which looks at the concept of get any man, rather than get the right man.
It’s the ugly side of the human mind, that takes the freedom of another human being, to prove expedience, at the expense of what the majority of us like to believe is justice.
What may be a hidden reality is that we’ve had far more men wrongly convicted in this country than we would like to think.
What are your arrangements for Christmas with your ex, do they work for you? Please fill out this survey http://goo.gl/forms/1z0i1D9e8o I will post results from the survey on Friday Afternoon
A female film-maker is soon to release a documentary about the Men’s Rights Movement. Funding was withdrawn when it became apparent that her film was “balanced and “giving the MRAs a platform'”.
The preview for this movie shows interviews with Voice For Men founder Paul Elam, Dr Warren Farrell, author of The Myth Of Male Power, along with Dean Esmay, National Coalition For Men, and Erin Pizzey, founder of the first Woman’s Refuge.
I was listening to a group of people talking about the difficulties to obtain support for a charity, that gives them support.
I had heard similar discussions on several occasions, over several months. After hearing the same type of conversation for the 4th time, it really hit me how harsh their situation was and how well the trustees were doing, to get the fairly meagre support that they are getting. The real practical difficulties that the trustees faced had taken a long time to sink in, so that I could see how harsh a challenge they faced and were overcoming.
On further thought, it came back to me the change about 15 years ago, when charitable support for men’s groups was starting to be aggressively cut off. I was involved in Men’s Centre later, as this cutoff was turning into a completely blocked pipe. Despite a moderate amount of effort, I was completely unable to make any useful progress. (more…)
I am reminded today that some lies and malice against us fifteen years ago is still unabated, and can still cause us harm. More-over, its having consequences upon subsequent generations. Sorry, it will seem long, although I really will try to be brief. I feel that so many must have horror stories, which remain hidden. By remaining hidden its as if they don’t exist, the true horror and damage of malicious fictions will never be acknowledged – but should be. (more…)
NZ news media carry a lot of responsibility for promoting anti-male sexism and for making it extremely difficult for men to influence public opinion with reason or facts. Yesterday’s NZ Herald carried several stories in which bad behaviour by men towards women was emphasized in gender-specific headlines. While those stories involved bad events likely to interest people, what about the many events of harm experienced by males that were not reported? (more…)
Having been though the Family Court for the past 9 years, of which I was given just enough hope that I may actually get “Justice” and though the family court be able to establish a relationship with my son, that the Ex would not allow. (more…)
An artist who is either a white knight feminist propaganda supporter or simply sees an opportunity to cash in on fashionable feminism has changed photos of female celebrities to make them look injured through partner violence. The artist appears to subscribe to the strange morality that violence towards women is the only violence worth being bothered about and that male victims can be conveniently ignored or denied.
Today I noticed that the Warehouse Stationery store in Palmerston North has at least one White-Ribbon poster at the check-out. I did not check every till, but it was there prominently placed at the one I did go through. The sadness was increased to see the All-Blacks were featured on this poster. Clearly the All-Blacks will do whatever for money, just as Warehouse stationery will. They are not my heroes and from now on will never get my support. I think it right out of order for a trader to think it okay to negatively judge half their customers on account of gender, simply because its popular to do so. If they had any merit at all, they should acquaint themselves with reputable stats about violence and abuse – and not those from gender biased groups such as Women’s Affairs; Women’s refuge; the Police [they wear white-ribbons] and all the other ignorant and shameful entities.
I confronted the shop assistant and he said that while Ribbon was about “Domestic violence”. He seemed to be arguing that violence done by women is not “Domestic Violence”. IDIOT!
I recommend you choose who you spend your money with.
The witch hunt against sex offenders is a significant part of the wider war against men. Of course it’s important to protect children (and adults) from sexual violence and exploitation and to punish those who disobey relevant laws. However, we have increased punishment to disproportionate levels so that gentle illegal sexual touching is now often punished more harshly than killing or permanently maiming someone. Also, we have step by step reduced protections against wrongful conviction specifically in sexual offence cases. For example, special restrictions have been imposed on cross-examination of sexual complainants and convictions have been made possible on the basis of inadequate evidence including allegations devoid of supporting evidence and allegations claimed to be accurate after many decades of rumination and memory revision often under the influence of suggestion by therapists. These and many other reductions in protection against wrongful conviction (and punishment) have been introduced specifically and exclusively for sexual allegations. They represent erosion of justice and there is no more merit for such erosion when it comes to sexual allegations than for any other class of alleged offending. However, sexual offences are mainly committed by men and this is the key factor. (more…)
This of course is one extreme of the dichotomy of New Zealand Society. Malone will be posthumously honoured for his courage under fire. The State will hold this man high, and glorify his death, as an example of the potential sacrifices expected on men on behalf of society, and in defence of the security of our society.
Lance Corporal Malone, 26, son, brother and partner from West Auckland was gunned down and killed protecting his brothers in arms.
You’re a hero if you die on the job.
Balance this against a very good article here by Ministry of Men’s affairs, after the bitching by the women’s political sector, and the claim that women suffer financial discrimination in our society, earning 12% less, which effectively means they work the weeks before Xmas for free.
OK, so I have suffered all kinds of financial deprivations over the past 13 years thanks to IRD Child Support and their criminal anti family, anti male Nazi policies. Not only have I suffered but the two children who were in my custody also suffered because I had to take food out of their mouth’s to pay for their mothers lavish lifestyle because after all she had one child in her care and we couldn’t have her contributing to the upkeep of my daughter. So I worked 60 fucking hours per week and eventually one of my kids went back to her because I was never at home due to my 2 jobs and couldn’t spend enough time with him. The more I worked the more money she got and I just paid and paid and paid and paid. My new wife has suffered to. We had no money to do normal married couple things. No trips away, no going out to restaurants, no money to fix broken cars or pay power and water bills, just work, work, work and nothing to show for it thanks to IR Fucking D and their evil money grabbing policies. Just as I thought I saw some light at the end of the tunnel, with only 18 months left to run on my liability, they have put up my liability by an extra $200 per month for no logical reason and are refusing to negotiate and I have been told that if I don’t pay they will take it straight out of my wages. I am not going to let them take my house and everything my wife and I have struggled for when there is only 18 months to go but I can’t see a way out. I just don’t have enough money to pay their ransom and I don’t know what to do. Does anyone know a lawyer who understands the Child Support legislation and can help me. I haven’t slept for 3 nights worrying about how I’m going to pay for everything. I live in Australia and the CSA collect on behalf of their evil amoral bastard IRD CS friends in NZ. Any help would be much appreciated. Happy to provide my contact details on request and I don’t mind paying a fair rate for legal advice.
We can expect no sympathy from the feminist brigade or our Ministry for Women. Their attitude may well be “Quick, look the other way and ignore it while we demand women be paid more. He was just another male chauvinist pig with the cheek to earn 12% more than women do on average across the work they do”.
Mr Milne was the third male killed on the job during November, but the fact almost 100% of all workers killed on the job year after year are males is rarely considered worthy of mention. The headlines of the articles about Mr Milne’s death failed to mention the killed ‘worker’ was actually a killed ‘male worker’, whereas if it had been a female her gender would have been headlined and emphasized.
If you discover a White Ribbon Ambassador in New Zealand, post a link in the comments.
If you identify a WRA (White Ribbon Ambassador) and provide evidence, in the form of a link, of their activities or any prejudice comments against men, your contributions will develop this page.
White Ribbon is a politically biased organisation that does not accept or recognise women’s violence.
Ambassadors may see political advantage for themselves in accepting these positions and representing the politics of White Ribbon, but have they asked themselves the question; is ignoring women’s violence beneficial to society?
Social Categories in alphabetical order
Armed Services
Family Violence
Local Body Politics
Organisation Representatives
Police Officers
Sports Personalities
Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 8:29 am
Farm managers usually work very hard, long hours with little time off. This farm manager appears to have been no exception but while he was working, his wife was off fucking the farm owner. No doubt her self-centred sense of entitlement was offended when her husband didn’t spend enough time with her, and/or perhaps she saw an opportunity to exploit a new, wealthier male who already owned a farm. When the manager found out he left his wife and the job, and he is now planning legal action against the employer for constructive dismissal, arguing that the employer forced the manager out of his job by breaching fidelity and trust and thereby making the employment relationship untenable. (more…)
Hi All,
I have now seen the ultimate in stupidity and unfairness from IRD CS. I’ve been paying CS for 13 years now and thought I had seen everything but this takes the cake!! I am a Kiwi residing in Australia. I pay my Child Support to the CSA who collect on behalf of the IRD CS. It is calculated in Aussie dollars so if the AUD buys $1.10c Kiwi I would pay the adjusted amount; for example if I earned $100,000 AUD that becomes $110,000 NZD and I am assessed on that rate. That doesn’t worry me too much although the IRD’s failure to take into account the cost of living over here pisses me off but I’m not expecting fairness from IRD CS.
Anyway here’s my point- IRD CS in their wisdom have decided that since the 2 currencies were almost at parity on the 1st of April (the irony of the date always amuses me) that means that if I was assessed at paying, for example $1500 NZD per month that would equate to $1500 AUD per month. So using my example the Australian CSA have me assessed at $1500 AUD per month. Now that would be fine if they also assessed my AUD earnings as being the same in NZ dollars. I would have been very happy with such a scenario but NO, they are still calculating my Australian earnings as being 10% higher than the NZD so $100,000 becomes $110,000. Surely they can’t have it both ways!! So now, when I calculate my earnings on the Child Support calculator I get the assessment amount I would expect once the $ difference is allowed for. That’s the figure that appears on my Online IRD CS assessment but I also have this other magical figure that the IRD CS and CSA have agreed on that actually increases my liability by approximately $200 per month. So, I am actually paying for the difference in the Exchange rate twice. Once for the difference in my actual earnings when allowing for the Exchange rate + a second time due to the fact that the assessed rate was based on the fact that the $s were at parity on April 1st even though the AUD is now 10% higher in value. They say that they will not review this because that’s just the way it is. Does anyone know a good NZ based lawyer I could deal with who can help me because this is bullshit!!
My youngest child (16 and a half) lives with her mother in Canada. She was born and raised in NZ but her mother was allowed to take her to Canada, against my consent, about 18 months ago. Anyway I phoned Child Support this morning because my daughter and her mother have both disappeared. My daughter has been taken out of her school, the phone goes unanswered and I have no idea where they have moved to. I asked the CS lady how it can be that they continue to take large sums of money from me each month when they have no reliable way of knowing what the mother’s income is, whether or not my daughter is working full time or even if the two of them are still alive. All these factors would potentially affect my assessment if my daughter and her mother were living in NZ. The CS lady told me that if they can’t contact the mother she will just assume that the situation remains unchanged and that I will have to keeping paying child support as usual. SURELY THIS IS A JOKE!!! CS are telling me that they have no way of knowing whether or not the mother is still entitled to CS however they will just assume she is even though they have no idea where she is or what her circumstances are. Does anyone out in MENZ land know anything about CS liability when the mother and daughter have dual citizenship and live in Canada?? Oh and by the way, the money issue is the least of my worries. My daughter lives with a crazy woman in Canada and could be in a very bad living situation but that’s another story and something I am taking up with Child Protective services in Canada. Thanks guys.
This support group has been more help than you could all ever imagine.
Over two and a half years ago my Japanese wife and her rich adulterous Japanese boy friend planned an international child kidnapping of our two small children which was, by a miracle, stopped.
The Court battles to prevent their lose forever are now at the end. It has cost me everything and more to stay in the struggle not to lose for my children to Japan. My former wife is of course now living with the rich older Japanese man who forever reject offers of peace and compromise.
My wife applied for full custody of both children (= losing them overseas). I understand that when marriages fail sharing must apply in some form, but with the break up of overseas (Japanese) marriages its so hard to enforce any sharing. Thus I have applied for full custody of our daughter with her mother, and full custody of our son with his myself, his father.
I have no money for lawyers and am representing my son and myself.
Can anybody please provide any precedents of cases in NZ/AUS/UK Precedents where custody of the son was given to the father and custody of the daughter with mother please?
Thank you all,
And please keep supporting each other.
While we have more recently seen occasional examples in which female offenders were given sentences comparable to those given to males, the pussy pass is still evident in most cases.
This female manager behaved violently towards a subordinate, then repeatedly boasted about and celebrated her violent bullying on social media. She was found guilty of possessing an offensive weapon (even the minimized charge represented a pussy pass given by the prosecutor), then was DISCHARGED WITHOUT CONVICTION! because a conviction would have cramped her style in her future management career. Her name suppression was also continued and she was given an opportunity to make this permanent. No male who behaved as she did, taking all her bad behaviour into account, could expect such leniency. (more…)
Government organisations we pay for are becoming increasingly secretive and controlling over information about their activities. The latest example was highlighted in this week’s media reports about our Police demanding that researchers sign onerous contracts before Police will release information. Those contracts give Police the right to control and censor what those researchers write, and Police assume the right to ‘blacklist’ any researcher who doesn’t sign the contract or who breaches it in any way. (more…)
We have long predicted that protection orders will increase risk for applicants, and there have now been numerous examples of partner homicides that probably would never have occurred if there had been no protection order.
If the guilty verdict against Michael Preston this week was the correct one (even though it appeared to be based on circumstantial evidence and the dangerous reasoning that “It couldn’t realistically have been anyone else so it must have been the accused”), then his case is yet another example of a partner killing provoked by a protection order. She was killed within hours of a protection order being served on her ex-husband Mr Preston, against whom the Family Court was collaborating with her regarding care of their children.
When will we start to get real about the implications of threatening fathers’ relationships with their children? When will we get real about the true risk-increasing effects of protection orders, at least in situations where the respondent posed any signficant risk at all. The feminists and white knights of course live in denial and hope that by making the Domestic Violence Act even more unjust and draconian, that will somehow magically make protection orders more effective. However, the only way to do that would be a ‘final solution’, putting to death or imprisoning for life every male accused by a female of presenting a risk. Anything short of that will increase risk. For example, even if all protection order respondents, or those said to have breached protection orders, are immediately sent to jail, you can expect that when they are released they will be much more bitter and twisted, feeling abandoned and very threatened by their own country, and some will lose hope and/or seek revenge.
On this auspicious offensive occasion of 2015’s display of blatant sexism called White Ribbon Day, we might consider the following characteristics of this campaign. (more…)
For a long time, I have been concerned that too often the familycaught$ uses trial by fire, for deciding cases.
As you read the examples that I have listed below, possibly other examples will come to your mind? If so, please add a comment, giving little more than the essential details to show the nature of the real issues and the way that the familycaught$/CYFs used inappropriate pressure or irrelevant issues, to decide the case. If you wish to supply more detailed information, please contact me personally and supply that privately. (more…)
Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 11:40 am
Absent from media consideration of this issue is any recognition of the sexism that will be inherent in the process of deportation. Firstly, we can safely assume that it will be all or at least disproportionately males who are subject to the process of deportation. Given that women commit about 50% of the most serious family violence towards children, about 25% of the most violent intimate partner violence, and a smaller but still significant proportion of other serious crime, we might expect some significant proportion (perhaps between 10% and 30%) of the deportees to be women but there is no indication that any of them are. This will be due largely to the lower tendency for women to be prosecuted or convicted in the first place including the higher rate with which their criminal behaviour is excused for mental health reasons, and much greater lenience in the sentences given to convicted females. (more…)
NZ teacher Peter Joyce’s settled life was disrupted when a woman he had never met accused him of historic rape. With a unique brand of angry humour, his diary plots the stages of his despair and traces his attempts to find justice in the face of the current insistence that we must “believe the victim”.
Dry Ice is a compelling memoir, but much more. The accusation made the writer a reluctant expert on similar cases from all over the world. He throws light on everything that limits public knowledge of false sexual allegations, from dangerous counselling to flawed statistics, and he exposes police investigation methods as blinkered, inefficient and insensitive.