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MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Sat 23rd January 2016

And another Pussy Pass ….

Filed under: General — golfa @ 7:14 am Link

Fri 22nd January 2016

New Zealand Soldier in Perth Maximum Security Prison

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:49 am

Former Lance Corporal Ngati Kanohi Te Eke Haapu, known as Ko Haapu or Ko Rutene

November 2015

A Kiwi soldier has been held in solitary confinement in a high-security prison across the Tasman – despite not committing a crime.

Former Lance Corporal Ngati Kanohi Te Eke Haapu, known as Ko, had his visa revoked on the grounds he was a member of a motorcycle club.

A law change in Australia means foreign-born nationals can have their visas revoked by the Minister of Immigration on character grounds.

In similar news: (more…)

Thu 21st January 2016

The Australasian Man Trap

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 1:07 pm

One of the most important aspects of government from its own perspective is its funding lines.

What we’ve been used to in New Zealand, especially since the introduction of PAYE (Pay as you earn) is accept it and if you’re lucky you might get a tax return at the end of the year.

What many of us have noticed as separated fathers is the additional child tax that is forcible removed from us. This is where, as men, we need to start looking at the bigger picture. Many things are changing around us. (more…)

Wed 20th January 2016

If you were arrested would you trust Police or trust a lawyer?

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Law & Courts — anon @ 1:17 am

May 3 2014, I was assaulted at 7 am by my former partner. A blindsided whack to the head, then whipped with the cord from her laptop charger before a large wall mirror was swung at me.

At 9 am that sunny Saturday morning I was arrested without question- charged with MAF by two policeman one from Philippines one from Punjab India. Neither spoke English very well as I only realised I was being arrested after a little speech by the Indian cop from which I was able to make out the words ‘court of law’.
I was allowed to close the windows and put on some shoes while the Indian took photo’s of the broken pieces of mirror still on the carpet in the hallway.
After being told I was charged with Male assaults female.
I said “no assault occurred to her”. (more…)

Mon 18th January 2016

New Child Tax assaults in New Zealand

Filed under: Child Support,General — Downunder @ 9:32 am

Just in case you weren’t aware, now that the new child support legislation is in place, IRD has launched a new assault on all those deadbeat dads with massive penalty accounts.

IRD were brazen enough to publish their intention when they went into Australia in 2013, under a new agreement to operate in the Australian jurisdiction – media here.

It didn’t take long for their handy-work to come to light via the Australian media when Paul Jenkins committed suicide from some irresponsible employee’s harassment.
They’ve been quiet this time – there’s been no mainstream media about this, but we are starting to see signs of their activity arriving here on Menz. (more…)

Sat 16th January 2016

Murder or Suicide?

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:15 am

Man found on Christchurch St, with stab wound and knife.

Police say the man, believed to be aged 46 and living on his own, was found lying outside his address in Gloucester Street, Linwood, at 6.50am, with a knife nearby.

Two witnesses returning home having finished their night-shift saw the man, went to his aid and called ambulance and police.

Police say the man is believed to have a single chest wound and his injury is described as critical.

They say an investigation has started to establish how the injury was caused and whether anyone else is involved.

Police have a team of seven investigators working on the case.

They say the victim will not be named until his next of kin are informed and no further comment will be made until the scene examination is completed.

The secret Secret-Court of New Zealand

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:01 am

Anyone who has followed this site will know that New Zealand has a secret court – the Family Court. It is secret in two respects that are abhorrent to justice, firstly, its selective publishing of decisions, and secondly, its restriction on media coverage which extends to judges threatening editors; all in the name of the privacy of the individuals that use its services, not the crooks that run it, of course.

There have been many reports about and protests to the irregularities and lack of due process in this court, recorded on this site.

But, what does a court do that doesn’t want some of its goings-on recorded at all?

It becomes even more secret? (more…)

Sun 10th January 2016

The pillage of Men in New Zealand

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 10:41 am

I came across a dejected looking man sitting on the footpath the other day, so I sat down to have a chat to him. I’ve done this off and on since the late 1970s, just one of the random things I occasionally do, and I’ve heard some interesting tales of woe over the years.

There’s always a problem, and even if one can’t help or do anything for them, I’m always interested to know how any man ends up this way. It often looks as simple as the effects of alcohol or drugs, but there is usually a back story to that, if you dig a bit further. (Incidentally, I did actually find a woman living on the street once – she’d been a medical student and fried her brain with one of their home-bake drug mixes) (more…)

Fri 8th January 2016

NZ Herald: “What scumbag would do this?”

Filed under: Gender Politics,General,Law & Courts — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 8:59 am

This was interesting. A woman, Shona Maiden, lost teeth and suffered a broken palate through an attack by a male unknown to her outside a bar that they had both just left. Ms Maiden said on nationwide media that after wishing her friends “ka kite ano”, the man asked her what a ‘palagi’ was doing speaking Maori, she then told him to f*** off and he punched her several times. The white-knight NZ Herald took up Ms Maiden’s cause in its edition of 05/01/15 with the main front-page headline stating ‘Mum punched in face for speaking Te Reo’, then in larger letters ‘What scumbag would do this?’, underneath which was displayed a photo of Ms Maiden with her young son.

Thu 7th January 2016


Filed under: General — BF1972 @ 9:18 pm

Has anyone had any experience in drafting up a will that protects the new wife from a litigacious ex-wife? Not wanting to think the worst outcome for my own life expectancy but you never know what life has planned for you. There are children to be factored in but the main concern is around contesting of any will that is created.

Any thoughts or comments appreciated!

Tue 5th January 2016

Cricketer Fined $10,000 for Offending Feminism

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 11:33 pm

The confused ideology of feminism and its creeping expansion are demonstrated in this story that has seen feminists, their white knights and sycophants objecting to a humourous flirtation by a great sportsman, Chris Gayle, towards a female who interviewed him for live broadcast after he had been dismissed for 41 runs from only 15 balls.

According to, almost immediately in response to the interviewer’s first question:

“I wanted to have an interview with you as well, that’s why I’m here,” Gayle said live on national television. “I get to see your eyes for the first time, it’s nice. Hopefully we can win and go for a drink after…Don’t blush baby.”

Apparently, social media immediately lit up, labelling Gayle’s comments as sexist, ‘chauvinist’ and an affront to women.

The event sparked an apology three overs later from the broadcaster who said Gayle’s comments were not endorsed and that measures would be taken to avoid future such occurrences.

Gayle’s spineless employers failed to stand up for him, instead accusing him of being disrespectful and fining him $10G.

Thu 24th December 2015

Every single life lost to suicide is one too many.

Filed under: Gender Politics,Men's Health,White Ribbon Campaign — MurrayBacon @ 10:14 pm

Target-setting is great for progress, but is it right for suicide prevention?
Alan Woodward
Mental health
What is the “right’ suicide prevention target? Does a target of 50% imply acceptance that in Australia 1300 people will die by suicide each year?

Setting targets has become commonplace as a way of measuring achievement and progress. We have seen this recently as the future ecology of our planet and the complexity of international policy on climate change has been reduced to negotiations around a series of targets.

It is as though the targets give meaning to the goal for change.

So surely we should set targets for suicide prevention, right? How better to concentrate efforts than to set targets for a reduction in the tragic loss of life to suicide? And surely setting targets is a way to communicate and engage with the wider community in results-based suicide prevention?

This has already started. In 2013, the World Health Organisation (WHO) promoted a target of 10% reduction in suicides by 2020 for member countries, of which Australia is one. Then, in 2014, the WHO released its first ever report on suicide documenting the key elements of any national strategy for suicide prevention, drawing on research evidence and expert opinion.

John Key, Prison Rape and White Ribbon

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 11:23 am

Perhaps we should be grateful that in response to John Key’s involvement in a radio joke about prison rape, some White Ribbon people have lowered themselves to disapprove of this form of violence even though it’s only towards mere men. However, we were mainly struck by their hypocrisy.

White Ribbon asks John Key for explanation over prison rape joke

Kyle MacDonald: Why John Key’s not fit to speak for White Ribbon

Claire Trevett: Lessons in John Key stunt wash-up

If supporters of White Ribbon truly opposed violence towards men, then why are they supporting a campaign that only opposes violence when done to women and deliberately excludes mention of or concern for male victims?

The White Ribbon people have now attempted to whitewash their campaign by misrepresenting it as being against violence more generally even though its slogans and purpose have always discriminated against men and were only ever concerned about violence towards women.

The overall impact of the White Ribbon campaign has been the promotion of false beliefs that women are the most frequent or most significant victims of violence in our communities, and the promotion of attitudes that violence towards men isn’t worth mentioning or worrying about.

The White Ribbon stance regarding this prison rape joke is like White Supremists criticizing someone for using the term ‘nigger’ while they continue their general campaign of racial discrimination. We were amused to see this reflected in the following:

“As a result of this incident, White Ribbon will be writing to all our ambassadors to remind them of our expectations, and the commitment they have made to the campaign. Our and their pledge is to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence towards women. We will continue to try and uphold that.”

If John Key had knowingly participated in the prison rape joke he would be an ideal spokesman for White Ribbon, walking the walk of that group’s real message: “Violence towards women is the only violence anyone need be concerned about”. John Key and his radio hosts have done the country a favour by highlighting the sexist double standards that have been encouraged by White Ribbon.

Tue 22nd December 2015

Females Can Do No Wrong

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 9:33 pm

pcObelix asked why the Counties Manukau Police only asked boys to hit a girl in their latest sexist anti-violence initiative. Yeah well they didn’t need to do the exercise with girls. Everyone already knows that males are the only ones who behave badly enough to worry about.

‘Cuckoo’ student who duped teacher into thinking she had terminal cancer and tore her life apart Female lied and lied and lied for personal gain without apparent concern for the devastating consequences on others. (By the way, this story also suggests that the duped female lecturer ignored the protestations, advice, needs, any equal say, and indeed the human rights of her husband as she insisted on continuing to support and house her false-pretending friend regardless of him. After all, she wasn’t going to be told what she can and can’t do by some man was she? And supporting a fellow member of the sisterhood was much more important than any imagined obligations the patriarchy might claim she had towards her husband. Ha!)

Ann Sabine’s daughter speaks: ‘I don’t know who my mother was’ Woman abandons her children to move overseas, then murders her husband and hides his death and his body for 18 years. (more…)

Boys asked to slap girl….why do not they not try the reverse and see what happens

Filed under: Domestic Violence,General — pcObelix @ 2:55 pm

Second such event…the other one being overseas from earlier on this year.

I wonder what would happen if they asked a girl to slap a boy….let’s stop the stereotyping……

Mon 21st December 2015

Reduction in Bailffs

Filed under: General — nzleagle @ 7:42 pm

So as it turns out at the start of the year, the nations bailiff numbers were slashed in half…,

Last year I was served papers that My ex had filed the following day, This year, im guessing either because of the reduction in bailiffs or because I am a Male, my papers that the court kindly said they would serve on my ex, took 2 1/2 weeks. I filed the papers on the 30th of November, and as of the 18th of December the Family court had still not received affidavit of service from the Bailiffs, however I had received confirmation that she had being served on the 16th of December from the lawyer for child. Given the past history of the family court, and their “allowable” evidence, maybe we should be at a point where service can be made by the applicant, with just an affidavit stating that you have made that service.

Fri 18th December 2015

Adam’s Christmas present to Eve

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics — Downunder @ 10:55 am

Stop right there. It’s not a religious post.

I know how much some of you detest … the slightest incandescence … of religion gracing the texts of this site but I can’t help seeing the humour in the fact that our current Women’s Minister has the surname Adams.

Before I go any further, I’d like thank another poster ‘Equality’ for raising this issue in the previous post. Good spotting, and I don’t mean to make light of the topic. It’s very serious indeed.

This is the sort of thing that would easily slip under the radar, in the Rucks and Malls of Xmas, and is typical Silly-Season behaviour from politicians, while each of us is running around like a ‘Bat out Hell’ trying to create a little peace and paradise for the kids.

There’s an opinion piece here, that cuts to the chase, (more…)

Thu 17th December 2015

Find out your partner’s history of abuse

Filed under: General — Equality @ 6:55 pm

Given it’s so difficult for female violence and abuse to be acknowledged and counted, and police are biased so much as to wear and dispense “White-ribbons”, I’m sure people in the item excerpt below can be read as “Women”.
I get told so often things are getting better.
Even men say that, until they too get ground up by the injustice and gender hatred against us.

“People will be able to go to police and ask if their partner has a history of abuse under a new disclosure scheme — receiving a response within 24 hours in the most serious cases”.

Wed 16th December 2015

Ground 8 (Her Income)

Filed under: Child Support,Law & Courts — Had_Enough @ 6:25 pm


Just wondering if anyone out there has ever had any success with an Admin Review based on the increased earning capacity of the custodial parent. The custodial parent in my case has recently received a rather large inheritance and is doing well for herself while I am still expected to pay her about $1500 per month in Child Support (for 1 child) which I can’t afford. I believe that under the new regime the custodial parents income is also taken into account. I would appreciate any tips on this as I want to do an Admin Review on her based on Ground 8 and her improved financial situation. Thanks in advance.

Ground 8 – The child support assessment doesn’t take into account the income, earning capacity, property and financial resources of either parent or child (or children)

You can use this ground if you feel the child support assessment is unfair because it doesn’t reflect the true income, financial position or earning capacity of either parent or the child.

One party’s financial position has changed significantly.
Assets which are capable of earning income aren’t doing so.

Tue 15th December 2015

Missing Legal Documents in New Zealand

Filed under: General,Men's Health — Downunder @ 12:27 pm

This will be of interest to anyone who deals with an ex-partner through legally transferred communications only, or who has communicated this way in the past.

I’m looking at an interesting case, where many years ago, a group of Labour Party professionals (during labour’s time in power) constructed a court case in favour of another Labour Party member, against her ex-husband.

Now that this couple is older (and the children all adults) and the children having necessarily become involved in the parent’s affairs because of health issues, some interesting things have come to light.

It happens that the ex-husband was not on the Labour Party’s preferred list of people because of his own involvement in politics and it transpires that they have different sets of documents, there being a hole in what was actually given to the wife.

In other words these Labour Party professionals constructed a court case to launch their own independent attack on this father using his ex-wife’s name.

At the moment this is being denied, likewise is the legitimacy of the ex-husband’s documents. He now ‘appears’ to be the only one that has these.

This raises a question as to whether this case was actually a Family Court Case, and if so has someone been through the Family Court sanitising some of our court cases?

Is anyone else finding they have disappearing documents or disappearing court cases?

As it never actually made it to a hearing (and was probably never intended to) the other possibility is that this group, including the judge, and the ex-husband’s legal representatives, set up a ruse outside of the court, but now deny the existence of their documents.

Is anyone in a similar situation where they have been attacked with the unauthorised use of another person’s name, using the secret confines of the Family Court?

I’ve viewed a complaint that’s now been sent to the New Zealand Law Society.

It will be interesting to see what they do about this, other than run for cover and pretend it never happened.

I’ll keep you updated.

Standard Contract

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 6:19 am

It’s just your standard contract, no need to sign, you’re just a man. We own you now.

Interesting, I read this week, that a nice judge, ripped up the contracts of the poor victims who became party to the loan sharks of the big city.

But wait, there’s more: … and in the Family Court they were busy shafting fathers and the IRD was out there diligently chasing all those dead beat dads for whom, they invented great sums of money to pay.

But wait, there’s more: … then all the little children, threw their arms in the air, and danced around the Pohutukawa tree … holding up their banner man … and singing …

Children's Comissioner

… We’ve got a Commissioner and a White Ribbon for Christmas …
Yes, aren’t we lucky … we’ve got a Commissioner and a White Ribbon for Christmas …

… and Dr Wills threw open his castle gates, and said, come to me all you little children, yes, I’m your father for Christmas, come and sit at my table, and I will feed you, and make all you never-to-be-lifted-out-of-poverty children, happy little campers.

It’s a lazy and insidious culture, that allows these token men, to demean and insult us in the name of Feminism.

Sun 13th December 2015

Only Male Jihadists Lose Their NZ Passports

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 11:36 pm

Ms Kitteridge, head of NZ’s Security Intelligence Service (SIS), this week caused us all great anxiety by announcing that increasing numbers of NZ women are travelling to Iraq and Syria. The SIS apparently has become really concerned because the numbers involved are close to exceeding what can be counted on the fingers of both hands. Our SIS spies tend to get confused and lose count every time they go above 5 and have to change hands. They tried starting with the other hand but it didn’t help. They have no intention of disclosing their next strategy for discovering the right number because that’s on a strictly need-to-know basis. When the SIS completes that numerical calculation it will try to get more information on the women and their holiday plans. Ms Ketteridge doesn’t know whether they are travelling to find romance, for thrill-seeking in the range of adventure sports over there, or simply to enjoy some of their hosts’ theatrical shows and film industry. (more…)

Fri 11th December 2015

More Nonsense About Alleged Patriarchy

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 12:20 pm

Take a look and wonder at this piece yesterday of confused thinking and outlandish feminist claims: Priya Chand: The perilous politics of patriarchy

Thu 10th December 2015

Historic Meeting with Human Rights Commission

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics,General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 10:47 pm

A tide change is building further with a recent invitation by the Human Rights Commission for several groups to provide submissions concerning discrimination against men. MoMA provided submissions towards this. An historic meeting was held yesterday involving David Rutherford (Chief Human Rights Commissioner), Peter Jackson (Operations Manager Human Rights Commission), Kerry Bevin (MoMA), Craig Jackson (Family Advocate), Jack Gielen (Suicide Prevention Trust) and Bruce Tichbon (Families Apart Require Equality). Amazingly, the Chief Commissioner acknowledged a number of the men’s groups’ concerns and discussed ways forward. A further meeting was planned for about February next year.

This may not seem earth shattering but the fact is that men have been left out in the cold for a long time now, most men’s movement issues have been ignored and most advice disregarded. It’s heartening to be taken seriously.

Incidentally, the Broadcasting Standards Authority is shortly due to consider a complaint from MoMA that Radio NZ published fallacious family homicide statistics then refused to correct them even after being informed they were wrong. Their figures misrepresented family homicide as being something that women suffered 2.3 times more often as men, when in fact men suffer 43% and women 57% of family homicides.

Keep up your efforts, they are adding to the tide.

Male Denigration, Attack on MoMA and Child Development

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics,General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 5:10 pm

A couple of interesting local experiences today were reported by MoMA’s chief executive.

He attended a seminar in which the presenter Nathan Mikaere-Wallis repeatedly made comments that stereotyped men as incompetent, drunkards, violent abusers of their wives and generally inferior compared to women. When a suggestion was made that Mr M-W stop denigrating the male gender, he claimed that only 1% of partner assaults were committed by women. His misinformed belief was corrected but we’re not sure whether he will take that on board. (more…)

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