Male Contraceptive Safe and Effective
But of little interest to pharmaceutical companies. Interesting article.
- promoting a clearer understanding of men's experience -
But of little interest to pharmaceutical companies. Interesting article.
There is nothing wrong in advocating for women’s rights- but when this morphs into denigrating men we need to speak out. Various newspapers print anti-male articles on a very regular basis. Unsubstantiated stories citing domestic abuse by men against women are common-never once have I seen an article of the reciprocal situation. There is evidence to suggest that female against male violence is just as prevalent.
Recently we have read of 2 schoolboys who posted ill-advised comments on social media. This appeared to be the catalyst for a quite strong reaction. Cries of a ‘rape culture’ and a march to parliament by female students ensued.
In the last few days a man wrongfully imprisoned for sexual assault has been denied any compensation. The State made a clear, unequivocal error, yet will not acknowledge it and will not make any reparations-financial or otherwise.
“There was no avenue for compensation for Ferguson – in contrast to complainants, who could access counselling and ACC”
This is a blatant travesty of justice-here is a man whose life has been almost ruined by a system that assigns guilt without evidence.
We are a democratic nation that prides itself in speaking out against obvious exploitation and the plundering of human rights. We were the the first country to give women the vote, the first Western country to say no to US nuclear warships, the first to elicit international attention protesting against apartheid.
The decision not to compensate is illustrative of another, more subtle, erosion of Human rights. The rights of men to go about their business and to live normal lives without fear of being vilified and labelled as dangerous or predatory.
I made it all up because I was having a hard time at home.
I don’t think I could be as calm as this poor bloke seems to be
2nd Men’s Summit
Male Wellbeing and Gender Equality
Thursday 6th April 2017
The Bunker Lounge, Miramar Links Conference Centre, across the road from Wellington Airport.
• 9.00am Welcome, Facilitator Kerry Bevin, Ministry of Men’s Affairs.
• 9.15am- Bruce Tichbon, Families Apart Require Equality
• 9.45am- TBA
• 10.15am- Warwick Pudney, AUT Fathering
• 10:45am MORNING TEA
• 11:00 Dr Muriel Newman, NZCPR Shared Parenting
• 11:40 Hans Laven, Psychologist – Male Suicide
• 12:20am Greg Newbold, Canterbury University, Feminism and Rape Law
• 1:00pm LUNCH
• 2:00pm Promotional, Poster and Networking Opp. – Men’s Groups, Charities, Social Services – Personal Introductions
• 3:15pm Plenary Session, Summit Statement
• 3:45 Replies from Members of Parliament, Officials , NGOs
• 4:30pm Thanks – Kerry Bevin
• 4.45pm Putting Practice
(You could say “Told You So”….)
Media Release
Ministry of Men’s Affairs
27 March 2017
In early March, Kelvin Davis, Labour, pulled out of hosting the 2nd Men’s Summit scheduled for the Grand Hall, Parliament. As organisers began approaching other Members of Parliament to host the event, the Speaker withdrew permission for the organisers to use the Grand Hall.
Gender politics can be a “hot potato” for politicians. The welfare of the male half of the population, their female friends and children can no longer be side-lined by political ignorance.
A suitable venue has been set for the same day, Thursday 6 April, at the Miramar Links Conference Centre, just across the road from Wellington Airport. The Men’s Summit will go ahead as planned. The event is FREE, but there is no free lunch. Morning, Afternoon Tea and Lunch will cost $40.00 per person, payable on arrival.
The Ministry of Men’s Affairs, a community group because successive governments have neglected the voice and welfare of New Zealand men and boys, is pleased to raise awareness and commitment to ‘Male Wellbeing and Gender Equality’, says spokesman Kerry Bevin.
The Ministry of Men’s Affairs notes that under ‘affirmative action’ for women the Ministry for Women has received well over $100 million over twenty years. No Ministry for Men is mooted. However, David Seymour, ACT, agrees one is needed.
According to Mr Bevin, growing concerns about male suicide, male rape, domestic violence, prostate cancer, work safety, media denigration, employment equity, matrimonial property, male teacher shortages, under achievement by boys, judicial activism, legal bias, discriminatory sentencing, father alienation, punitive Child Support and inter-generational harm.
Military under-resourcing emasculates our capability in deadly missions.
The disengagement of men in society is well explained in Helen Smith’s “Men on Strike”
“It is too easy to point the misogynist bone at males or dismiss the damage feminism does.”
“Is there an MP in the House who is NOT apologetic about being a man?” Mr Bevin asked.
Make welfare has become a priority, an Everest, to be knocked off,
“Time to vote pro-male,” he said.
Further Information: Kerry Bevin 021 269 8353.
The heartfelt response to Adele’s songs by so many young people, especially young women, teaches us things. They are songs of love, heartbreak and yearning. After a period in which popular music became harsh, violent, frenetic, disrespectful and unmelodic, youth now revert to being much more deeply moved by slow, musical songs about relationships, emotional security and fantasized happiness. Despite the efforts of feminists to turn young women against men, despite the efforts of our laws to encourage women to avoid or to break up marriages and to not be dependent on men or marriage, the deep yearning of women and men remains romantic. Humans are a social, bonding species needing each other for survival, and the genetic forces will always outweigh political fashions and foolishness. Many of the young people overwhelmed with emotion at Adele’s concerts have experienced the trauma and harm of family break up during their childhood, and their tears and screams to some extent are expressing their pain.
Unfortunately, the MGTOW movement will never progress far because it goes against our genetic program.
Instead of wrecking committed relationships and families we would like to see laws, policies and financial assistance designed to protect the integrity of families and to support stable relationships, mutual gender respect and resolution of relationship problems. Increasing a nation’s economic wealth won’t bring a society significantly more happiness, but increasing the stability of families will.
Just posted on stuff. Where are the politicos and concerned people that would be up in arms if this happened to a mother…..
Hi all
with shared custody of a child do you have to get agreement before changing school (primary school?
many thanks!
At the same time that every men’s only club is harangued, threatened and denied funding unless and until it allows women to become members, numerous women’s only groups are operating and more are being created. Here is another example, this time using an Auckland Council owned (i.e. publicly owned and paid for by men and women) swimming pool admitting only women for 2 prime hours per week. The female centre manager Sarah Clarke justified this by saying “It isn’t wrong to ask for public facilities to be responsive to the needs of the community”. She hopes to expand this service. (more…)
Would Nash ever say such things regarding for female offenders who committed crimes as bad or worse than Phillip Smith did? Of course not. (more…)
If death is the result of the collapse of the human anatomy then the surviving gender in a relationship must have had a pretty good life one would think. So which gender has it best?? Let Alan King reveal the facts.
This is a warning to the lengths that police are willing to go to prosecute a man (me). I am not sure how much I should say as the matter is before the court. However I will just state the reasons that I was arrested on Friday which I think many will find concerning.
I was arrested for Criminal Harassment based on a chance meeting with a person that I am in dispute with. I called her “an abusive liar”. The charging document says “HARASSED *********** BY CALLING OUT TO HER …”.
Similarly there is a second charging document that claims “HARASSED ********** BY SENDING NUMEROUS UNSOLICITED EMAILS …”
All except one of the emails were in dialogue with the other party’s lawyer and copied to the other party. That first email included a letter that began
I am writing because I do not think it is too late to resolve our differences amicably.
and concluded with
I hope that you can find a way to deal with these issues with me in an amicable way and that you can take some real responsibility for how you have treated me.
Essentially it seems that the police believe that calling a woman out on her bad behaviour and asking for a resolution is harassment.
Be warned.
This is the first of two posts I am going to make here about my recent experiences. I would be interested in hearing from any others who have had any similar experiences with court staff.
Here is a letter that I have written to Amy Adams and Paula Bennett about how court staff treat people. I have included two incidents that occurred to me. I still have multiple bruises especially on my left arm from the assault last Friday. As yet although I have complained to police I have heard nothing back from them. In fact the way I was treated by police was in my view appalling. I went to Wellington Police Station to make a complaint. The woman at the desk was helpful but said they were very busy and there might be a wait before I could talk with an officer. I waited for two and a quarter hours before the officer in charge saw me. He said to me that they were not going to take a complaint from me on Friday night about security officers as they were too busy. I said that I would wait. He then told me to leave the police station and threatened to arrest me for trespass.
Tēnā kōrua Ministers Adams and Bennett,
I am writing concerning the operations of our courts in New Zealand. My particular experience has been with the Wellington District Court and I will describe two incidents of particular concern. However the purpose of this letter is not to get answers to those cases but to raise the awareness of a general problem that I perceive with the day to day operation of the courts and the disregard for the law and the human rights of people attending the courts. Obviously this matter concerns Minister Adams as the Minister for the Courts and the Minister of Justice but I believe it also is relevant to Minister Bennett as Minister of Police as it is the police who will respond to any complaints regarding law breaking.
Firstly by way of anecdote let me describe what happened to me on 16 May 2016 and 10 March 2017 where I believe Ministry of Justice and Court staff went well beyond the law in dealing with me.
On 16 May 2016 after a hearing, I was told to wait in the courtroom by the Court Security Officer. He would not let me leave when I asked despite telling me that I was not being detained. Essentially he held me by intimidation. He imposed his physical presence to prevent me accessing the door of the courtroom. After I left when I was asking him his name he struck me in the chest.On 10 March 2017 towards the end of a hearing when I was talking to the judge with the judge’s permission a Court Security Officer came and started pushing me and telling me I had to leave. The judge refused to do anything about him interrupting me in this manner. Another Court Security Officer was summoned and they attempted to forcibly remove me from the courtroom. Even after I agreed to leave and went to pick up my bag one of the Court Security Officers walked toward me in a threatening manner denying me the right to pick up my bags.
Court Security Officers work under the Courts Security Act. That act gives them limited powers to detain people and to use reasonable force. Those powers are limited to when a CSO is asking for identification, searching, seizing a restricted item and believes certain specified offences have been committed etc. In particular they do not cover the movement of individuals in and out of courtrooms unless one of the provisions in the Courts Security Act have been met.
I submit that whenever the Court Security Officers force a person to move for reasons not explicitly covered in the Courts Security Act, to a certain place or from a certain place by either physical force or intimidation they are therefore not covered by the CSA and should be subject to the laws of the land.
In particular the Crimes Act defines assault as:
“assault means the act of intentionally applying or attempting to apply force to the person of another, directly or indirectly, or threatening by any act or gesture to apply such force to the person of another, if the person making the threat has, or causes the other to believe on reasonable grounds that he or she has, present ability to effect his or her purpose; and to assault has a corresponding meaning”That is every time a CSO uses physical force for something other than a specific power in the CSA then that officer is committing an assault. Moreover even when a CSO acts or gestures to apply force as by deliberately walking into another person’s path then that CSO is committing an assault.
My experience is that CSOs are willing to break the law repeatedly in these manners and that the police are unwilling to do anything about the improper and unlawful use of force and intimidation by CSOs.Perhaps more serious is the holding of persons in a courtroom. This is detaining a person. The Crimes Act defines it like this:
“Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years who unlawfully takes away or detains a person without his or her consent or with his or her consent obtained by fraud or duress,—
(b) with intent to cause him or her to be confined or imprisoned; or
…”My experience is that CSOs are willing to so detain a person in collusion with other court staff.
Not only is this a crime under the Crimes Act it is also an imposition on rights conferred by the New Zealand Bill of Rights, rights such as freedom of movement.I submit that there should be an investigation of the practices of court staff and Ministry of Justice staff with regard to the extent of assaults not protected by the CSA and unlawful detentions. This investigation should be extended to police and how often they do not treat seriously assaults and detentions by court staff and Ministry of Justice Staff.
As a civilised society we should not be treating people in these demeaning ways.
Ngā mihi
Wayne Burrows
I’ve been facilitating groups in Wairarapa for over a year. We currently have a fortnightly Thursday group in Featherston 7-9pm (contact me if interested). I’m now organizing a regular Tuesday evening group in Upper Hutt.
This group isn’t men only – I try to get a roughly even gender balance. It’s a format that men (and women – I’m not interested in replacing one story with another) can relax and be themselves, speak their world, not feel they have to tread on eggshells in order to uphold any politically expedient or virtue signalling divisive narrative.
Many men – myself included – appreciate a chance to be around others and be supported in not having to dial back their Here and Now experience. Not be coerced into a phony sycophantic version of themselves so curtailed and edited as to eliminate the possibility of any genuine human contact.
Exploring what it is like to remove the veil and deliberately get comfortable with yourself – including those aspects that some might deem masculine – around a mixed group of adults is profoundly transformative for a lot of men.
And you get to do it your way. You don’t have to hold hands in a circle, light candles or sniff incense. There’s no dreamy music playing in the background. We will meet in a comfortable yet unpretentious scout den.
What interests me is truth and the experience of humans opening up to it. Sometimes it’s heated, sometimes it’s contemplative, sometimes it’s amusing, sometimes emotional. But it’s always exciting and alive and connecting. And the two hours fly by before you know it.
I liken the groups to ‘They Live’ sunglasses because we have been so well trained to believe that honest connection is an impossible pipe-dream; experiencing it is seeing this deception.
For some, encountering first-hand the fact that men are not the evil oppressors we have been led down the garden path to believe – or simply seeing how much of the world many men carry on their shoulders – is like removing the blinkers that blind, divide, provoke, and destroy. It’s liberating and unifying for all concerned.
Seeing that the ways we have been separated and vilified against one another according to banal ‘identity’ groups (based on sex, skin colour, sexuality etc) are not in fact human behavioral rules written in the stars like immutable axiomatic natural laws. That in fact we do have an inbuilt capacity to Relate in small groups without pretense or burden or having to pay homage to the lies that we have to uphold loyalty or disloyalty, guilt or impunity according to where some bureaucrat has categorized us.
Relational groups are the antidote to divisive identity politics!
Let me know your interest via email relationalwai (at) gmail dot com or sign up to the facebook event.
Look forward to meeting you!
If we have another 5 confirmed via email before the weekend we will meet at Akatarawa Scout Den, Hoggard Park, 40 Black Beech St, Birchville, Upper Hutt 7pm Tuesday 14th March.
The following complaint to Radio NZ made by one of our members provides an explanation of this latest fiasco in the name of false feminist propaganda. The relevant broadcasts were in news bulletins at midday, 1:00pm and 6:00pm and the Checkpoint programme, all on Tuesday 7th March. The relevant sources are this article on the Ministry for Women’s site, and this information on the the NZ Income Survey 2015.
The Complaint, more or less: (more…)
Hi again
Appreciate your views again here
Should the child be informed or not?
many thanks
Appreciate your views here, as legally the poor old step dad is right royally rogered
If the mother has no income, the stepfather has enough income to look after the step child and 2 biological children, then should he have to contribute to travel costs to ensure contact between his step child and the biological father?
Both from alegal and moral perspective, I am interested in your views (yes, even you jerry).
many thanks!
Here is your opportunity to create change on April 6th. Politics is about power and this summit is an essential platform in creating the ground work for a healthy future.
Message from Darren Elliott:
Kia ora.
Together with Geoff Lealand and Lisa Perrott in Screen and Media Studies at the University of Waikato, I am researching and writing about perceptions of body shape and image, and the role of the media in shaping or reinforcing such perceptions. I am focusing on notions of body and gender, with particular attention to the connections between perceptions of the body and masculinity/maleness (which is a rather under-investigated area of life which I am rectifying).
The claim is that schoolgirls are missing school because women can’t afford tampons so Pharmac is being asked to subsidize them and other ‘feminine hygiene products’. Pharmac seems to be taking the request seriously and checking to see if its role could include this. Will the National govt court the female vote again for this year’s election by throwing money at this demand as they did for Herceptin?
Our internet search found no research or statistics to support the claim that girls are missing school in significant numbers because they can’t afford tampons. The claim seems a cheap attempt to justify yet another demand for special treatment of females.
Feminine hygiene products are claimed to be basic essentials, and they include deodorants. No statistics are provided to show the level of educational or health problems resulting from a lack of deodorant.
Exercise is important for health so perhaps Pharmac should buy us all sports clothes and equipment. Toilet paper and soap are quite important to health and if neither are used this will probably impact on school attendance, so perhaps Pharmac should subsidize those. Shoes are a reasonably fundamental need and without them we are susceptible to foot injuries, so free shoes all round courtesy of Pharmac? The problem is that all these health essentials apply equally to males so that would be no fun at all.
The femaleists calling for Pharmac money for tampons dismiss any special need for boys such as hygiene products or shaving gear, even though boys are not allowed to attend most schools if they don’t shave.
Food is a pretty fundamental need for health so perhaps Pharmac should buy us all food. Or maybe just free food for women; now there’s a good idea. AND YOU HAD BETTER NOT DISAGREE BECAUSE THEN YOU WILL BE MISOGYNIST.
Been separated for 9 months now with a 5 and 9 year old and fighting for shared custody. I have picked away and gained a 40:60 split interim parenting order so far – wasn’t cheap going to court to get that. Now going for the full order. I have always made it clear from the start I want 50:50 and believe this to be in the best interests of the children who are happy in both houses – and it seems logical and fair – and i work from home so am always there even if they are not at school. Today at a settlement conference the judge basically tore me to shreds saying “it makes you look controlling if you want 50:50 as it gives you a change to take control” – (yes I or my lawyer have no idea what SHE was going on about either) and “you’d be wasting your time trying for 50:50 at a final hearing. Is this normal? I’d kinda assumed only my ex’s lawyer was so spiteful. Is it worth me fighting for 50:50 shared care or am I simply wasting my time and money.
G’day brothers,
A pre-planning meeting will be held in AUCKLAND at 1.30pm to 3.30pm -Saturday 25th February 2017 at Glen Eden Public Library. Click here Poster
The attendees are just a group of fathers – mothers- grandparents -step mothers and fathers who are victims of the corrupt family court system. The response have been very good and many people interested but would love to have more people on board.
We need to keep trying … we cannot just give up and ignore.
The main meeting agenda is organizing a demonstration / march at auckland district court and other locations.
Please join us … RSVP please email Zayne [email protected]
We would love to have all men groups current and ex-organizers and leaders at the meeting.
Lets stand up together and be heard …
I have recently lodged a formal complaint to the Psychologists Board regarding the professional negligence of Sarah Calvert in her role as court appointed psychologist. This relates to her conduct back in 2011 when she was engaged to write a s133 report.
Has anybody had any experience in these matters and what was the outcome?
The Alien series with Sigourney Weaver are well known science fiction movies.
I have never thought of them with a feminist/anti-feminist twist before, and I have no idea why this suddenly occurs to me now.
Weaver portrays the futuristic ultimate feminist independent amazon warrior and if you’ve seen the movies falls in love, so to speak with the Alien.
If you look at the Alien’s behaviour, destroying anything around it in order to provide a safe ‘nurturing zone’ regardless of the consequences, you could view the Alien as a portrayal of the ultimate feminist – the superfeminist of the universe – based on an extended view of our own extreme feminist.
I’m left wondering if that is simply coincidence or whether the script writer was thinking along these lines?
But then, I’ve always wondered about that part of the movie – the relationship between the Alien and this human female, and the captivating fascination the Alien had to the mind of a ‘human female’.
NZ women refuge, NZ white ribbon and the Its not Ok campaign, SHine org and all other feminist/ government organisations get the DV statistics from NZ violence clearing house at Auckland University.
I have been in touch with the NZ violence clearing house and they made it clear for me that all their statistics and figures, so they clarified that their statistics and figures are determined from the New Zealand Medical Journal .
Those bias misleading statistics ” 1 in 3 women REPORT experiencing violence in NZ” are determined based on a research and study which was done back in 2004 (12 years old ) by THE NEW ZEALAND MEDICAL JOURNAL ( attached the link) funded by some feminists and many other biased corrupt government departments. The outdated research/ study authors were two feminists (Janet Fanslow and Elizabeth Robinson).
If you read the research, you will find that the survey/ study/research was done using 2,855 women aged 18–64 years from north Waikato and Auckland only, which make up 0.0017843% which is less than 1% of the total NZ females population ages 15-64 years old. ( No figures or stats how many women are partnered or ever partnered ).
And don’t forget that those women ONLY REPORTED experiencing violence ) so there are no evidence or proof or any police convictions or charges or any evidence that if they have really experienced Violence. They just completed the survey and their experience of Violence never checked if its was genuine or not. I assume that many of those will be psychological ( i feel scared / threatened / harassed ).
I agree that many women and men victims are out there and both need support regardless of their gender, but the stats “1 in 3 women experience violence in NZ” is just SCAM.
What the hell do you call this ? They are just brainwashing people and putting fear in them based on a rubbish research and study was done 12 years ago.