MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.


Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 4:05 pm Wed 19th May 2021

I very much dislike all social media like Facebook and others. However, it is a way to get notice.

Why is MENZ not on Facebook?


  1. Because someone would have to run it and be online 24/7. It’s not like a personal page that you can look at every few days to check if you have any messages. I doubt anyone is willing to do that unpaid. Are you ?

    Comment by golfa — Wed 19th May 2021 @ 4:28 pm

  2. Because Facebook has previously removed anything considered anti-feminist, or overtly pro-male. Its algorithms consider it “hate speech”

    Comment by rayjarmon — Wed 19th May 2021 @ 9:40 pm

  3. Back in the olden days, MENZ did have a Facebook page.

    In 2014, when they cancelled me and disabled my account, dozens of community pages I had set up for various organisations were automatically removed.

    My advice to anyone considering enriching Mark Zuckerberg et al by viewing their advertising is:

    “Just say no to Facebook”.

    Comment by JohnPotter — Thu 20th May 2021 @ 7:52 am

  4. If you search the recent article you will find even Stuff News has gone Facebook free.

    Comment by Downunder — Thu 20th May 2021 @ 11:50 am

  5. John, With the passage of time perhaps other social media may accept MENZ?

    Comment by Lukenz — Thu 20th May 2021 @ 1:42 pm

  6. My lawyer told me she went to a short seminar yesterday on the family court. She said there was a fathers group there and would get me a copy of the presenters notes about fathers experiences.

    In terms of raising awareness. I dont think platforms are a barrier. Its content and they way its presented. Facts and figures cannot be disputed. The challenge is obtaining this content and then presenting it in a way that highlights the predicament of men with statistical facts that cannot be disputed.

    There’s no doubt there’s been some great success in the past. Some men responsible for this are still on this forum. Reaching anywhere near that level again seems out of reach at this present time. Most of us are just hanging in there consumed by family court processes,lawyer and child support bills.

    Comment by ErasingDad — Thu 20th May 2021 @ 10:12 pm

  7. #6 ErasingDad.

    I am likely to be arrested, charged, threatened, or whatever police do these days in NZ, some time in then near future.
    Soon the moon will be stained red, by the earth, but a shadow, a second, in its future.
    The date set, and the clock ticking.
    Fate is inevitable, and easy to manipulate, with human, flesh and blood.

    While things seem settled, in men’s rights issues.
    With little happening, even Facebook, silent.
    Something is about to snap.
    The quiet, before the storm.

    Justice for me, arrives at my door, any time.
    Lest they forget, or blind to see.
    The accusation, is real.
    And they will in ignorance demand, retribution.

    That I pay the price, costs, for my contempt.
    And seek persecution.
    Yet I pay any price, for justice.
    For there crimes, I pay without reservation.

    For humans, it must be done.


    I think in the morning.
    I will have a haircut and shave.
    And look decent, for a change.
    For a good week of work.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 22nd May 2021 @ 10:56 pm

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