Silent Victims – violence by women against men
There was an excellent article on domestic violence published in the Weekend Australian on Saturday:
Silent Victims: both mothers and fathers can be violent – by Bettina Arndt.
- promoting a clearer understanding of men's experience -
There was an excellent article on domestic violence published in the Weekend Australian on Saturday:
Silent Victims: both mothers and fathers can be violent – by Bettina Arndt.
Male health is less important that female health.
A shameless plug …
‘Domestic violence debate dominated by women’s perspectives’
Firstly I do not condone family violence or abuse in any form. Or in the workplace for the matter.
The news article reads ‘A review of the law could make it easier for battered family violence victims who kill their abusers to avoid a murder charge’.
That suggests you won’t even get charged never lone see the inside of a court room.
I respect everyone needs a defence but a law that prevents someone from being charged is a bridge too far.
If you are a man, this law makes it OK for the person who murdered you to not be charged if they say you were abusive or violent.
It is completely unsafe and well beyond justice.
The InfoWars people seem to be right on the money here, outlining how totally false statistics are used to paint young men as regular rapists, ie in USA universities, while a rape crisis due to dodgey immigrants is being ignored… reminds me of how our Womens refuges were delisted as a charity for false reports.. meanwhile the only father support organisations are struggling to survive…and there are no funds at all for male victims of DV..
Watched the rugby semi final All Blacks vs Springboks. Not sure what interviews were shown after the match on NZ television but the broadcast we saw involved an English female interviewer questioning the captains and others. She asked inane questions with hackneyed comments about the Springboks ‘asking a lot of questions’ of the All Blacks in the match and such like. There was no question of particular insight or relevance to the match, such as concerning the large number of penalties incurred by NZ that actually provided the Sth Africans with all their points. It seemed that a female interviewer was chosen out of some ideological principle but she lacked basic understanding of the game and bullshitted her way through. Women feel they must, and are entitled to, muscle their way into every male domain, and believe that men should not be allowed any clubs or domains of their own while female-only groups and services abound. Would we see a male interviewing the captains etc after a major netball match? We doubt it. But if that ever were to happen it’s likely that the man would learn something about the game and ask some useful questions.
This editorial from the Herald on Sunday expresses criticism of Welsh police handling of an allegation against Mils Muliaina, in a rare departure from our media’s usual white knight feminist propaganda. It deserves some supportive comments we think.
The fortunes of men (and I’m talking about the male of the species here) have waxed and waned throughout history, but there have been some defining moments.
Over the years some of those have been mentioned on this site.
What do you think are the defining moments in history for men, both negative and positive?
Paternity is not in your genes, it is in your sperm.
The guts of this story is that your genes and the genes in your sperm can be different.
The same can apply to a women and her eggs.
Given the path that other recent similar cases have taken, I’m surprised the Police haven’t acted …. Maybe they have, but it’s not mentioned in this article? Know what it is ?
For centuries man has been domesticating animals for his own use. Whether it is for labour or production of food, control of the male is a key factor.
If there is a danger, in most cases it will come from the male – shoot the rogue animal.
In modern day New Zealand, where there are more cows than people propping up the dairy giant Fonterra, the same basic principle applies; control the male own the female.
The business of farming.
Humans being animals of the planet, the same principle can be applied. When you herd enough of us together into a confined situation, as in the development of civil societies, laws follow the principle, and humans start the process of domestication of their lessor beings.
The success, wants, needs, and demands of the city soon override our natural state of freedom.
The determination not to lose control of power, position, and privilege, becomes more and more draconian, as men are increasingly restricted and controlled, while women are herded into the stables of civilization.
The Free World is rapidly returning to the servile state, and to the new age of slavery.
Then will come the time, when we can no longer blame Feminism, only our own ignorance.
Sharon Yella of AUT is currently conducting an online anonymous survey on single-dads’ experiences and perceptions of social services. Last year, Sharon did a study that showed that single-dads weren’t always treated right by organizations such as CYFS, WINZ and even Plunket. From this she realized we needed more voices on the topic about family services that engage with fathers.
To be considered a single father in this survey, you need to have your child/ren, around half or most of the time.
The survey should take less than ten minutes, so we hope you can do it, plus we need these stories, good, bad or indifferent! We would be grateful if you could please help us spread the word to all the single fathers around Aotearoa New Zealand, we know some of them are doing it tough.
Please help by adding your experiences here…
Surveymonkey for single-fathers
For the Participant Information Sheet or any questions, please contact: [email protected]
Sharon Yella, AUT and Father and Child Trust Thank you – Good Dads Make Better Families!
Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful Princess, “Will you marry me ?”
The Princess immediately said, “No!” And the Prince lived happily ever after, and rode motorcycles and dated thin, long-legged, full-breasted women, and hunted and fished and raced cars, and went to titty bars and dated ladies half his age and drank whiskey, beer, and Captain Morgan, and never heard bitching and never paid child support or alimony, and dated cheerleaders and kept his house and guns, and ate spam and potato chips and beans, and blew enormous farts, and never got cheated on while he was at work, and all his friends and family thought he was flipping cool as hell, and he had tons of money in the bank, and always left the toilet seat up without umbrage in the home.
The End
Now that’s a male fairy tale!!!
Illustration of Hazards From Failing to Monitor a New Social Programme Effectively
This analysis presents the prisons situation as an experiment.
The managers in prisons might choose to view the situation as resulting from prisoner violence, causing withdrawal of psychologist’s services, due to inability to safely protect the psychologists from violent prisoners.
Both viewpoints have some degree of validity, but if the managers were being prosecuted for the manslaughters, their incompetent interpretation shouldn’t protect them from proper legal accountability. (Officer, yes I am allowed to go faster than the speed limit, on nice days when I am in the mood to go fast.)
This example is included to show why it is important to monitor the performance of new programmes, to see that they are working as intended.
If you don’t know what the outcome will be, then you are doing an experiment.
If you don’t monitor the progress of the experiment, then you are unable to stop the experiment, if there are too many adverse outcomes.
I have often commented about my views on the professionalism and skills of the peoples working in familycaught$. Although occasionally complimentary, most of my comments suggest that there might be room for improvement. My views are only those of a poor axe murderer, so I have little social credibility for my poor judgements.
I have just read a book about one particular medical misadventure. I was fairly shocked at the fanaticism of the central medical professional. However, what struck me on looking through the book a second time, was that the horrific outcome was only able to occur, through the weaknesses of the many other professionals involved.
In fact, I think that is the important conclusion. All of us make serious mistakes at some point in our lives. Nothing ventured, nuffink gained.
But what really affects our life outcomes, isn’t the number of mistakes made, but the quality of the process by which they are brought to our attention, the quality or how quickly we can sweep it all under the carpet, or turn around and constructively address these mistakes.
Just found out that at 0900 tomorrow morning I must represent myself in an Urgent Application for the retrial of my Children’s Custody Trial which took place last week.
All my statements and that of my eight witnesses were disallowed* by the Court so a very one sided custody trial took place. Only the mothers evidence was heard and only her witnesses were heard.
Does anyone know of any precedents for retrials thank you?
Please help.
Sharing is Caring
* they won an application that all our evidence must be resubmitted and my lawyer neglected to mention it until the deadline had passed.
FYI, our correspondence:
A Community Group because successive governments have failed to respect the voice and welfare of New Zealand men
PO Box 13130
Tauranga 3141
[email protected]
Phone (07)5712435 or (0274)799745
6 October 2015
Ms Moira Clunie
Director of Programme Design and Delivery
Mental Health Foundation
PO Box 10051
Dominion Road
Auckland 1446
Sent also via web page contact
Dear Ms Clunie
Re: Mental Health Foundation release regarding increased suicide numbers, and your interview on Radio NZ’s Checkpoint on 6/10/2015
While we acknowledge the Mental Health Foundation’s efforts to be helpful in its public statements about suicide in light of this year’s significant increase in deaths from suicide to the highest rate since annual coronial figures were kept, we have a number of questions as follows. (more…)
If a woman is fighting off a rapist, should she be able to use maximum force and take his life to defend herself? i.e. Shoot, knife or bludgeon him.
If a man finds his partner has fallen pregnant to him and he decides he no longer wishes to proceed with the birth of that potential child, should he be able to use maximum force to terminate the pregnancy within the 24 week legal period? i.e. Force her to swallow the morning after pill to deal with a zygot. Punch her in the stomach severely enough to induce a miscarriage. Drug her to sleep and perform an abortion on her himself.
As you read the above you may notice that #1 tends to sound a reasonable request due to the fact that we tend to see a rapist as a sexual predator. i.e. A scum bag who just takes what he wants without consent and shows a total lack of respect for the female.
Reading #2 may make you feel a bit queemish as it entails both violence and forcing your decision upon the female. However, if you have a think about the 2 scenarios and juxtpose #2 with the actions in #1 you may discover why some men have gone down this path in order to escape a nightmare. Both actions are immoral but the law gives some protection in only one scenario.
Within the womb of the woman in #2 lies the male’s gene. Where and at what point did she obtain the right to claim that for her own? Why should the male not have a right to the destiny of his gene equal to that of the female? Not only does he lose his seed to her unwillingly but also has to endure 2 decades of financial burden in order to give her the pleasure in bringing up his seed as she sees fit.(thanks to the FC) The law leaves the male with a horrible choice in #2.
A reality check….. Leave a female without the right to have food and water and rest assure she will break the law and steal to survive. Leave a male without rights to his gene and he will break the law to survive. Logic at work of course.
For those men like us who have celebrated Lorde’s spectacular rise to fame and fortune, consider her latest music video. It shows her exchanging ‘love at first sight’ glances with a man who is already partnered, then running into his arms to be sexual with him behind the partner’s back, then at the end of the video she has him tied to a chair, kicks him into a swimming pool with inflammable liquid on it and lights the liquid to burn the man to death. (more…)
UN to Censor the Internet to Save Feminists’ Feelings
Helen Clarke has chaired a UN working group and published a plan to censor the internet to prevent anyone from hurting feminists feelings.
I am not kidding. I couldn’t make this stuff up.
According to feminist culture critic Anita Sarkeesian, who spoke at the event, online “harassment” doesn’t simply consist of what is “legal and illegal,” but “also the day-to-day grind of “you’re a liar’ and “you suck,’ including all of these hate videos that attack us on a regular basis.”
Apparently this is not just “harassment” but it is “violence”.
Yes that’s correct. Telling a feminist that she is ‘a liar’ is “violence” so bad that the entire internet needs to be censored to prevent it.
This article Cyber bullying’s fatal connection reports correctly that more than 500 NZers commit suicide every year, but as usual makes no mention of the fact that about 80% of them a males. At least this article does focus on one male who apparently committed suicide after extensive cyber bullying. It also reports college principal Jim Luders stating
“Cyber bullying is hard to control. Adolescent girls, especially Year 9 in particular, are very aggressive in their attacks.”
In the light of such evidence, isn’t it amazing that the feminist propaganda machine is still able to convince so much of the public that males are the violent undesirable perpetrators and females the innocent morally superior victims.
The recommendations usually offered by authorities concerning cyber bullying and other internet dangers usually revolve around maintaining greater scrutiny and control of their children and teenagers’ internet use. Fat chance, especially since parental authority was chopped off at the knees by Bradfordonian false argument and feminist ideology.
There, I’ve said it…..ok, ok, ok, I realise I now risk appearing to be an idiot revealing an IQ of less than 100.
To be a journalist today one requires big big balls because to
declare the obvious is proffesional suicide. I refer to Chris Brown and his dilemma in obtaining a visa to perform in NZ. I don’t condone his assault on Rihhana but I also don’t condone the media’s assault on Brown. Every year dozens of visitors to this country obtain visas after having assaulted other men and serving less than a year in jail having being charged with GBH.
The ruling of not admitting criminals who reach the threshold of being undesirables due to their danger to the general public is not being implemented in this case. Chris presents no danger to the public and will visit here to entertain his fans. His lyrics contain no encouragement of DV. Only a bigot could not spot the transparent reason why he is being singled out.
If you haven’t the balls to declare that the Emperor has no clothes then you contribute to the demise of reason and the rise of ignorance and eventual tyranny and chaos.
NZ police went to a lot of effort to work with Danish police in order to arrest a Danish man who embarrassed and threatened a 15yo NZ schoolgirl and ‘cyber attacked’ her school. She had sent him naked images of herself and when she then sought to stop the online relationship he spread her images around the internet including her school and did other harassing things. (more…)
Kelsey Rebekah Allen had a three month sexual relationship with a male student.
This news story seems to be missing the words predator, grooming.
It did however have the words ‘very bright and intelligent young woman’. Also had Kelsey was under stress when the relationship happerned.
Did not have a space for comments nor did it have the name of the reporter.
Please don’t get me wrong. I accept teachers have mutual sex with students. It’s just the way the unknown reporter makes out it was a mistake from a very bright and intelligent young woman and if it were a male teacher then it is called a grooming predator.
Seems to make the whole thing the male students fault.
No court trial, no threat of jail time.
He will arrive on Thursday 15th October and expects to be in NZ for about one week.
I am doing research on fathers, shared/continued parenting, as well as related areas. I have been working in this area for about 26 years, mainly in Canada, the UK, and US. I am now looking at the Global Shared Parenting movement and would like to do interviews with those in Australia and New Zealand. The interviews will be part of the book I am writing about the Family Law system, the Fathers’ Rights/Parenting Movement, and related issues. I would like to interview fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, and others who have been impacted by the Family Law System. I would also like to interview mental health professionals, legal professionals, and others who have concerns about the Family Law System. All interviews will be confidential and those being interviewed will remain anonymous.
Overall, I am interviewing parents and others who are concerned with the state of the family law system, children, and parenting. I am particularly concerned about the stress experienced as a result of separation and divorce such as potential mental and physical health issues as well as possible suicide ideation and suicide. I have also interviewed many participants who have discussed domestic violence, false accusations, and related issues.