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MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Tue 22nd November 2016

Red Pill screening in Auckland

Filed under: Events,Gender Politics,General — Vman @ 6:16 pm

An Auckland screening of THE RED PILL – for those of you on Facebook:

[Edit by JohnP] For those of us not on Facebook:

Thur 15th December 2016
6:30 PM – 10:00 PM NZDT

Kelston Community Centre
126 Awaroa Road

Book at Eventbrite


Pussywhipped men please apply!

Filed under: Boys / Youth / Education,Domestic Violence,Events,Gender Politics — MurrayBacon @ 9:36 am

Not sure how much use this is to you weaklings who read Is this meeting going to hit any useful spots, or is it just more irrelevancy? I wonder what the value for money is?
(Sorry for my irreverency.)

Raising Fathers To Save Our Children!

Sat 12th November 2016

Trump Vote – A Backlash Against Feminism

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 9:29 am

Tue 8th November 2016

Meet the Director of the Red Pill.

Filed under: General — triassic @ 11:07 am

This Rubin Report video interviews Cassie Jaye the Writer Director of The documentary ‘The Red Pill’ named after the Reddit forum site This movie is a MUST SEE. It was banned in Melbourne and it will come under criticism here as well. After 10yrs as a feminist Cassie reveals that ‘feminism’ is an ideology and juxtaposes it with her religious upbringing which she managed to throw off. She mentions how this doco has not received the support of the mainstream media like her previous work. We need to give her our support and get everyone you know to go and view it.

Fri 4th November 2016

The Red Pill – Wellington Screening, Let’s make it happen!

Filed under: General — rivercurrents @ 1:55 pm

If you are near Wellington and interested in seeing this important newly released feature documentary film exploring the Men’s Human Rights Movement, here is your opportunity! Join us Thursday December 8th (open to moving to a Sunday evening if more people prefer) for an inspiring evening at Lighthouse Cinema in Petone.

“When feminist filmmaker Cassie Jaye sets out to document the mysterious and polarizing world of the Men’s Rights Movement, she begins to question her own beliefs.

Jaye had only heard about the Men’s Rights Movement as being a misogynist hate-group aiming to turn back the clock on women’s rights, but when she spends a year filming the leaders and followers within the movement, she learns the various ways men are disadvantaged and discriminated against.”

The crowdfunder page to screen The Red Pill in Wellington has been accepted. Please give generously so Wellington region can get a boost in morale and solidarity to make this world a more compassionate place for boys and men – which will mean a more compassionate place for everyone!

Any donation of $28 or more is your ‘share’ to attend the screening in Petone (this had to get edited from the givealittle page because they can’t be seen to sell tickets), so please message me if December 8th 6:30 doesn’t suit you and you would prefer Sunday 11th.

The Red Pill

Milo Strikes Again

Filed under: Gender Politics,General — triassic @ 4:54 am

In this clip Milo Yiannopoulos Refuses to be intimidated by the BBC and clearly states why Donald Trump is gaining support. His response to the interviewers questions exposes the bias in journalism practiced today.

Wed 2nd November 2016

Response to Radio NZ interview re men thrown out of their homes

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 12:37 pm

Dear James Kirk

Regarding the interview this morning on Radio NZ’s Nine to Noon, we support the idea that that state provide housing for men thrown out of their homes through Police ‘Safety Orders’. However, many of those men need emotional, legal and practical support to deal with injustice towards them.

You and Ms Robinson failed to mention that many such men are ordered out of their homes only because they are males. The wording of the relevant Act allows police complete discretion over whom they give these Orders to, and many are based on police tendency to pick on the male in the hope of avoiding further call outs to the address regardless of who appeared to be the violent party or the most violent party. Police also tend to believe women’s false allegations even when the male is the only one with visible injuries and there is no sign of violence towards the woman. We agree with your emphasis on respect towards men who have been thrown out of their own homes but surely this includes acknowledging the true picture, that many of those men are the real victims of any family violence and/or the male-abusing system.

Of course, for those men and women who are the perpetrators of violence it’s important for them to be supported in changing their beliefs and behaviour. However, you made no mention of the need for violent women to change; why is this?

We are concerned that you and Ms Robinson would speak about family violence as though only men ever commit it and only women ever suffer from it. Ms Robinson made vague references to ‘the research’ but we would suggest the research base and objective statistics be represented honestly. For example, both of our world-renown longitudinal studies in Dunedin and Christchurch plus numerous international studies have shown clearly that women commit at least as many acts of violence towards their intimate partners as men do, but the men’s violence is, on average, more serious. Nevertheless, a significant albeit smaller proportion of serious violence is committed by women. For example, the most recent NZ family violence deaths statistics show that 24% of the intimate partner killers were women amd 27% of the victims of intimate partner homicides were men.

We hope that you become more honest about the area in which you both work. Condoning or colluding with sexist, anti-male laws, law enforcement and social attitudes is most unlikely to lead to more caring and responsible attitudes in either the men or women who would benefit from such change.

Yours faithfully

Ministry of Men’s Affairs (A community group because successive governments have neglected the voice and welfare of NZ men)

Mon 31st October 2016

Paul Henry’s ‘perfect titties’ comment brings enlightenment

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 11:47 am

Paul Henry did an interview in a restaurant and at one point commented on a woman at a neighbouring table saying she had ‘the perfect titties’ and exchanging some further related thoughts with his female publicist. The feminist brigade have responded with outrage while white knights such as Brian Edwards have also waded in. Readers’ responses seemed about evenly divided. Many noted the hypocrisy of feminists who would criticize a male for ‘objectifying’ a woman but never mention that women also frequently comment on men’s physical attributes. It seems that if ‘objectifying’ comments are made with poetic, indirect or euphemistic language by men or if made by women using any language, that’s ok. Others have disputed the idea that most women might be expected to find admiring comments like that unwelcome. After all, attrractive women wield a great deal of power from their sexual appeal and can easily turn that into significant profit, so why would they object to men’s admiration of the physical appeal they work so hard to bolster?

We believe everyone has the right to state they are offended by Henry’s comments or anyone else’s comments, and to express their preferences regarding how others behave. However, demanding that others conform to your preferences is a step too far, while irrational, false and/or socially destructive responses deserve to be challenged. (more…)

Thu 27th October 2016

Lawyer Child Maintenance Fraud

Filed under: General — sharingiscaring @ 12:08 pm

Hi all,

1. My ex-wife’s lawyer made 3 applications for child maintenance payment.
2. She won all of them against my former lawyers, one of whom did not prepare saying he could get the hearing deferred which he couldn’t, and the other who failed to turn up to represent me for the 3rd application and so they won a massive extra amount of child maintenance.
3. The Court Ordered me to pay money ‘for the maintenance of the children’ while seeking no information about my ex-wife’s finances and support she receives from her boyfriend, one of the wealthiest business executives in the country, with whom she lives in luxury.
4. The amount the Court ordered me to pay was 42% of my salary for a 2 and 5 year old.
5. This has thrown me massively into debt so that I can only rent a bedroom in a homestay
6. The money I pay goes directly into my ex-wife’s lawyers bank account.
7. The lawyer and my ex-wife refuse to provide evidence of how the child maintenance is being spent.
8. My ex-wife has admitted in writing that the child maintenance money is needed to pay her lawyer.
9. Since my last lawyer quit in October of last year saying “You can’t beat this people” I have taken over representing my children in Court myself. Have not lost any of the 10+ conferences, hearings, trials and Court of Appeals that they have engineered.
10. In two recent enforcement hearings this month my ex-wife’s lawyer failed to move the Judge to enforce the payment order
11. Today I formerly accused my ex-wife’s lawyer of defrauding the Court to receive the money meant for my children.
12. My ex-wife’s lawyer went nuts in Court today and failed to get an immediate restraining order against me to prevent me from accusing her of fraud for claiming child maintenance payments for my children which she instead takes to pay herself
13. The Judge has set the hearing for 25.11.16.
14. Does anyone of any legal precedents where
a. lawyers have been sued for taking money ordered for child maintenance payments?
b. child maintenance payments have been reassessed in the light of evidence that the payments are not being used for the children?

Yours Faithfully,
Sharing is Caring

Wed 26th October 2016

Family Court Stressed

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 10:33 am

Radio NZ Article,-lawyers-say

Includes two interviews with father’s stories.

The NZ Herald Employs Another Bigot

Filed under: General — triassic @ 9:50 am

Rachel Stewart is yet another columnist that treats myths as facts. I am appalled by the abuse dished out to her by trolls but I am equally appalled by her using her position as a journalist to further unfairly denigrate the Chiefs rugby team in ‘For the Love of the Game‘ The Herald itself reported the truth in this matter. I find it stimulating reading when a journalist has a chip on their shoulder and they write with passion using facts to get their point across but Rachel uses ‘here say’ and innuendos to denigrate masculinity. That the NZ Herald editor let her article get printed with its inaccurate content leads me to believe that this is no longer a ‘news paper’ but a gossip magazine.
Rachael appears to have her own demons to deal with.

Mon 24th October 2016

From Gods country to Hell.

Filed under: General,Sex Abuse / CYF — dessie @ 2:34 pm

The only thing I wanted while growing up in Ireland was to be a Dad. Then in 1997 when my first born came along I thought ‘mission accomplished’, Oh boy , was I mistaken. The first time I held her I knew my life had changed dramatically in an instant, though I watched her kick inside her Mums womb and watched her settle as I sang in the final weeks , nothing had prepared me for the miracle that was now in my arms. (more…)

Sun 23rd October 2016

MoMA Video Clips

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 1:13 pm

By way of contribution to the male side of gender issues, we have published our first few video clips on YouTube. They are about a major issue for men, suicide. We have commenced with increasing insight into the problem and providing helpful advice, and will soon progress to consider the scandalous political and media treatment of this matter.

Please spread links widely to this video series.

MoMA Suicide 1

MoMA Suicide 2

MoMA Suicide 3

Sat 22nd October 2016

Italian Court Fines Mother for Alienating Children

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 10:56 am

Woman fined €30,000 for bad-mouthing her ex in front of their kids. The feminists will probably attribute this to Italy still being in the dark ages in showing any respect at all towards men and fathers. The masculinists will probably see this as an initial gesture intended to justify future financial gouging of men believed to bad mouth their children’s mothers, in typical male power and control tactics. However, we like to think this ruling might be another indication of a tidal change building in gender politics.

Thu 20th October 2016

Judge Mary O’Dwyer

Filed under: General — WayneBurrows @ 3:02 pm

Judge O’Dwyer spoke last month at the National Council of Women’s conference. In that speech she spoke about family violence. To me this is an extreme conflict of interest as she sits in the Family Court. Especially so when she expressed the erroneous view to the National Council of Women that “all” statistics and research show predominantly women and children as victims.

Today I have made a complaint to the Judicial Conduct Commissioner. (more…)

Wed 19th October 2016

Murder? My Arse!

Filed under: General — triassic @ 5:37 pm

I would love to be a fly on the Jury wall (6 males 6 females) at the murder trial of Gable Tostee.

Tue 18th October 2016

Is it worth the fight? Updating a parenting plan to reflect actually time in care

Filed under: Domestic Violence,General,Law & Courts,Sex Abuse / CYF — George04 @ 3:54 pm

Hello All, quick bit of background. I’m the father of a 4.5 y/o girl living in AKL and have been separated from her mother since just after birth. I went through the Family Court back then to get regular visitation as the mother would not allow it. She went as far as accusing me of beating her to try and stop me getting access, fortunately her lies were rather transparent. In the end a judge ruled that i got 1.5 hrs on a Tuesday and Thursday after work and 10-3 on a Sunday. She also has a 9 y/o daughter from a previous relationship whose father isn’t around (she got a protection order on him and he was only allowed supervised visits which didn’t last long). (more…)

It’s OK for a mother to take children away… but not OK for a father

Filed under: General — goose @ 7:05 am

You promised to bring them back? We get this statement each and every day but it rarely makes news, however when the tables are turned it’s a crime and she reaches out to the media.

Mon 17th October 2016

Donald Trump and the War Against Men

Filed under: Gender Politics,General,Sex Abuse / CYF — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 7:45 pm

We don’t much care about the US elections and we’re not fans of Donald Trump for many reasons, but allegations by women about ‘groping’ are not among them. These allegations from women suddenly coming out of the woodwork two weeks before the US election are eagerly supported by mainstream media propaganda machines, most of which are now feminist gutter press.

Surely, if these women were so incensed by Donald Trump’s alleged sexual assaults they would have complained some time other than just prior to the election?

If they have any truth at all, the most publicized allegations suggest that the circumstances involved Trump trying something on with women with various degrees of encouragement and participation. The point that media don’t acknowledge is that men are expected to take the risk of making the moves towards sexual liaison and thereby to take the risk of rejection or objection. The truth is that if a male does not make some move towards intimacy then he risks being seen as not interested in her, not being virile enough, being too boring, and he may well not be of further interest to her. (more…)

Tue 11th October 2016

Female Teachers Stand By While Pupils Fight

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 10:02 pm

This story today raised some interesting issues. The video recording shows two female teachers at Rosehill College standing right next to some male students who start a fight, punching each other violently with other students egging them on until they intervene when one fighter dominates. The teachers do nothing to intervene.

The female principal attempted to justify the teachers’ inaction, claiming they were calling for backup on their walkie talkies while shouting at the boys to stop. No evidence of that was apparent on the video’s sound recording. The principal also said that teachers had been told to prioritize their own safety, but that if those teachers had been males they may well have intervened by restraining the pupils. (more…)

It’s OK for a Woman to Joke about Serious Violence Towards a Man

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 9:11 pm

Anika Moa has her own NZ television show and when recently interviewed by a male journalist about her show , this is what she said:

Anika Moa narrows her eyes and says, “I’ll cut your balls off.”

As if that wasn’t menacing enough she then intensifies the threat.

“Then I’ll eat them! Like Hannibal Lecter.”

With that she makes those famously creepy slurping noises – thip-thip-thip-thip – before roaring with laughter.

“I won’t! I won’t!” she says, patting my knee reassuringly and wiping fake laugh tears from her eyes. Suddenly, she drops silent, that stone cold stare returning as she growls, “I’ll bite them off instead.”

This was reported in the NZ Herald yet nobody seems to have batted an eyelid about it. Ho ho ho. Soon after this, Anika Moa was inducted into the NZ Music Hall of Fame, a national heroine. (more…)

Ministry of Justice Spreads More Misinformation

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics,General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 8:19 pm

The signs are bad for planned law changes concerning family violence. This ‘fact’ sheet produced by our Ministry of Justice safer-sooner-factsheet provided misinformation right from the start by claiming “We have the highest reported intimate partner violence in the world”. That statement is utter nonsense and the NZ Herald recently had to retract the same claim following our successful complaint to the Press Council. We understand the NZ Herald got the claim from the Ministry of Justice.

The World Health Organisation produced a paper dated 20 June 2013 titled ‘Violence against women: a ‘global health problem of epidemic proportions’: New clinical and policy guidelines launched to guide health sector response’. It tells us:

For intimate partner violence, the type of violence against women for which more data were available, the worst affected regions were:
South-East Asia – 37.7% prevalence. Based on aggregated data from Bangladesh, Timor-Leste (East Timor), India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand.
Eastern Mediterranean – 37% prevalence. Based on aggregated data from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine.
Africa – 36.6% prevalence. Based on aggregated data from Botswana, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

New Zealand is not even included in this list of the 28 worst affected countries. (more…)

Tue 4th October 2016

David Seymore on identity politics

Filed under: Gender Politics — JohnPotter @ 9:10 am

On 29th September the NZ Herald published a response by ACT’s David Seymore to an article by Lizzie Marvelly attacking him for suggesting that the Ministry for Women be converted to a Ministry for Gender.

Sun 25th September 2016

Documentary on NZ Family Court

Filed under: General,Law & Courts — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 3:15 pm

Radio NZ today played a documentary on the NZ Family Court and the 2014 law changes. It provided some interesting figures and raised (but did not ask) some important questions: We pulled out six issues arising in this documentary and discuss them here. (more…)

Sat 24th September 2016

Most Prostate Cancer Treatment Doesn’t Save Lives

Filed under: Men's Health — JohnPotter @ 5:59 pm

A 10-year outcome study just published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine shows that men diagnosed with prostate cancer who chose to forgo treatment were no more likely to die. Surgery and radiation therapy often have severe side effects such as incontinence and impotence.

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