MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Will 2025 See The Great PUSHBACK on Sexist Modern

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 8:29 pm Fri 6th December 2024


  1. Sadly I would not hold your breath, until the tide goes out on the post modernist, neo Marxist ideology that now has saturated the public policy, education, and media narrative, men are sadly going to remain on the back foot. I think in time the sour fruits of this ideology will become self apparent and society will enjoy somewhat of a regression to the mean of established workable equilibrium gendered norms that while are ( to be fair the feminists ) not perfect are in need of updating and revision but perhaps in a more considered and measured fashion. Like all revolutions , well intentioned reforms more often than not tend to over correct. Men are children of women as are women children of men, this competitive binary leans of the far left is not helping a balanced , respectful and collaborative dynamic between the two genders, it’s clearly causing more harm than good. It’s right to challenge these toxic narratives but as men we must be cautious not to fall into the black and white confrontational thinking as the far left. Our daughters , our mother and our future partners are woman and are valuable and precious, our challenge as fathers, sons and husbands is to prove the left wrong by being exemplars of positive conservative masculinity. That is the long term way out of this quagmire of leftists madness. Despite all the injustice, hurt , humiliation refuse to either submit to or buy into an alternative oppressor / oppressed narrative, because by doing so we are playing their game , and it’s a shitty game to play framing the other gender at large as oppressive. The far left are the problem not women at large, I think this clip makes that fairly clear to its credit. If the next generation are

    Comment by Jim — Sat 7th December 2024 @ 1:07 pm

  2. There is false and exaggerated accusations, but also manufactured.
    The plan is to cause a fight, calling the police gets the evidence.
    The man is clueless to events, he doesn’t see his life being wrecked.
    If that’s what the lawyers advised, having a fight is a good tactic.
    As the video points out, the system only wants to protect women.

    50 men a week commit suicide, how many fathers were innocent.
    It still must be worth it, the millions in lawyers fees per death.
    The money made so large, the deaths caused look cheap.
    Think of the average court cost, each judge killing a man yearly.
    The life of a man has value, it seems a very lucrative trade.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Mon 9th December 2024 @ 7:33 pm

  3. Interesting reflection DJ ward , I’ve heard people say family court judges “kill fathers” you stating one a year each is an interesting at a guess figure to throw out there .? There are 200 family court judges , 650 kiwis take their lives a year almost 500 being males , good luck ever breaking the stats down to how many are fathers with involvement in DV or Family courts, despite the massive government funding of research for woman’s issues , I doubt this basic and glaringly obvious question would ever make it past the feminist filter on a so called research “ ethics “ committee. Who now serve effectively as the commissars of the far left in the production of so called “ research based evidence “ all forming what the MAGA movement refer to as the “deep state” it’s the deep red state , and its populated with misandrist views and Marxist anti family and anti faith ideological beliefs. Your not allowed to ask questions that my ,,, “ God forbid !,,” clarify the obvious

    Comment by Jim — Tue 10th December 2024 @ 6:02 am

  4. The 50 suicide figure was from the video, so Australia.
    Your criticism of research is good, it’s like a banned subject.
    There is natural reasons for suicide, mental illnesses for example.
    So of those 500 male suicides, how many have that reason.
    So of those 150 female suicides, how many have that reason.
    That’s about 3/1 ratio of deaths, are men 3 times more ill.

    Was the reason terminal illness, men suffering 3 times more.
    Was the reason criminal charges, men charged 3 times more.
    Was the reason loneliness, men living alone 3 times more.
    Was the reason solo parenting, men don’t cope like woman can.
    There maybe 100 reasons to look at, none involved family law.
    Few I guess are really 3/1 ratios, a reason may be more or less.

    Was the person paying child support, not seeing the children.
    Do they have a protection order, banned from seeing them.
    Did they lose there job, the DV charges are not acceptable.
    Did they work there whole life, a sexual predator stole 50+%.
    Was the pregnancy consensual, pill fakery and condom removed.

    That banned list of subjects, might explain the 3/1 ratio.
    So why not say 200 suicides, 200 judges involved 200 times yearly.
    If all the other reasons average out, it’s only 150 men’s suicides.
    Men would suicide at the female rate, 350 deaths are unexplained.
    I have looked at the subject a lot, one per year is an educated guess.
    It’s sometimes good to be wrong, others must find the true figure.
    I don’t know the true figure, despite all my looking at the subject.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 11th December 2024 @ 7:02 pm

  5. It’s a plausible best guess DJ ward , it intuitively sounds believable from my interactions with the community of affected men. My point is these stats are kept obscure by design by the left, like the populations of gulags ,, and much like populations of gulags I think it’s fair to say these reflect prevailing political winds. The left often cite NZ as having the second highest incarceration rate in the OECD after the US per capita, inferring this is somehow a structural consequence of some oppressive white patriarchal capitalist system, when in fact in the NZ context if you look careful at the texture of sentencing priorities and more on importantly the breakdown of the remand population, it’s actually a direct reflection of the fact NZ has the most punitive DV laws in the OECD, the mesh on our laws is so fine it captures anything that has a pair of balls. ( the US prison population reflects some of the harshest drug laws ) but again no one dares having an honest conversation about this, the deep state prefers to continue to gaslight the nation, preferring some oppressive post-colonel structure racism narrative, when a post feminist structural explanation would actually make more sense .

    Comment by Jim — Thu 12th December 2024 @ 7:18 am

  6. What is left or right, can become confusing at times.
    Think of communism, everyone must have a job to do.
    Think of capitalism, everyone must have a job to do.
    Homeless under capitalism, or housed in some political prison.

    They maybe extremes, but the extremes don’t have dependency.
    It’s like cancer in the west, all the depts paid for it.
    All the nations with high dependency, are probably bankrupt.
    There is only one solution, the debt is inflated away.

    The US has potential for change, a period of right wing reform.
    The idea of small government, labelled a right wing thing.
    But something like dependency, that is like political suicide.
    Humans will take and take, if the government says it’s free.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 17th December 2024 @ 6:39 pm

  7. I do watch with interest, as to arguments happening.
    Especially women representing men, arguing things men don’t say.
    If a man says things, he is immediately labelled a misogynist.
    It’s much harder to do that, when a woman does the argument.
    If you don’t have an argument, you respond by attacking the person.
    Part of me feels dismay, some arguments are never made.
    There is lots of noise, amongst deafening silence.

    I should contemplate the year, I am an equal participant.
    I must ask what am I doing, yet I ask what others are doing.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 4th February 2025 @ 6:00 pm

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