Tue 24th December 2019:
Having spent 3 years in a relationship with someone (and having a child together) only to find that you have been accused of assault after separation can be rough. Having met my ex-partner while working as a teacher, we fell in love very quickly. The relationship was a wirlwind of ups and downs but that’s […]
Wed 25th February 2009:
Critique of the Axioms Maxims and principles of Feminism If our old adversary feminism, had principles, axioms, tenets or maxims to which it adheres, what would they be? A suggestion list please. I would like to have a go with a critique of these… IE, ‘equal pay for equal work’, ‘our bodies, our selves’, ‘biology […]
Tue 24th February 2009:
Julies post gives greatly distorted view: She says ‘At the moment women are outliving men by 5 years ‘ quoting a news item from AMERICA that actually says ‘babies born in 2009’ so postulated effect is 77 years in future! A gross distortion of reality. I do not now think ‘julie’ so masculinist friendly.
Sun 22nd February 2009:
Women’s vote strength is powerful indeed, having three times as much influence, where it counts, than men. people commonly believe they ‘know that it is 49% to 51% ‘ but that is population proportion overall: we are concerned here with political power and influence only in the voting cohorts above the voting age of 20. Women as a whole get to vote two elections more than men PLUS in slightly greater numbers… giving overall in voting strength more like 45% to 55% advantage in western societies to women. 10 is twice the vote power where it counts. Thus men CANNOT support democracy! … as currently configured. Some solutions proffered.