MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Archive of Gender Politics

Feminist ‘facts’

Wed 10th October 2012:

Hate statistics This does not need a summary – just watch it:

Brian Gardiner defends White Ribbon Hate Campaign

Thu 27th September 2012:

Yesterday’s RadioNZ Nine to Noon featured an item about the recent release of Police family violence statistics. I strongly recommend MENZ readers listen to this online while it’s available.

Parent relationships hypocrisy

Wed 26th September 2012:

Parent relationships hypocracy? In these examples, the “judges” under the spotlight are in USA and in Turkey. The USA case was not under Hague Convention, but the real world parenting issues are similar.

The terror of the politically correct – Karen Woodall

While many men are sitting delicately, on their oversized derrieres, it is women who are getting out and actively doing something to protect children’s rights to have a relationship with their fathers…. No, I am not suggesting drug or electric shock treatment for your lethargy, more adrenaline injections from extreme violence….. Anyway, maybe reading Karen […]

NZ Police: Nearly 50 per cent of children who die as a result of family violence are killed by their mothers

Tue 25th September 2012:

NZ Police today released a report summarising the findings of 95 family violence death reviews involving 101 victims between 2004 and 2011. The report, which did not include all deaths that occurred during that period, found 15 out of 33 child victims were killed by their mums. Five newborn babies were killed by women who […]

‘Time for a Change’ in how we address DV?

Written for FathersCan by Dr. Don Dutton PHD-for national and International distribution ‘Time for a Change?’ What do Chris Brown, Ike Turner, and OJ Simpson have in common? They are all famous men who beat their wives. Chris Brown’s case got maximum exposure on Oprah, Ike Turner was vilified in a movie, OJ got all […]

He’s Just Swapped His Fists For The System

Sun 23rd September 2012:

Cartwright Seminar Concerns that Family Court failing women and children HE’S JUST SWAPPED HIS FISTS FOR THE SYSTEM

Legislative Process in Perspective

Sat 8th September 2012:

When I was younger and had never seen the inside of a caughtroom, I thought legislation guided judges, in rather clearly defined manner. Having seen several caught cases proceed, I eventually came to the conclusion that more often than not, Parliament and legislation is several years behind changes in judge’s behaviour. Tail wagging the dog? […]

History of Child Support

Wed 5th September 2012:

History of Child [and Spousal] Support The best concise record of the history that I have seen, is by Barry Pearson in UK. While his website is available, it is quicker and easier to read Barry Pearson’s website. The headings of the two articles below, take you to the source website. As his website might […]

Black Ribbon Campaign for Men

Wed 29th August 2012:

FYI, information about the launch of a new campaign at parliament grounds this Friday 31 August. We invite supporters to join the campaign with a $5 donation; they will receive a black ribbon that can be worn alongside or instead of the white ribbon. MMA MINISTRY OF MEN’S AFFAIRS MINITATANGA MO NGA TANE PO Box […]

Documentary About The USA Family Court System

Sat 4th August 2012:

Support? System Down is a documentary film that covers the everyday issues of stress, family, struggle and suffering that families experience when put through the detrimental, winding manoeuvres of the family court systems, which are flooded with more cases than the labour force can handle or chooses not to handle. Finally, a shocking documentary that […]

If the noose fits, wear it?

Wed 25th July 2012:

It can be educational, to lift one well known and understood story, change the names to something else (a less well known story) and then see if the newly developed story has any ring of truth in it? This can be an unfair and abusive technique? It can also give some insight into the less […]

Men’s Centre North Shore weekly meetings end after 15 years

Sun 15th July 2012:

I received a call from Jim Bagnal at the end of last week, informing me that Men’s Centre North Shore is no longer able to continue running support meetings on Monday nights. As far as I know, any official funding ran out years ago, and expenses have been met by individual supporters for some time.

Is Misandry in Society becoming excessive?

Sat 7th July 2012:

Back in January 2010; the “Futurist” published an expose on misandry; entitled The Misandry Bubble. Today a poll is being taken by the author asking one simple question; Is Misandry in Society becoming excessive? If you would like to cast your vote; then the link is here: A First Quarter Poll on the Misandry Bubble […]

Protecting yourself from Perjury

Wed 4th July 2012:

With the familycaught$ heading into a period of extreme change, there may be an increase in manipulation and perjury. Entitlement leads to immunity from other people’s rules. This is a dangerous disease, so try to be careful not to catch it yourself. As Machiavelli said, time is the greatest innovator. When the invisible rules of […]

Response from Minister

Mon 2nd July 2012:

As expected the reply from the Associate Minister of Health Peter Dunne was a fob off, in response to my clear expose of anti-male gender bias by the Ministry of Health in the way it reports and responds to suicide. I publish Mr Dunne’s letter here for all to see the extent to which it […]

Safe Cognitive Thought Processes?

Sun 1st July 2012:

It is scary, how men and women can be warned about some hazard, for example the familycaught$, yet they will sail on into it with a high degree of trust. Sure, the Government advertises the quality and fit-for-purpose of the familycaught$, despite the steady stream of complaints that they receive and ignore about it. This […]

Helping Men

Sat 30th June 2012:

I recommend careful attention to two issues, when helping people dealing with familycaught$ (or CYFs). 1. Mental Health 2. Parenting Skills

Male Suicide and the social determinants of health

Tue 26th June 2012:

The Tip of the Iceberg: Male Suicide and the social determinants of health Keynote presentation by Professor John Macdonald President, Australasian Men’s Health Forum. Co-Director MHIRC UWS The tip of the iceberg theme will be used to suggest that we need to look beneath the surface of things, in many areas of life: often we […]

Suicide Prevention Conference 2012

Mon 25th June 2012:

Dr. Annette Beautrais has returned to NZ and is now employed at Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Auckland University, at the Middlemore Hospital Complex. Friday 28th September 2012 She has organised a Suicide Prevention Conference, to follow on from a World Injury Conference, a few days earlier in Wellington. (As quite a lot of […]

UK familycaught$ routinely uses “unqualified experts”

Sun 24th June 2012:

Scandal of ‘unqualified’ experts who advise our family courts: Decisions about the care of thousands of children routinely flawed By KATHERINE FAULKNER PUBLISHED: 01:48 GMT, 13 March 2012 | UPDATED: 09:31 GMT, 13 March 2012 Life-changing decisions about the care of thousands of children are routinely being made on flawed evidence from poorly qualified “experts’ […]

How courts and the culture disrespect dad Barbara Kay

Tue 19th June 2012:

A Father’s Day downer How courts and the culture disrespect dad 16th June 2012 By Barbara Kay / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS From the loving, engaged portrayals of fathers featured in recent popular movies like “The Descendants,” “Moneyball” and “A Better Life” – all three performances were nominated for Academy Awards – one might conclude […]

How feminism changed fatherhood

Mon 11th June 2012:

There’s an article on Stuff at the moment: How feminism changed fatherhood which MENZ readers might find interesting.

Punishment or Child Protection?

Wed 6th June 2012:

Severe sanctions considered for abusive parents NewstalkZB | 12:39pm Wed 06 Jun 2012 Forced sterilisation is off the table, but the Government is considering severe sanctions for people who have babies after committing serious crimes such as murder or abuse of children. Social Development Minister Paula Bennett has been forced to defend herself after last […]

Ministry of Health Suicide Report Neglects Men

Sun 20th May 2012:

FYI, here is my letter to the Minister of Health concerning his ministry’s latest report on suicide, due for public release on 24 May no doubt with Peter Dunne crowing about the achievement. It’s a serious indictment on the NZ government concerning its prioritization of women and neglect of men even in this area that […]

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