MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Innocence Project NZ 2007 Conference

Filed under: Events — JohnPotter @ 3:40 pm Sat 1st September 2007

I’m planning on going to an interesting-looking conference in December where my wife Felicity will be one of the presenters.

The Innocence Project New Zealand (IPNZ) is a joint venture between Victoria University of Wellington and University of Otago. It was recently established as non-profit group of scientists, writers and lawyers aimed at investigating possible cases wrongful conviction in the New Zealand legal system.

The IPNZ has announced that registration for their first international conference is now open. It will be held at Rutherford House, Victoria University of Wellington, on 13th-15th December 2007.

The IPNZ Conference 2007 will offer a cross-disciplinary examination of scientific evidence in the courtroom. We are bringing together prominent scientists and legal experts whose work has influenced the criminal justice system. The conference is designed for lawyers, judges, politicians, policy makers, police, scientists, students and members of the general public: in short, everyone who has a stake in the integrity of the criminal justice system.

Speakers will include:

  • Prof. William Thompson (University of California, Irvine), an expert in DNA testing
  • Dr. Simon Cole (University of California, Irvine), an expert on fingerprint evidence
  • Jackie McMurtrie (University of Washington), a professor of law and director of the Innocence Project Northwest
  • Dr. Yvette Tinsley (Victoria University of Wellington), a Senior Lecturer in Law
  • Prof. Harlene Hayne (University of Otago), an expert in children’s memory
  • Prof. Neil Brewer (Flinders University), an expert in eyewitness identification procedures
  • Dr. Maryanne Garry (Victoria University of Wellington), an expert in human memory distortions
  • Christopher Stevenson (Barrister), a practicing Barrister in New Zealand
  • Assoc. Prof. Felicity Goodyear-Smith (University of Auckland), an expert in child sexual abuse

Registration is NZD$110.00 (NZD$35 for students) and is available from their website.


  1. John, Could you contact me off Line please [email protected] I may be able to assist your wife, I do not wish to name names on open group.

    Comment by Alastair — Sat 1st September 2007 @ 3:47 pm

  2. This is so cool. And John, you are so cool. No person makes a huge impact without a parent who is at home caring for the family and the home. But you don’t just do that, do you? You also work from home and you also fight for father’s rights. And not just that but life is lonely being a father at home.

    Gosh, I know. Many husbands are afraid of the father who is the day to day caregiver. And that dear sir is not something you can change.

    But what can change is father’s groups. They can BE. Just as mother’s groups.

    Comment by julie — Sat 1st September 2007 @ 5:10 pm

  3. John’s wife , this is very encouraging for me to see a child sexual abuse expert will be attending the conference .I hope to be in attendance as it is a sensitive area. I have much to discuss on the sordid topic. Its strange being a full time care/angel protecter/ father to a 14 year old after an absence of six years .

    Comment by dad4justice — Sat 1st September 2007 @ 10:36 pm

  4. I look forward in anticipation to outcomes from this conference.
    I’m sure the “Peter Ellis Effect”will be mentioned:
    Men afraid to be near children for fear of false allegations.
    I voluntarily chose to forget my grandchildren because of the certainty that allegations would be made, and the high probability that conviction would follow. Many men would have similar stories.

    Comment by John Brett — Mon 3rd September 2007 @ 9:07 am

  5. I feel for Peter Ellis as Peter Burns has been called a sexual child abuser by Police , Judges , Lawyers , CYFS , vindictive family members and politicians and guess what they’re ALL F##KING WRONG !!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by dad4justice — Mon 3rd September 2007 @ 10:20 am

  6. The blogger roger nome who is a Labour supporter and
    called Phillip John Mason has just posted this thread on kiwiblog insinuating that I am a child molester.
    These internet Helen Clark paid employees are depraved
    and beyond my comprehension. What low life’s.

    Comment by dad4justice — Tue 22nd April 2008 @ 7:22 pm

  7. You read that shit!

    Comment by Hadi Akbari — Tue 22nd April 2008 @ 7:58 pm

  8. Looks like someone, found a skeleton in the closet.
    A small lie, with huge ramifications.

    The question automatically becomes, compensation.
    They cannot claim, it’s his fault it happened.
    Nobody can claim, the defendant wasn’t being honest.
    And by there own comments, intellect is no excuse for them.

    His saying he had a knife, is proof he had a knife.
    I also have a knife, and you also will have one.
    It is relevant, that he had a type of knife.
    But is no proof, it was the knife used.
    Even if only one in a million, have that knife.
    For NZ, the other four knives are not accounted for.

    So what where the consequences, of the lying.
    Was it his arrest, and waiting for the trial.
    Was it the trial, and wrongfully being found guilty.
    Was it harm to the mother, selling everything for justice.
    Was it the years in prison, and false hope of appeals.
    Was it the endless sentence, allowing more imprisonment.

    None of that, should have happened.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Sat 16th April 2022 @ 8:14 am

  9. So many good people can be harmed or cause harm on the back of a lie or a false accusation – we must also be mindful of the use of these tactics to stitch up a PATSY. Vulnerable people who can be easily set up for crimes they did not commit – this comes down to INTENT rather than it being a competency issue.

    Psychological projection and blame shifting and playing the victim when caught out is how criminals avoid prosecution and investigation. This was out story.

    Gas lighting is psychological abuse and severe harm our family were the TRUE victims of this hidden domestic Violence.–-a-modern-technique-to-destroy-reputation/

    Once I learnt what Gas lighting was I was able to rebuild confidence and self esteem which are the targets of the BULLYING ABUSER.

    Comment by HORNET — Sun 17th April 2022 @ 8:01 am

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