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Bob lets us know what our children are being taught.

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 11:25 am Tue 10th May 2022

What business is it to even ask such questions of a child. I thought schools were a place of learning not to push ideology. Not to force a child into discussing that personal nonsense and to withhold it from parents. It is not education.

Bizarre as it is to our elected leaders, parents raise children governments do not.


  1. I don’t like the war between parents, and teachers.
    In the US for example, with education about sexual orientation.
    We need to accept, age appropriate education exists.
    Controversial things must be taught, to equip the child for the world.

    So people can have ideology, not the same as teachers ideology.
    But it would be wrong, for the parent not to know what’s taught.
    Worse if the child were told, to keep what’s taught secret.
    Secrets are special, but dangerous with bad intent.

    My daughter and I bought a present, some time ago.
    But she couldn’t keep the secret, and spoiled the surprise.
    Recently we bought a present, without flaw she hid the secret.
    Just the smallest experience of guilt, was a lesson about secrets.

    If the secret is not of good intent, what is the burden of keeping it.
    Is it a punishment or reward, when the secret is exposed.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Tue 10th May 2022 @ 10:26 pm

  2. The Platform probably deserves a mention here since it has a couple of blokie characters like Sean Plunket and Martin Devlin on board.

    It’s new and officially launched on Monday as a talk back and news site accessed via their own app.

    I’ve done the test run and it works really well.

    You can access the app download through

    Hopefully we’ll see something a little less PC than what we get from much of our mainstream.

    Comment by Downunder — Wed 11th May 2022 @ 9:03 am

  3. They put out an interesting promo …

    Comment by Evan Myers — Wed 11th May 2022 @ 9:26 am

  4. I don’t think the diagnosis book, is relevant.
    Essentially we have a pile of genes, developing the brain.
    Each one, relating to one thing.
    Each one, being more boy or more girl.

    Very few, will have all strongly boy things.
    Very few, will have all strongly girl things.
    Most of us will be, 3/4 our gender and 1/4 the other.
    But many have genes, outside of normal.
    Where they have lots of genes, acting as the other gender.

    There is no logic, to sexual attraction.
    The environment, can normalise anything.
    But naturally men, are attracted to women.
    The also naturally, they are not attracted to men.
    Yet it’s just another human, magically creating desire.
    A man with more female genes, can then naturally like men.

    Maybe specific genes, strongly affect sexual desire.
    But it is wrong, to use the term mental illness for sexual orientation.
    As thinking, is no more competent than other humans.


    If a teacher, thinks gender is an issue for the student.
    Why can’t the parent get called into school, for a talk.
    If it’s true they are different, the teacher and parents can’t stop it.
    If everyone works together, it’s better than ignorance or conflict.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Wed 11th May 2022 @ 5:51 pm

  5. One can only ask now whether this would still be happening if the Bradford Bill hadn’t changed section 59 of Crimes Act, which was the basis of parental authority.

    Comment by Downunder — Thu 12th May 2022 @ 12:11 pm

  6. Some comments I read, do talk of removing parents rights.
    Section 59, being an example with change.

    To be cynical about section 59, it was an attack on men.
    As it increased the power, of the family court.
    And we know the stories, and statistics for that entity.
    Or do we, as they are very secret.

    Not that women don’t experience law, but it’s different.
    What is the change of power, in the family court.
    What then of Oranga Tamariki, and there statistics.
    Abuser women supported vs abuser men supported in court.

    Interestingly the intent of the change, was something I supported.
    So has actual rates, of hitting children changed.
    If there was statistics, even then other changes have happened.
    Certainly hitting children, is no where near solved.

    Can they now quantify, the side effects of good intent.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Thu 12th May 2022 @ 6:40 pm

  7. This has an important argument, about education.

    So the educators, have set a competency standard.
    And the students expect, pass rate moderation.

    One is meeting, the required knowledge standard.
    One is the average competency, of the education system.

    So if the education system, is making worse students.
    Then inherently, the standard must fall.

    That’s obviously a bad idea, for the qualifications.
    And the same argument, applies to all subjects.
    A degree by participation, or achievement of competency.
    And many things, are qualified by participating.
    Think of a first aid course, where we all pass.

    I have an example, in my fathers life.
    As he went to get, a qualification for running a quarry.
    So part of that, is dealing with explosives.
    First try, the pass rate was very low.
    My father also had a level of illiteracy, but still passed.
    So I guess, there was some celebration for that.
    Which is why, I can remember that bit of childhood.
    An important thing, parents leading by example.

    So you cannot have, participation as the test.
    Not for important things, even for first aid.
    Everyone passes for first aid, as the patient has no choice.
    But they wait for the paramedic, who is tested to a standard.
    And despite using lots of explosives, my father still lives.

    It is political pressure, that can change the standard.
    A shortage of qualified people, can pressure the standard.
    The politicians demanding, a higher rate of passing.
    Even changing from testing, to participation to pass.

    Which took place, in high school education.
    From the school certificate exams, to course work.
    So the comment by students, that they are the experiment.
    Is true, as there is no permanent standard of competency.
    Or what they must also, participate in.

    Comment by DJ Ward — Fri 17th June 2022 @ 10:14 pm

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