MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

June is mens mental health month.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 11:02 am Mon 10th June 2024

Watch this video here

June isn’t pride month.
June is men’s mental health month.

– 600,000 Men a year
– 58,000 Men a month
– 48,000 Men a week
– 2000 Men a day
– 86 Men an hour
– And almost 2 Men a minute take their own life due to mental illness.

Is this all part of the great reset where the aim is to reduce populations from 9 billion to 1 billion? Given our government’s total lack of attention to their own data collected by Mr Barry Young, what chance do men have with the statistics in this post? Now I know why the government are so reluctant to publicly disclose what the program against men has done. Now I know why there is little effort to change those statistics.

The following image is added in response to (1) Kitten Lvr and my reply found in (4)


  1. Hello Males!!!
    how we doing? just so u know the month of June is both pride month, and mens mental health month! being homophobic only takes away your own credibility, this is why no one cares about what you have to say!
    FYI, there’s no war being waged against men, and the mental health crisis being faced by men is caused by, (say it with me) the Patriarchy!! Women are not your enemy, so stop being so silly. If you truly want to make a difference for men, dedicate your time to uplifting them, and encouraging them to acknowledge their issues. hating women is not a productive and positive way to spend your time, and I imagine it doesn’t make you very happy either.

    get help DJ!
    much love, Kitten Lvr

    Comment by Kitten Lvr — Wed 12th June 2024 @ 9:25 am

  2. oop sorry DJ I’ve confused u with Luke. either way both y’all should hear me out.

    much love, Kitter Lvr
    p.s seek therapy

    Comment by Kitten Lvr — Wed 12th June 2024 @ 9:27 am

  3. What we live in a patriarchy, now that’s deluded.
    Month for this or that, they are both imaginary things.
    You are gay every day, and men suicide every day.
    Kitten seems to observe one, but she wants the other ignored.
    She defends one, so she can pretend the other does not exist.
    So it’s kitten needing help, please take the red pill.

    Personal attacks are pointless, when they lack substance.
    Often it’s like a mirror, you reveal and critique yourself.
    You make your problem mine, when it’s not mine it’s yours.
    It’s not me that needs help, secretly kitten it’s you.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 18th June 2024 @ 8:59 pm

  4. Kitten Lvr.
    It is more common to find both male and female who think sodomy is repugnant. And even more people who find the new image I just attached to my post disgusting too. I am not looking for your vote in the matter. I am looking forward to your passing to hell. An extremely unpleasant rock melting place to be. I can only imagine you are partly experiencing it above ground. See

    Comment by Lukenz — Fri 21st June 2024 @ 1:11 pm

  5. Hello Luke! (And any other males in this damp echo chamber) I saw the image you attached to your post and had a quick question. Do you know any queer people? Do you interact with/engage in conversation with them? Because I wholeheartedly believe that if you exposed yourself to any queer environments, you will realise that many of the things you brought up in the post are grounded in a total lack of evidence. It is my belief that you are grossly overstating the extremely small amount of cases In which many of the things you stated actually happen. (If at all!)
    I have little hope for your change of heart, in fact I came onto this site originally to laugh at the nonsensical things posted here. But over the months that I have been active here I’ve realised something; we can never see eye to eye because we’re thinking and operating on fundamentally different principles. But I hope, for the sake of anyone in your life that falls into any of the many categories of people you cannot understand, that some of my rants wormed their way into your subconscious and you are able to treat them with kindness.
    Much love, Kitten Lover (55)
    P.s whenever I picture you all I see is the grinch and I just wanted you to know that ❤️❤️

    Comment by Kitten Lvr — Mon 24th June 2024 @ 4:47 pm

  6. hi there DJ! i’d like to ask you a question——just what did you mean when you said “what we live in a patriarchy, that’s deluded”? do you truly believe the social system of patriarchy to be delusional, or perhaps nonexistent?

    also, when you said “kitten seems to observe one, but she wants the other ignored”, were you insinuating that kitten lover 55 only cares about the rights of the queer community, and that she does not care about men’s mental health? because i can vouch for her that she cares about both, and so do i.

    the awareness of men’s mental health is——and always will be——important. however, it should not undermine pride month, nor the other way around. it is crucial that we are able to respect and educate ourselves about both.

    additionally (for lukenz), the image you have attached to the original post brings up a reason why you “have issues with the queer community”: “drag shows with children in audience”. the wikipedia definition of a drag show is “a form of entertainment performed by drag artists impersonating men or women, typically in a bar or nightclub. shows can range from burlesque-style, adult themed nightclub acts to all-ages events with sing-alongs and story times.” so as you can see, it ultimately depends on whether or not the caregiver of the child deems the drag show to be appropriate or not. of course, it is your opinion to be indignant about children watching a drag show, but i believe if the show is designed for an audience of all ages, it can be a beneficial and exciting experience for many.

    thank you for your time!
    – kittenlvr56

    Comment by kittenlvr56 — Mon 24th June 2024 @ 5:15 pm

  7. I looked in after a long break. I tip my hat to D Ward. As for other missions, I think their aim of eliminating family is regrettably succeeding. I suspect that when they realise what they are responsible for- it will be too late.

    Comment by Alan Radford — Sat 29th June 2024 @ 6:45 pm

  8. There’s an old saying, what rock have you been hiding under.
    If society is a patriarchy, you live a very sheltered life.
    In the life I live, women are definitely the equal of men.
    Things described as patriarchy, are certainly real things.
    But if you look closer, they are culture or religious things.
    There is no government policy, to ignore women in society.
    No policy to give men things, but not give women things.
    So in real terms, the patriarchy is imaginary in NZ.

    The matriarchy on the other hand, is obvious if you step outside.
    We can do a contest with a list, men’s privileges vs women’s.
    You have a women’s commissioner, men don’t have human rights in NZ.
    It’s your turn Kitten, what awful thing are men doing.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 11th July 2024 @ 6:15 pm

  9. I read of a complaint, about women only swimming pools.
    That it discriminates against men, having women only time.
    The Human Rights Commission, however is powerless.
    Pointless in fact, because they don’t decide breaches.
    In the case I read, the Commission had not even replied.

    It mentioned an important point, you can discriminate.
    The lines however are blurry, when can you not discriminate.
    You can fund birth care, but men don’t need birth care.
    You can fund abortion, but men don’t need abortion.
    Men can be forced to have babies, and also need help to be fathers.

    I find the pool argument trivial, hence it being in the media.
    Even I can see, this is no grave human rights problem.
    If the pools banned men completely, then it’s a problem.
    One day a week treated differently, is not life ruining.
    It’s if it’s no rights or access to services, but the other gender has it all.

    Kinda like Women’s Refuge, or White Ribbon funding.
    Women’s commissioner, or Women’s Minister.
    Maternity leave vs paternity leave, even women only hospitals.
    Discrimination is very real, if you’re a male DV victim to the police.
    It can be life destroying, when you’re automatically the offender.

    I don’t buy the mental health excuse for suicide, actual bigotry did it.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sun 21st July 2024 @ 9:55 pm

  10. This patriarchy the far left speak of, seams lot lack both historical and geographical context , Aotearoa is one of the best nations on the planet to be a woman, anyone disputing this would appear to be both poorly travelled and poorly read. Any “archy” that is unfairly oppressive to either gender is clearly not something that ought to survive the wisdom and of a principled liberal western democracy. Things that unjust tend to be over corrected by well meaning reformers, I’m of the view that psychologising masculinity is one such over correction in our times and is in fact making things worse not better for both men and woman. We are one and the same after all, being either gender is simply a matter of which side the coin lands at conception. I’m of the view bidirectional kindness and support between the two genders is the way forward, we need passive resistance against the evil neo Marxist fire lighters that desire perpetuate resentment and division along any axis of so called “oppression “ they can light a fire under. My dear brothers and sisters don’t take the bait. Be strong protective and mutually affirming men and woman look after our wahini and be exemplars of healthy masculinity and femininity, prove the leftist wrong by positive example. We are living in crazy times indeed but the best resistance is holding firm to age old family values and becoming examples that contradict the far left . Conservative is fast becoming the new punk, the nuclear family is now revolutionary, the thinking portion of the next generation will reject the new neo Marxist narrative that has sadly become the dominant discourse across establishment institutions, but the smart kids will challenge this in time, have faith history repeats its not just predictable it’s inevitable ,,

    Comment by Jim — Sat 24th August 2024 @ 12:19 am


    my brothers,

    please enter this link in your browser for a very informative pamphlet about the struggles of men around the globe. we must stand together to create change. amen.

    -Jett xx

    Comment by Jett Pork — Wed 28th August 2024 @ 12:27 pm


    Comment by Angry Toxic Feminist with Blue Hair and Pronouns — Wed 28th August 2024 @ 1:59 pm

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