MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Archive of Gender Politics

Parents Sentencing Their Children To Death

Fri 25th March 2011:

Separating Parents Sentencing Their Children To Death Quote #1: In an eight-decade study, parental divorce in childhood was the strongest predictor of early death in adulthood. Quote #2: The early death of a parent had no measurable effect on children’s life spans or mortality risk, but the long-term health effects of broken families were often […]

Why Would a Woman Assault Her Husband?

Fri 18th March 2011:

Men Don’t Tell 1993 TV Film Man repeatedly assaulted by his wife TV film – based on true story The Other Face Of Domestic Violence On March 14, 1993, CBS aired “Men Don’t Tell,” a TV movie about domestic violence starring Peter Strauss and Judith Light. The twist: Strauss’s character, construction executive Ed MacAffrey, was […]

Finally the message is getting through

Wed 9th March 2011:

IN all the bullsh*t of international womens day, I found a woman who identified the real issues.

Grants should be given to women and not men because ‘women look to fix the whole problem, while men tend to reinvest in other men’

Mon 7th March 2011:

This outrageous story is based on one unqualified opinion. Helen LaKelly Hunt claims grants should be given to women and not men because ‘women look to fix the whole problem, while men tend to reinvest in other men’ which is quite bizarre given she got her privileged start in life from her oil tycoon father.

Men Going Their Own Way

Thu 24th February 2011:

More evidence of “Market Failure” in the Marriage Contract market- From Wall Street Journal: Where Have The Good Men Gone? Kay S. Hymowitz argues that too many men in their 20s are living in a new kind of extended adolescence. “nearly seven in 10 25-year-olds were married; by 2000, only one-third had reached that milestone” […]

CYFS protester held at gunpoint

Fri 4th February 2011:

At 4.45pm, February 4th 2011, a CYFS protester was held at gunpoint by police while on a mobile phone to another police officer. He was also on his landline [home phone] at the same time, to his lawyer over his case when the police phoned and asked, “Had he phoned the hospital?”

False accusations in custody cases

Wed 2nd February 2011:

Scotland’s DIVORCED fathers falsely accused of abusing their children during custody hearings are demanding a change in the law. Pressure group False Allegations Action’s spokesman, Eamonn Kelly said: “There are doting dads who have been falsely accused of the worst kind of abuse against their own children. It’s calculated to destroy a father’s relationship with […]

Videos of Men’s Summit

Mon 15th August 2005:

The speakers at the New Zealand Men’s Issues Summit held in Auckland on 6th May 2005 were filmed by Murray Bacon and Bryan Norton. The videos have been formatted for the web by John Potter, and are available online thanks to Video of John Tamihere at Men’s Issues Summit [26 MB .wmv] Video of […]

NZ Men’s Summit 2005 Report

Fri 6th May 2005:

Today’s summit at the Waitakere City Council chambers got off to a late start, which as it turned out was lucky because opening speaker John Tamihere was also slightly delayed. We were informed that his son had needed a bit of fatherly input into the matter of him staying at school for longer than it […]

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