court.
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The portion of protection order applications that are used vexatiously to effect “ established patterns of care” of children in separations in NZ is far greater than the public or policy makers could imagine. The issue we have as a nation is the requisite research required to bring reform to bear needs to get past so called “ ethics committees “ which are now stacked with woke feminists who assume the effective role of maintaining , minimising and denying this institutional abuse of effected parents ( who are overwhelming fathers ). It’s a very sad state of affairs, for children with willing and good enough fathers taken out of the picture by misuse of well intended DV laws.
Comment by Jim — Tue 31st December 2024 @ 4:24 pm