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To be honest. I find that article heartless .
Clearly that reporter has no idea (clearly never being though the system).
It’s an insult to those of us unable to see our child(ren).
Comment by 2c worth — Mon 27th June 2022 @ 1:36 pm
Jamie Bull, 36, was found dead at his flat by his dad Jim and stepmum Nicola.
A father killed himself after his ex-wife ‘fought against him having access to his children over Christmas’, which led to his mental health difficulties ‘spiralling’, an inquest has heard.
His brother Chris said: ‘It’s miraculous that someone who is in that much personal and mental turmoil themselves can selflessly help others in the way he did.’
He was found hanged and despite his dad Jim’s attempts to resuscitate him, he was pronounced dead by paramedics.
Comment by Lukenz — Wed 29th June 2022 @ 10:21 pm
As we know, everyone will go around blaming other things.
Feminists will be devastated, he can’t pay child support.
Or that he didn’t act, how they intend men to act.
He didn’t go around, to try and get his kids.
So endless claims, of the violent man can be made.
They will now claim, stopping him seeing his kids.
Was clearly the best decision, as he was unstable.
With the police acting, he had zero chances in the family court.
Tainted by the mental health claim, that is unlikely to be true.
Just stressed out, so he couldn’t cope mentally.
If psychological violence, is domestic violence.
This is a death, caused by women’s domestic violence.
Mass murderers, compared to anything men do.
Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 30th June 2022 @ 4:29 pm
#1: Aside from too many unnecessary commas, we saw this article as really good and very important that it was published at all. In what way was it heartless and what was in it that you felt insulted by?
Comment by Ministry of Men's Affairs — Fri 1st July 2022 @ 12:25 pm
I think it was a good article, if not the best in a long time.
At a deeper level, it exposes how counterintuitive things are.
The parent stopping things, is the bad parent.
They paint the other parent as bad, when everything is trivial.
The article also shows a failed claim, was used for a new case.
A clear indication, of the vexatious litigant.
Is the parent, continuously making claims.
Has the parent, made a single false or exaggerated claim.
Is the parent, despite hurdles still trying to see the child.
As we know the Family Court, is a money making scam.
So even what is obvious, will be ignored.
Many years and cases later, more claims can be made.
Yet judges saying enough, is a rare thing.
When a single trivial claim, can be proof of the bad parent.
The male who suicided, was only at the start line.
I like my commas.
Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 1st July 2022 @ 6:54 pm
I thought this article was good too. I was also surprised the story made it to mainstream media. There are many men who have looked down into the suicidal abyss whilst going through the family court. No system should do that to a person.
Comedian Chris Rock once said “Only women, children and dogs are loved unconditionally.
A man is only loved under the condition that he provides something”.
Comment by ErasingDad — Sun 10th July 2022 @ 11:43 pm
So for males who commit suicide, one must suspect abuse.
Some form of coercive control, is taking place.
What better place, than the family court.
Threats of not seeing the children, become real.
The threat that trapped them, now ruins them.
What would be found, if the suicided could do a survey.
Everything like financial abuse, even saying the kids not his.
We have got some new statistics, from the living.
The worse the abuse, the worse the mental health problems.
Is suicide not the worst, that we can assume the worst abuse.
Despite thousands dead, not a statistic will exist.
The hundreds of men that suicide, remain unexplained.
Despite the reason, being pretty obvious.
Comment by DJ ward — Sun 17th July 2022 @ 9:38 pm