MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Archive of Boys / Youth / Education

Canadian Identity Researcher Professor Robert A. Kenedy Will Visit NZ

Mon 14th September 2015:

He will arrive on Thursday 15th October and expects to be in NZ for about one week. I am doing research on fathers, shared/continued parenting, as well as related areas. I have been working in this area for about 26 years, mainly in Canada, the UK, and US. I am now looking at the Global […]

MRA Perspectives on Recent Events

Sun 13th September 2015:

1. Michael Murray sentenced to life for murder of Connor Morris It’s difficult to imagine anything more provocative than seeing a P-addled gang member bashing the shit out of your brother with the real possibility of death or permanent brain damage. That doesn’t mean it’s ok to have a slasher with you and to swing […]

Is the Ban on Using Force in Discipline Working?

Fri 20th February 2015:

The anti-smacking law (actually the anti-use-of-force-in-discipline law) was based largely on feminist ideology. The idea that male characteristics of size and strength should be allowed to be used to exert ‘power and control’ was anathema to feminists, and they projected their sense of injustice on to the matter of raising and disciplining children. State-sponsored sole […]

The boy school leaver

Thu 16th October 2014:

NZCER was contracted by the Association of Boys’ Schools of New Zealand (ABSNZ) to undertake an analysis of student achievement in New Zealand boys’ schools, and to identify approaches and strategies used by high-achieving boys’ schools. In 2012, 28 percent of boys leaving school came from boys’ schools: a total of 7,439 students, increased somewhat […]

Call to people caring for families involved with CYFS

Perhaps the main highlight of this website “MENZ’, for me, was the connection to men caring about families dealing with Child, Youth and Family Services aka CYFS.

Child Abduction

Sat 23rd August 2014:

My 15 year old daughter was taken to Canada by her mother a few months ago. The Courts allowed this because they allow mothers to do most things don’t they, but I don’t know where she is now.

2014 suicide figures released

Wed 20th August 2014:

Chief Coroner Judge Neil MacLean today released the provisional annual suicide figures for the year ending 30 June 2014. The total for the year was 529, which is the lowest number by two since the annual coronial figures were first produced for the 2007/08 year. There were 12 fewer suicides compared to last year, and […]

Robin Williams – A Great Men’s Advocate

Wed 13th August 2014:

Yesterday the world reeled from the sudden death of Actor/Comedian Robin Williams. Today tributes will flow, and rightfully so, from all corners of the earth, from those who knew him and worked with him, to those who respected and enjoyed his immense talent – he was a rare talent that could seize any moment, and […]

Evaluation of Child Support Act for Children and Parents

Sun 1st June 2014:

4 Objects See: “¢ The objects of this Act are- o (a)to affirm the right of children to be maintained by their parents: o (b)to affirm the obligation of parents to maintain their children: o (c)to affirm the right of caregivers of children to receive financial support in respect of those children from non-custodial […]

Child Neglect – The Bomb in the Brain

Sat 31st May 2014:

As a country, NZ does need to address the protection of several hundreds of thousands of children. Their happiness is seriously being disadvantaged, their ability to manage and organise their lives is compromised and their ability to take up education is being wasted by missing the opportunity to have a proper developing upbringing.

Budget 2014

Thu 15th May 2014:

Budget 2014 The Government has fairly successfully managed the costs and social upheaval associated with Christchurch Earthquake. The budget has addressed large tax cuts to the top end of earners and generally not addressed tax evasion, particularly by corporations and wealthy individuals. These problems pervade the western world, as a result of ownership of political […]

Consciousness raising?

Thu 1st May 2014:

Recently, Downunder was discussing whether had any persuasive power at all. Other people had suggested that it is a waste of time, as nothing ever comes out of these discussions (they were taking an unrealistic short term, focus). Downunder suggested that apart from the people taking part in the discussions, many other people kept […]

Keep Your Eye on the Ball?

Fri 11th April 2014:

Every now and then, it is necessary to push aside all of the distractions and make sure that the main energy is focussed onto the most important issues. It is necessary to identify actions that should have been taken place but didn’t, as much as the actions that did take place. But what are they?

Women research sexual coercion of men

Thu 3rd April 2014:

This story was brought to us by Family First: NEARLY HALF OF YOUNG MEN REPORT “SEXUAL COERCION’ Posted by Editor on Monday, March 31, 2014 FoxNews 27 March 2014 A huge proportion of young men say they have ended up submitting to unwanted sexual advances-and 95% of the time, a female they knew was the […]

Males Failing in a Woman’s World

Sun 23rd March 2014:

Interesting to see this on the front page of the Stuff website on a Sunday morning. Men Failing in a Woman’s World What’s even more interesting, is that a reporter sought the opinion of a masculist crusader. comments were sparked by new research showing New Zealand blokes get a “raw deal” in education, health and […]

Sexualisation of Girls – impacts on boys?

Thu 6th February 2014:

There has been discussion about commercial forces using sexualisation of girls for manipulation to increase sales of low intrinsic value products. Melinda Tankard Reist has given public presentations at Forum on the Family, her book Getting Real: Challenging the Sexualisation of Girls and a Sydney Morning Herald article Sex sells, but we’re selling out our […]

Suicide following inappropriate relationship

Wed 27th November 2013:

A Wellington teacher found dead at her parents’ home is believed to have died after being told she would be investigated over allegations of having sex with a student.

Men’s Identities – seen through their spending patterns?

Wed 20th November 2013:

Social science may have largely ignored men as individuals, but there is money to be had by listening to men…… Men’s Health Australia announce release by Saachi and Saachi: The Modern (Aussie) Man White Paper

Deputy Principal won’t give me my sons school report

Thu 31st October 2013:

Hi, My son is a Year 12 student at a large college in Hamilton. He was formerly in my custody but has been in his mother’s custody since 2008. The mother and I don’t get on and as a result of this she is quite obstructive and won’t send me copies of my sons school […]

October Protests

Thu 3rd October 2013:

Representatives of the Ministry of Men’s Affairs (a community group because successive governments have failed to respect the voice and welfare of men) will be present at protests each Saturday in October to coincide with the male-denigrating White Ribbon Campaign. The protests will will encourage people to wear a black ribbon instead to show they […]

Father’s Day 1st September Sydney

Sun 18th August 2013:

Greg Andresen of Men’s Health Australia has set up a March for Father’s Day, 1st September Sunday, at Hyde Park Corner, Sydney. The Theme is A Voice for Children and is against all of the commercial forms of Parental Alienation. These issues are even more of a problem in New Zealand than in Australia, where […]

Plight of Emotionally Neglected Children in NZ

Mon 10th June 2013:

Emotional neglect is a silent destroyer of lives, many, many lives. Most suffer is silence, sometimes under suicide gravestones, sometimes in psychiatric units doped or electrocuted to silence. The early damage was done by failure to respond, to smile, to talk back as often as needed by the baby. Doesn’t sound dramatic, but the long […]

Time’s up for familycaught$ secret bullies

Sat 13th April 2013:

Times up for familycaught$ secret bullies by Judith Collins Minister of Justice Judith Collins – some details lost in translation, some gained. 1 APRIL, 2013 Justice Minister Judith Collins has announced a raft of new proposals to hold familycaught$ bullies to account for their bullying and harmful behaviour.

Offender Anita Killeen Gets Special Treatment

Tue 18th December 2012:

You might have come across this case last week in which a former Chief Prosecutor for the Serious Fraud Office was nicely discharged without conviction after pleading guilty to forgery charges for which she could have been jailed for up to 10 years.

The Connecticut school serial killer moved to live with his mum after the divorce, 3 years ago

Sun 16th December 2012:

Am I the only person NOT surprised to find that Adam Lanzra, who killed his mum and then killed 26 other victims (20 young children), experienced divorce 3 years ago, then moved to live with his mum that took him out from school for home-schooling. They were financially stable after the divorce, read the article […]

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