Iraq war vet suspected of killing 6 family members
The pair had been involved in a protracted custody battle over the pair’s two daughters, Matthew Schafte, 42, a friend of Bradley Stone’s, told the Los Angeles Times.
“She was trying to hold the kids from him, and he just snapped,” guessed Schafte, of Harleysville, who said he’s known Stone for 20 years. “But to snap by killing her family members is not the Brad that I know. “¦ He was a nice guy.”
Just doing his job – trained to kill the enemy?
Officials in a Philadelphia suburb have yet to capture an Iraq war veteran they say carried out a shooting rampage early Monday (local time) that left six of his estranged family members dead, including his ex-wife and her 14-year-old niece.
He also apparently briefly abducted his two daughters from his ex-wife’s home before dropping them off with a neighbour and vanishing.
Article text in full below.
(Comments also include a similar situation developing in Cairns Australia where a mother has been arrested for killing 8 children.)
Seasons greetings, my dear gentlemen. 🙂
I am here to let you know that I have an awesome camp coming up that I booked two years ago and got lots of funding for. Its an actual island on the Waikato River and we have plenty of bunkrooms so YOU WON’T HAVE TO SHARE as well as lots of land for tents, etc.
People with $10m can buy their way into New Zealand. That policy was always going to involve a proportion of crooks. In his recent visit to New Zealand the Chinese President Xi Jinping asked NZ to send back a number of wealthy Chinese immigrants who he claimed had fled China with the proceeds of corruption. Mr Key responded publicly that because NZ has no extradition treaty with China (because China tortures accused to gain confessions, uses the death penalty and harvests the organs of those killed) we won’t be sending the allegedly corrupt millionaires back. However, there is one case involving allegations of ‘sexually inappropriate behaviour’ and Mr Key said NZ probably will be sending ‘that person’ back. For some reason, sending back a ‘person’ accused of sexually inappropriate behaviour doesn’t require any extradition treaty but sending back crooks and fraudsters does.
Does anyone understand the legal basis for Mr Key’s claim?
If this ‘person’ is sent back to face Chinese justice for what China defines as sexually inappropriate behaviour, would the same apply to, for example, a lesbian wanted by any of the 79 countries that illegalize homosexuality as sexually inappropriate behaviour and demand she is returned for trial and punishment for her crimes? (more…)
This article is a very informative and critical analyses on why today’s males are giving up on women and how the feminist movement has played a major role in this imbalance of society.
Mr Little claimed that he could not think of any reason that female public servants in leadership roles were currently being paid 8% less than men in similar positions. (Or was it 14%? The article threw around several figures.) Little blamed the average salary difference on ‘a lack of leadership’ on the part of the State Services Commission, implying that the difference reflected sexism against women. (more…)
After having read this article the one piece that sticks in my mind is this:
The hug, which caused so much offence, had happened when his PA suggested he go to X’s unit where he was told everybody was in tears over some bad news the unit had had.
That’s what we expect from our civil servants; when the going gets tough, sit down and have a little blubber about it.
The article is copied in full: source
Cera chief executive Roger Sutton walks into a press conference to announce his resignation, holding wife Jo Malcolm’s hand. Iain Rennie, State Services Commissioner, is behind.
The complainant at the heart of the Roger Sutton harassment allegations described his behaviour as unacceptable for someone in a powerful position, it has emerged.
Sutton resigned on November 17. (more…)
Murray has already drawn attention to this article on Stuff yesterday in a comment, but I think it deserves a post of it’s own. It is written by Rene Smit, who I met many years ago at the Dunedin Father & Child group. ‘Active dads’ could tackle child poverty.
In April, I made the post – about my understanding of the new Family Court System, as I go though it.
Well 7 Months later I can give you an update.
It will be a real interesting day when a woman runs a course of what women do wrong.
I work as a men’s behavioural change practitioner.
In the group, we talk about how it’s the ‘pattern of coercive control’ rather than the violence itself that actually causes the most damage to women’s lives, and it’s important to us to get participants to take that really seriously. Instead of allowing them to focus on a singular incident and its smokescreens (for example, ‘she was provoking me’, ‘I’d had too much to drink’, ‘I’m just really stressed’), we aim to restructure what it means when we talk about domestic or family violence – that it’s actually about a spectrum of abuse that’s occurred, with the physical violence itself being only a small part of that. It’s about looking at the root behaviour rather than just the surface visibility.
The NZ Herald this morning has shown the extent of its white knight complex as it gallops to rescue the honour of the Samoan woman in Australia accused of throwing her baby down a drain to kill it.
Apparently, she is
a loving auntie who adores children and appears entirely devoted to her family in Australia and Samoa.
and (more…)
I asked myself that question many years ago and after being through the mill came to the conclusion that they do not.
If you live in NZ, or in a Western country for that matter, you probably know who DOTCOM is and what he does for a job. Well, not apparently if you are on the bench.
Judge Nevin Dawson asked what his post-raid business was, Dotcom said he helped create Mega, a “cloud storage website”.
Judge Nevin Dawson: “A what website?”
Dotcom: “Cloud storage.”
Judge Dawson noted and said: “Cow storage.”
Dotcom, looking exasperated, corrected: “Cloud storage.”
I rest my case….
The Glenn Inquiry into child abuse and domestic violence, set up in September 2012, has reported back with recommendations in its second report, announced here Glenn Inquiry Domestic Violence a Disaster.
UPDATE: Report is now available for download here: The People’s Blueprint.
Released the day after the fatal stabbing of a women with a protection order there is no doubt room for a kneejerk reaction similar to the homicide that brought about the original domestic violence legislation.
We see the usual dinosaur-feminist attitude from the patron of the Glenn Inquiry, Dame Catherine Tizard … (more…)
And guess what? It’s about ‘trafficking’ 18 Indian men. Unfortunately, no journalist will acknowledge that all previous publicity has misled the public to believe that human trafficking is all about women being kidnapped and exploited. It’s not; by far the most exploitation and abuse is of men.
This story starts back here with Roger Sutton – another scalp for feminism followed by Andrew Litte feminazis’ new top white-knight and A big THANK YOU to Roger Sutton
following Sutton’s resignation from CERA (Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority) after a complaint of sexual harassment.
Amongst Roger Sutton’s impropriety is his ‘Visible G-string Friday’ comment, for which he’s taking a beating.
Of course sexual references and innuendo are about as rare as wide-mouth frogs, should never happen, and apparently women need to be protected from this. (more…)
This article brought great joy and admiration to my heart. It is like a desert out there looking for women that my daughters can emulate so this was an important and well timed article. So often we hear of female hero’s who are no more than moaners about their lot in life. It is only when the subject of oppression is male that a moaning bitch is thrust forward as a strong independent woman. The reality is that most of these hero’s have no character at all and simply climb on a band wagon swept along by a tsunami of propaganda. The Pippa Doyle’s and Whoopi Goldbergs are a dying race.
Here’s our report The Other Side of Partner Violence: A Counter-Balancing Review of International Studies and New Zealand Reports on Intimate Partner Family Violence, Jackson C, Laven H, Roberts V (November 2014)
Download report: The other side of partner violence
What is really annoying me is the reaction from some quarters to any praise for Roger Sutton’s work during his time at CERA and for his dedication to the rebuild of Christchurch.
The petty-skirt brigade would have Sutton strung higher than the engineer responsible for the collapse of the CTV building; the comparative media coverage particularly on ‘Stuffed News’ points to the total loss of objectivity that can be suffered by journalists and web editors when women’s stories hit the political arena. (more…)
In one of his first statements, possibly his very first, about matters other than his freshly elected role as leader of the Labour Party, Andrew Little showed his true colours. He sided with feminist ideology against Roger Sutton, calling for him to be kicked much harder for his so-called ‘sexual harassment’. (more…)
Media Release:
Fathers Lobby To Release Its Own Report On Family Violence
Co-author Hans Laven of a new report ‘The Other Side Of Partner Violence: A counterbalancing review of international and New Zealand reports on Intimate Partner Violence’ said today that their report would identify serious flaws evident in the recently issued Glenn, Tolmie Death Review and Herbert reports that supported their own erroneous beliefs that it was usually the male that was the perpetrator of family violence and the female was invariably the victim. These findings were not supported by neglected New Zealand and international studies which are ignored by the recent reports and women’s lobby groups.
“Our review reveals that statistical data has been manipulated and anti-male gender bias is a strong theme running through these reports”, claimed Mr Laven.
The report is to be released to the media and other stake holders on Wednesday 26th November and is bound to reignite debate on the true causes of family violence.
The authors of this report are Craig Jackson (educational consultant), Hans Laven (registered clinical psychologist) and Dr Viv Roberts (registered medical practitioner).
Flag soon to be flying over the graves of countless thousands of male soldiers who died in an effort to keep our women and children safe…….

(NZ Herald, 17/11/14):
In a joint statement, Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel and Christchurch City Council chief executive Karleen Edwards expressed sadness at the loss of “a stand-out leader for our city and region”.
Yet one of these women was part of the Clark government that was responsible for much of the feminist excess that has made New Zealand unsafe for males and has now given rise to the resignation of the man she is lauding, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority boss Roger Sutton. Although we don’t know the full story, a female colleague made a formal complaint against him for sexual harassment that he claims was his normal behaviour to most people and consisted of hugs, ‘inappropriate’ jokes and comments and calling women ‘honey’ and ‘sweetie’. (more…)
I think this story is worth following.
There is comment from his estranged father.
He used a passport in his birth name of Phillip John Traynor, and was not stopped at the border as his conviction was under his Smith alias. (I am wondering if that is he mother’s maiden name?)
From what I have seen in the media so far this is a story about a father who lost contact with his son in his infant years.
The child latter went wayward and tried to make contact with his father in his teenage years, which didn’t work out, and he went on to a life of crime which included murder.
The Father wants him locked up for life because he is evil.
There is plenty of comment going on around the case which we can link to in comments.
It will be interesting to see what comes out of this case.
Hi all, I’m after links to or copies of recent DV studies showing the ratio of abuse inflicted by each sex, needed to prepare myself for any rebutal using the old studies showing its a man thing. I did have some but cant seem to locate them. Thanks.
So I’m just a little confused with the IRD and how they work out “nights per year” for child support.