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Police unhappy with ruling that stops formal written warnings from being supplied to employers.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 10:24 am Sat 22nd May 2021

Original Post Here


Police unhappy with ruling that stops formal written warnings from being supplied to employers.

Let’s not make this confusing. There are a number of players here.

1. The Police have for a long time believe they are Judge and Jury by providing criminal history that has not been tested.

2. Justice Davison knows he is the decider on who has criminal history.

3. The teacher may or may not have been grooming the 15 year old girl.

4. The 15 year old girl believes she was not groomed and will not participate in a trial.

5. Clinical psychologist Kathryn McPhillips thinks it’s a useful workaround when victims who say they are not victims to stop people without convictions getting employment.

6. Professor Andrew Geddis said it could cost the Government $$$ is a possibility under the NZ Bill of rights act for the harm people have suffered.

7. Andrew Geddis thinks the Government should legislate to stop money being paid out to men who have suffered this side stepping on the NZ Bill of rights act.

I think any Court Of Appeal Judge will agree with Justice Davison.

I further think the Government may create a law to remove men’s rights under the NZ Bill of rights retrospectively. This would be a big step. But a step this Government may be willing to take since the latest sexual violence act that removes the right to a fair trial almost all lawyers are against here. Innocence Protection Project

What do you think?


  1. It is interesting how we look at sex.

    So a story.

    I was told of a, just below age of consent male.
    Who lost his virginity to a much older lady.
    My age so, pedophilia in today’s use of the word.
    If done by a male.

    I thought that was a good thing to happen.
    For him.


    Male not achieving in school.
    Already trying drugs.
    Problems with violence.
    Not setting goals.

    Far better option, than a young female.
    Who could get pregnant.
    Or jealousy, could exacerbate his violence.
    Ruining any goal, he may have had.

    Far better option, the wise, mature female.
    Yet we persecute the male, in the same situation.
    What then exists, as the danger, that humans fear.
    All that is left is pregnancy.


    I have discovered due to having to examine my own bias on the subject.
    That we all see male behaviour in many cases, as predatory.
    Yet I saw the story, as not predatory.
    And by default, society arbitrarily judges, male behaviour as crime.


    Another story.

    I was told of a male, who was taken to a bed, by his male friends.
    As he was drunk, and needed to sleep.
    He woke to a female having sex with him.
    That he didn’t know.

    If a male did that to a female, it’s called rape.
    Raping men in New Zealand.
    Is obviously legal.
    The male helpless.

    To our Gynocentric Rape Culture.
    Pregnancy the, justification.
    The cause, of culture.

    Males rape, and are persecuted.
    Females rape, and are rewarded.


    Even 15 year old boys.
    Are forced to pay Child Support.

    Justice has plucked out its eye.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 22nd May 2021 @ 11:19 am

  2. Civil law objectively says the father of the child and we’ve had 12 year old boys having child support deducted from their paper round earnings in this country.

    Criminal Law was always about men being the responsible party and not so much now but responsible for the behavior of their spouse.

    Yes, it’s a very different world now for us oldies to look down on.

    Comment by Evan Myers — Sat 22nd May 2021 @ 11:54 am


    In all of human history, that was normal.
    Magically today, the world has ended.
    Word, definitions, are changing.

    “There’s a reason we have laws against sexual abuse of a minor, and it’s because the brain of a 14-year-old is not developed enough to make mature decisions about sex and sexuality.”

    Sexual abuse?
    There is no claim of abuse.
    A sexual event took place.
    It may have been, in both parties minds, consensual.

    So then it’s the brain that’s the problem.
    Ahh, now I see it.
    The corrupt ideology argument, ‘mature’ decisions.
    Based on what education?

    How complex is counting, reading, algebra.
    Can they not make those complex decisions, at 14.
    Have scientists tested this, brain ‘theory’.
    The placebo, being ‘no’ education, or the present.

    Clearly the real problem, was the persecution.
    The demands of abortion.
    The demands, of another, over ones own body.
    Did nature ‘God’ not make them, do it.

    The 55 year old, who was once 18.
    The clock has turned backwards, for politics.
    Judging, an event involving love.
    Persecuting, again, for culture.

    And tragedy.
    The female died.
    And from tragedy.
    A man wanting a better society.

    Feminists will demand.
    The word abuse be protected.
    No matter where the clock stops, or on what man.
    It’s definition arbitrary.

    “Bring it on. I’m going to stay in this race,” he said.

    I watch with interest his fate.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 22nd May 2021 @ 6:01 pm

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