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MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Thu 3rd March 2016

Deconstructing Feminism

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 8:24 am

This post follows on from End The Gender War.

If I was to put Feminism in an ideological/political category, I’d go for totalitarian, and for that reason you cannot be ‘a man’ in a society of this nature. That eventually is completely taken away from you, and you only need look at some of the young males who are a product of our society today, to see this as a reality.

In the previous post I said:

If you do not understand your enemy, you put yourself at a great disadvantage.

What was the starting point that Feminism adopted? (more…)

Wed 2nd March 2016

End the Gender War

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 1:36 pm

There are many battle fronts against Feminism in this Gender War, but rarely do we see visible weapons and we struggle to recognise the source of the violence, this creeping violence, this increasing violence, this social violence that plagues our society, seemingly without explanation.

Without explanation, or by concealing the explanation, of course men will get the blame, we always do.

For men Feminism is (more…)

Tue 1st March 2016

The Vulnerable Children Act: another law that discriminates against men.

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 10:04 pm

The Vulnerable Children Act (2014) requires regulated organisations receiving any government funding to assess the risk of all employees applying for jobs working with children, and every three years all existing employees who work with children. The assessment includes police vetting on each occasion. (more…)

The “I’m Cranky” Speech

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 2:35 pm

Many years ago Australian Lawyer Michael Green came to New Zealand to promote his book.

I don’t recall the name of the book, but I do recall the speech he gave in Wellington.

The “I’m Cranky” speech. (more…)

Fri 26th February 2016

Recent Cases Show Feminist Ideology is Unsafe

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics,General,Law & Courts,Sex Abuse / CYF,White Ribbon Campaign — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 12:23 pm

Recent cases highlight the danger our society, or at least the male half, faces under current approaches to violence. The case of Shona Maiden was one. She gave her false account of events to police and even went to news media with photos of her son cuddling her and appeared on tv with convincing tears giving the same account, that a man had punched her after she told him to f-off when he criticized her for speaking te reo. News media misrepresented even her account by claiming he assaulted her for speaking te reo, and generally took a white-knight approach in support of this abused damsel (see the MENZ Issues post ‘What Scumbag Would Do This?’). She said on public media that she had lost 5 teeth and had a plate in her mouth cracked, but she wrote on her Facebook page about 3 teeth on one occasion and 2 teeth on another and not about a cracked plate. After she was charged on the basis of the CCTV evidence she told news interviewers that she stood by her account and had told the truth!

The point here is that Shona Maiden believed herself to be a blameless victim of a male’s violence. She believed it so fully that she told the whole country through news media and she still appeared to believe it even after the CCTV evidence proved otherwise. (more…)

Thu 25th February 2016

Feminist Judgment

Filed under: Gender Politics,General,Law & Courts — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 11:33 am

This Radio NZ article broadcast on Monday 22 Feb left our mouths hanging open. It was called ‘Feminist Judges’ and described a project funded by the Law Foundation (to the tune of $38,000) paying Elisabeth McDonald (Victoria University) and Rhonda Powell (Canterbury University) to re-write or get others to re-write judgments in a way that might be done by feminist judges. The ‘Feminist Judgments Project Aotearoa’ is part of an international movement that re-writes judgments by looking at feminist arguments that Courts often overlook. (more…)

Wed 24th February 2016

Don’t Assault a Politician if You’re Male

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 7:10 am

Josie Butler threw a dildo at the face of Steven Joyce. That assault subjected Joyce to risk of injury. If it had landed differently it could have caused an eye, mouth or tooth injury, unlikely to have been serious but not impossible. Ms Butler’s cause was confused, not based on personal trauma, and she justified it to herself with some inane comparison to rape. Media made great mirth from her violent offence and there was barely any recognition that it was violence that deserved the same disapproval as any other violence. She wasn’t charged for her crime. (more…)

Tue 16th February 2016

The Hard Call

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 6:14 pm

I’m not sure why I’m telling this story, but I’m going to tell it anyway.

I think it’s a sort of a blokie story, but I’m not sure?

It’s a New Zealand story though, so if you’re not from around this part of the world, it might not mean too much to you.

This goes back to my days at High School, and I have to tell you, they might be the best days of my life.

I’m a sporty type of person. Give me a sport and I’ll have a go, and that’s what was expected at school. Just have a go, and see how you get on.

Not, that I like to blow my own trumpet, (more…)

England – A Land of Uncertainty

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:42 am

If you’ve been keeping up with men’s news lately, you will know that there has been a femorist attack in the land of England, and worse still an attempt on the life of their Legal Sovereign.

What we do know at this stage contributors, has already been posted in these three posts.

1. England – A Terrorist State of Law
2. Prosecution of the Fantasy
3. The Killing of the Sovereign

To bring you up to date with the latest news: (more…)

The Killing of The Sovereign

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 6:14 am

The Killing of the Sovereign – too much of a spoiler? You knew where I was going with this didn’t you?

This is the third post on this topic. To catch up on the story you need to read, England – A Terrorist State of Law then Prosecution of the Fantasy, and also the comments on both.

These two posts are about an English court case where a poor commoner, Mark Pearson stood accused of the sexual assault of an actress, but proved his innocence.

There is a fourth post A Woman’s Allegation now outweighs Hard Evidence, which discusses (more…)

Mon 15th February 2016

Prosecution of the Fantasy

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 8:58 am

The recent post England – A Terrorist State of Law discusses a report that brought into the light the activism of their Feminised Crown Prosecution Service.

It is centred on the case of Mark Pearson, accused of the sexual violation of actress Souad Faress.

Looking at this case, many people are asking, including the accused, “How did this end up in court?”

We have no idea what is going on in the complainant’s mind, and we shouldn’t speculate too much on that.

Rather, we should look at what actually happened, and who should be held accountable for Pearson’s traumatic experience. (more…)

Tue 9th February 2016

Father lodges human rights violations complaint against government with UN

Filed under: General — Vman @ 5:46 pm

A father-of-two has laid a complaint with the United Nations alleging a judge’s decision barring him from taking his children out of New Zealand to visit their dying grandfather violates their human rights.

The man, an American who cannot be named under New Zealand Family Court rules, laid the complaint on Thursday under the Human Rights Complaint Procedure at the UN after a six-year international battle for custody of his children.

The family moved to New Zealand in July 2010 under the agreement that they would remain here for three years, but six months into the move he and his wife split. The children were ordered to remain in New Zealand under the Hague Convention, the man said.

“My grievance is with the court system and Parliament because they have implemented a violation for human rights for families. There is a systemic issue with the New Zealand Family Court system, and I would desperately love not to drag it through the press.

“Filing the complaint with the UN becomes my last alternative. I have tried to work with the political and judicial system and it’s fallen on deaf ears. I don’t think it does anything for getting my children home, other than raise whether there was a human rights violation.”

The basis of the man’s complaint is that a High Court order preventing him from taking the children to the US did not seriously take into account their cultural heritage. The family had no links to New Zealand before moving here in 2010.

Mon 8th February 2016

A woman’s allegation now outweighs hard evidence

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 9:31 pm

Check out this ridiculous case in Britain. Our guess is that the prima donna took objection to the accused man not giving way to her in the bustle of the London train station, so made up a claim involving serious sexual assault. The case shows that a woman can now lie about being sexually assaulted, her claim shown to be untruthful by video surveillance evidence, yet the police still prosecute the accused man for a serious sexual penetration crime. The witch hunt is in full swing. There is only one more step for the feminists, that is to corrupt or overthrow the jury trial process so that accused witches can be easily convicted regardless of evidence, reason or principles of justice. The feminists are busy towards this goal, trying to get an inquisitorial system for sex abuse trials.

Men’s issues artwork..

Filed under: General — anon @ 4:43 pm

To thank those who go to lengths to bring awareness to men’s issues I got plywood out and tried to create an image that sums up the situation. Its dedicated with sincere thanks to you all.
MoMa, please list a postal address so I can have it couriered.

Another Pussy Pass –

Filed under: Boys / Youth / Education,Sex Abuse / CYF — pcObelix @ 12:18 pm

Female teacher sex with pupil

The most telling piece in the whole article The woman, whom the Otago Daily Times has decided not to name, could not be reached yesterday.

I wonder if the ODT’s stance would have been the same if it was a male teacher with a student.

England – A Terrorist State of Law

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 8:44 am

Like the post title – pretty catchy click-bait you think? Wait until you read this one.

England is highly regarded for the development and maintenance (in spite of any imperfections) of its Westminster legal system – but if anything could destroy that in one court case, it’s Feminist Jurisprudence.

What he cannot understand, what still gnaws at him when he wakes up at 4am, his body shaking, is why the case reached court in the first place.

The article’s text is copied below, not associated links. (more…)

Sun 7th February 2016

A Tale of Two Pities

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 1:43 pm

On one hand we have the story of the Ponytail-Pulling Prime minister.

On the other we have the story of the dildo-throwing protester.

Both have done the circuit on the international media and amused an international audience.

What’s your comparison?

Media Meltdown – Mob Rule

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 12:20 pm

This is an issue that has increasingly impacted on male integrity through the digital age, and it is time to recognise and discuss this evolution, and give it some meaning, from the men’s perspective. The social effects are significant and the change might be paralleled with the advent of the printing press.

News, as many of us label the subject, is now an out of date term – it’s old hat journalism, and as cliché as ‘tell a woman’. (more…)

Sat 6th February 2016

Understanding Dildo Baggins

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 7:08 am

Dildo Baggins sounds like a character from a B Grade movie ‘Fellowship of the Dong’ and there’s been some premature speculation that this is another feminist attack on the male integrity of New Zealand.

The name has been attributed to New Zealand MP Steven Joyce, after he was caught on the chin by a flying pink dildo during a political protest at Waitangi. Waitangi, in the province of Northland, the location of the signing of The Treaty of Waitangi – Tiriti o Waitangi (over 170 years ago) has often been the centre of political discord, on what is New Zealand’s national day.

The tribes of Northland, which (more…)

Assault on Steven Joyce with an allegation that he was a rapist

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 12:08 am

The woman who threw a dildo at Steven Joyce at Waitangi said it was for ‘raping our sovereignty’. It’s fashionable to use the word ‘rape’ whenever someone does something others, particularly feminists, don’t like. (more…)

Wed 3rd February 2016

Australian Doctor kills husband after sex

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 6:08 am

Chamari Liyanage is accused of murdering Dinendra Athukorala, also a doctor, because she worried his unusual sexual proclivities could jeopardise her career, the Supreme Court of Western Australia heard.

Defence lawyer George Giudice said his client was a ‘sleep-deprived, anxious, trapped and battered woman’. He said she was made to model for her husband in front of a camera, sometimes for hours on end.

Dr Liyanage pleaded not guilty to murdering her husband. The trial, set down for three weeks, continues.

Wonder if she’ll have her visa revoked under the bad character regulations?

Tue 2nd February 2016

Legalise Rape – New Zealand Meetings

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:50 am

Supporters of a website led by a man who says rape should be legalised on private property have been invited to meet up in New Zealand.

‘Return of Kings’ founder Daryush Valizadeh has suggested legalising rape on private property was the solution to rape culture.

Updated 3rd Feb 2016

Pro-rape group leader could be barred from New Zealand


Fri 29th January 2016

Research Sexism an attack on Men

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:14 am

Did IRD request sexist research or did the researchers provide it?

The research, carried out for IRD by Research New Zealand, was based on anonymous interviews with 420 tradespeople in Auckland, including builders, electricians and painters. It followed a marketing campaign by IRD targeting those operating in Flatbush, Takanini, Silverdale and Albany.

How many builders electricians and painters are women?

There are about 30% more working women in New Zealand than men, and none of those women would engage in any work that could remotely be referred to as a trade or would have a cash economy going on under the table?

What are your thoughts?

Wed 27th January 2016

Only in New Zealand

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:09 am
How would you caption this?

How would you caption this?

Sat 23rd January 2016

Sexual Risk Orders

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:33 am

Is this a Yorker?

A man has been banned from having sex unless he lets police know at least one day in advance.

North Yorkshire Police have sought a “sexual risk order” for the man who has not yet been convicted of a sexual offence, but who is thought to be unsafe for the public, according to the York Press.

The man from York must contact the police to tell them of any woman he plans to have a relationship or one-night stand with.

You think I’m making this one up, eh? (more…)

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