MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Archive of Law & Courts

Rapists are getting too low a sentence

Sun 28th December 2008:

A father has raped his 13 y.o foster daughter, repeatedly. He has raped his previous foster daughter, too. He is sentenced to 90 days jail. Outrage grips the city and 10,000 people march on the Court demanding that the Judge be sacked and charged with perverting Justice. They demand that the Prosecutor is sacked and […]

Judge their values by their actions, not by what they say.

Thu 18th December 2008:

You must be the judge, to protect your children: Boy’s abductors avoid jail terms December 18, 2008, 12:43 pm A father and daughter who admitted abducting the woman’s young son in Hamilton in 2006 have been sentenced to home detention. Dick Halton Headley, 70, and Kay Halton Skelton, 38, pleaded guilty in the High […]

Woman, 33 rapes child, kicks out husband, gets pregnant to child and has child kicked out too.

A 33-year-old mother was charged with having sex with a minor three weeks after she found out she was pregnant to the boy, a court was told. The woman was remanded on bail till February 13 for trial in the Timaru District Court after depositions before justices of the peace yesterday. The woman uttered one […]

The law and men …. how bad is it?

Mon 15th December 2008:

There was a time when I believed that justice may be blind but surely it is not dumb. I figured (naively) that students actually studied the law and that all people were protected under it. In a funny way it was like a security blanket and I got on with life believing that the law […]

Taiwan: Mum forces her children, under 10, into prostitution.

Thu 11th December 2008:

From correspondents in Taipei December 11, 2008 03:00pm A TAIWANESE woman has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for forcing her three underage daughters into prostitution The woman, identified only by her surname, Wei, was convicted of forcing her daughters, then aged six, seven and 10 years old, to work as prostitutes between 2005 […]

Men and Domestic Violence

Sun 23rd November 2008:

Hans made a good point in one of his comments stating that the Domestic Violence laws in New Zealand are biased against men. Canada has a solid Men’s Movement and since the 80’s have tried to find fairness for fathers, men and boys as well as stop the bias and hatred feminism tries so hard […]

The Family Court’s weakest point.

Fri 21st November 2008:

Many people don’t appear to realise how vulnerable the NZ Family Court is. The weakest point of the NZ Family Court is public confidence in it. Once the public confidence in the Family Court drops below a certain level the Family Court looses all power and authority. This is the greatest threat to the family […]

Nia Glassie’s siblings doing well with Dad

Wed 19th November 2008:

Nia Glassie’s siblings are thriving in Tokoroa with their grandparents and father as their mother and others implicated in  their sister’s death face jail. Lisa Kuka, 35, was found guilty of two charges of manslaughter in the High Court at Rotorua yesterday after a month-long trial that revealed shocking details of months of abuse that ended […]

Does the new government speak with forked tongue?

I don’t know how to go about it but I think this is an opportunity to press for the state apparatus to support father involvement. Fatherless children are at risk children. Tariana Turia states “Families need to stay strongly connected so that they are able pick up on any issues that arise.” So now is […]

Reactions of women compared to men.

Mon 17th November 2008:

My story is pretty bad but so are many fathers.  One thing I learnt years ago is that there is always another father with an even worse experience than yours.  Mine is a bad one all the same. When I tell people about my story with my ex, the family court and so on,  I […]

Brisbane woman charged with torture

Nov 16 2008 A Brisbane woman has been charged with torturing a two-year-old boy admitted to hospital with serious injuries. Queensland Police charged the 29-year-old woman from Regents Park, in Brisbane’s south, with one count each of torture, cruelty to a child and two counts of assault occasioning bodily harm. She was arrested after police […]

Men’s intuition good enough to be used as caught evidence!

Fri 14th November 2008:

It seems that men’s intuition is more than good enough, to be used in familycaught, as evidence? Interestingly, scientific checking shows that women’s intuition is less sensitive and less accurate. Men’s suspicious minds better at spotting infidelity Suspicious dads spark surge in sales of DNA kits Is this a bit of a turnaround from the […]

UK’s Largest Teachers’ Union Lobbies to Legalise Sex with Students

Fri 10th October 2008:

LONDON, October 9, 2008 ( – The largest UK teachers’ union wants the government to decriminalise sex with students who are over the legal age of consent. Chris Keates, the general secretary of the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT), said that teachers who have sex with pupils over the age of […]

Evidence is easily swept away by Sympathy

Tue 2nd September 2008:

This should never happen, in a court that takes justice seriously. This is so fundamental to successfully delivering justice, that the judicial oath was written to cover this issue. (see Oaths and Declarations Act In the [human]-animal, decisions leading to action, are made in the emotional part of the brain. This enables a fast […]

At last!

Tue 26th August 2008:

After 3 attempts and 6 years, I have finally managed to get my protection order discharged. No lawyer was used as I have yet to come across a good one. I tried several. Interestingly the judge stayed well clear of my legal arguments in his judgment. Among other things I argued the NZ Bill of Rights. I […]

Child Support obligation to work does not breach Antipeonage Act in USA

Mon 18th August 2008:

I hope the following USA article clarifies this issue for NZ non-custodial parents (fathers). I apologise for using the old Guardianship Act terms, but they do communicate the legal relationships in a straightforward and honest manner, that helps real people to understand the caughtroom behaviour of these not qualified “judges”. US OCSE Enforcement of Child […]

One In Five Fathers Wrongly Identified By Mothers

Mon 4th August 2008:

Press Release by United Future at 3:52 pm, 04 Aug 2008 UnitedFuture is calling on the Government to immediately introduce DNA paternity testing, following new figures from Britain showing that in one in five claims DNA testing proves that the mother misidentified the father of their child. “It is a disgrace that in New Zealand […]

NZ Studies identify father absence as factor in youth suicide

Sun 13th July 2008:

NZ Government funded research has identified total loss of father contact as being a common factor in suicides of youths, who have applied for Independant Youth Benefit. (This does not prove that it is causal, this is more difficult to prove.) The same researcher asks people to be willing to look at all research and […]

Police Safety Orders

Sat 28th June 2008:

Judge Paul von Dadelszen was interviewed on National Radio Nine to Noon on Wednesday 11 June 2008 in his role as Acting Principal Family Court Judge. His confident, resonant voice made him an ideal replacement for his slick ad-man boss in progressing dangerous abuse by the state as if it were beneficial. I thought it […]

Electoral Finance Bill and Labour – just how corrupt are they?

Mon 2nd June 2008:

Many of us here have other sites. We have already seen a couple of sites shut down for speaking anti Labour that were threatened with punishment. But let’s look how Labour is getting around all this deviously. I picked up a free Union magazine from a shop 3 days ago. Front cover has Helen Clarke […]

Human Rights Issues For Men And Boys

Wed 28th May 2008:

Date: 01/05/2008 Introduction Men and boys, who make up 49% of the New Zealand population, fare better than women and girls in a number of human rights areas. These include employment participation and income, and representation in leadership and governance roles. In others, they are disproportionately represented in negative outcomes and statistics. These include significantly […]

Rape – radio talkback on the Layton Smith show

Thu 1st May 2008:

I drove half way to work this morning when I heard a talk back issue on the National Radio Station about rape and the new laws where when a woman drinks she is raped. There will be no consideration for the man. None what so ever. Not one thing he says will be relevant. It […]

Finally… but can I win?

Wed 30th April 2008:

I am a week away from what will hopefully be the conclusion of a 5 year process for shared care of my children. Due to the time it has taken to get this far two of my four children are now over 16 and have lost the extra time they could have spent with me […]

Inviting Media to Report on Family Court Cases

Fri 18th April 2008:

Just looking on Google news, searching for “Family Court” and all I can find, is regarding the parental tests that was announced last month, and a thing on a family of 15 living in the bush. Has anyone tried to invite the media to their Family Court hearing?  What would be the process of doing […]

Prostitution in the PC (politically conformist) era

Mon 14th April 2008:

FYI, my other email today: Dear Morning Report Team Your article this morning entitled “Campaign to Legalize Prostitution in the UK” was disappointing. The interviewer blithely accepted everything the interviewees claimed and treated an important issue as if covering a light-hearted school play. When interviewee “Shirley” referred to a Nevada brothel she had visited as […]

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