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MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Sat 8th November 2014

Male oppression.

Filed under: General — anon @ 3:34 am

Do you feel guilty about Male oppression?

This man found the answer as he got in his car. !

Insomnia !!!

Filed under: General — anon @ 2:21 am

Insomnia is a common effect for those falsely accused of violence.
Imprisonment is another.

Fri 7th November 2014

Women Want Men Convicted Without Sufficient Evidence

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 12:14 pm

Three women yesterday protested outside the Auckland Central Police Station and media rushed to give them publicity. Groups of men have mounted many protests against systemic misandry, exploitation and sexism that contribute to more males committing suicide each year than die on the roads, but media almost always ignore the male protesters. Men just don’t matter much.

The three females yesterday were complaining that, in the absence of sufficient evidence, police chose not to prosecute anyone in relation to the ‘Roast Busters’ story. What the women are actually demanding is that men be prosecuted at any female’s behest even when the evidence isn’t there to justify prosecution. They seem incapable of considering broader ethical matters of justice and fairness, instead insisting that our law-enforcement and justice systems should exist only to meet women’s preferences. (more…)

Wed 5th November 2014

Rape reform advocate & professor gets $701,500 to explore barriers to reform

Filed under: Sex Abuse / CYF — Lukenz @ 11:50 am

Criminologist Jan Jordan author of ‘The word of a woman’ has just been awarded $610,000 + GST to explore barriers to rape reform.

Mon 3rd November 2014

Survival meals

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 2:50 pm

Some of us know what it is like to have to flee a violent woman, or be routinely removed from our houses and shoved out on the street, because society thinks a woman is always right.

Guys have to spend the night(s) in a police cell, or if they are lucky on someone’s couch or in their car because they have been banned from their home.

This post is about survival tips and how to stay alive when you get shoved out in the cold by feminism.

How did you cope, when you got kicked out?

If you have a tip or a good recipe that makes life easier for the post-separation bloke, post it in the comments below.

Sun 2nd November 2014

Quality of the Decisions made in Preparing the Domestic Violence Act

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics,Law & Courts,Sex Abuse / CYF — MurrayBacon @ 8:54 am

It is important to look back and see the quality of the decisions made in preparing the Domestic Violence Act.
Those who don’t know history, are forever doomed to keep repeating it…………
(Think Big, DV Act, Building Act, these alone total $100 billions of opportunity wasted and social self harm.)

The act was prepared based on off the cuff suggestions made by Sir Ron Davison, after he had reported on the Bristol murder suicide. His report was based on looking through a single familycaught$ file, but without looking at relevant medical records or taking any advice from medical people about the mental health issues involved and without taking any advice from people with criminology or sociology training. He accepted the familycaught$ file as gospel, without any checking, as is standard legal practice, certainly not sociological research practice and quite against common sense.

The largest single lesson is that legal practice does not necessarily give criminological skills. In fact where legal workers think that they are skilled criminologists, just without training, they are socially very dangerous. At no point was manipulation of the familycaught$ considered as a possibility. Such an omission sees naive and unprofessional from an experienced legal worker. The flow on effects onto all parties and in particular children, was given no thought at all.

Careful reading of the prior research shows that the NZ Domestic Violence Act was passed, quite against the lessons provided by the police arrest studies.

Sat 1st November 2014

Preparing Legislation with the same care as Drugs?

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics,Law & Courts — MurrayBacon @ 10:58 am

Legislation should be prepared and implemented with care. This is known as “legislation quality” and although given lip service in many countries, including NZ, it is more honoured in the breach! For example Attorney General reports noting that legislation breaches basic human rights, but it is passed anyway, under urgency. Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread.

It is difficult to communicate why this is so, as most people expect legislation to work fully with desirable effects and have no adverse outcomes at all. Especially in the social sphere, it isn’t that simple. Maybe an analogy with introducing new drugs will illustrate these types of issues?

Drugs are meant to be tested for efficacy before being introduced. Then they are meant to be carefully monitored for adverse outcomes.

Similarly, the efficacy of new legislation needs to be checked before passing into law. After passing into law, it also needs to be monitored for adverse outcomes, with the same care as drugs. If this is not done, then problems that could have been stopped while they are small, progress on to be unnecessarily huge problems. Again, this concept is called “legislation quality”.

In the same way that this concept may be taken from medicine to law, disastrous examples can also be taken from medicine to law.

Sun 26th October 2014

Violent Women a Problem

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 6:51 am

MoMA Media Release

24 October 2014



Black Ribbon campaigners have noticed an increase in reports of female physical violence. On the streets this month they received disclosures such as a wife throwing knives at her husband, a partner assaulting her male friend with a bat, a girlfriend trashing a boyfriend’s computer, a woman smashing her partner’s cd collection, and a mother thrashing her children.

Spokesman Kerry Bevin said that the increase in reports could be due to a greater willingness by people to disclose what has long been a hidden problem of female family violence.

“Surprisingly, women are telling us about what happens to their brothers and what their friends are doing to their boyfriends.”

“Most people recognize that women commit significant verbal and emotional violence in the home, but women’s physical violence has been downplayed and excused. It’s time we came to our senses about women’s true contribution to the whole range of family violence.”

Bevin called for women to respect men’s requests to lay off, and to refrain from haranguing and provoking men and teenage boys in particular. He wanted women to realise that non-physical forms of violence cause serious harm too.

“Violence includes spending household money without consultation, bad behaviour through excessive drinking or drugs, blaming a man for not earning enough, constant attacks on his self-esteem, and forgetting that the home is a “shared’ environment that also needs to reflect men’s interests.”

Bevin also labelled as violence the readiness of women after separation to plunder as much as they can of a man’s assets, to exploit him financially in an ongoing way instead of allowing a clean break, and to manipulate contact with his children.

“All these forms of female violence need to be addressed because they cause immediate harm as well as downstream violent and suicidal consequences.”

“There is hope that real reduction in family violence will be achieved as people realise that true gender equality requires both men and women to take responsibility for their behaviour.”


Fri 24th October 2014

Feminist Abuse Children To Get Point Across

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 8:01 am

I don’t think I have ever seen a more offensive or abusive use of children to make such a video. The hard core feminists who wrote scripts and taught these young children to make this clip should be jailed for destroying these girls childhoods.

It’s up to adults to work out adult problems and not adults to exploit a child to make a point. And I simply do not believe the end justifies the means.

Extremists become dangerous to main stream society when left unchecked. That’s right. Officials from Government ministers, police and other child protection agencies that are more than weary to take any steps against feminists who abuse children like the ones who did in this video.

Thu 23rd October 2014

Affirmative Consent for U.S. Students: Stupidity that Feminists Will Try to Import into NZ

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 8:25 am

See here:

Wed 22nd October 2014

NZ Police Discriminate Against Men

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 11:03 pm

We all know that anti-male sexism is rife throughout our country including our police. We all know that police routinely discriminate against men and behave as ‘white knights’ serving the interests of women as if royalty. We all knew that ‘police safety orders’ would become yet another tool with which to blame and harm men while condoning violence committed by women. However, that police proudly parade pro-female sexism on their reality tv series ‘Police Ten 7’ shows that they fully expect most New Zealanders to agree with discrimination on the grounds of gender and is an indication of the degree to which feminist privilege has become normal.

Frankly, it’s rare to watch an epsiode of ‘Police Ten 7’ without noticing that police handle males much more harshly and punitively than females. Even the narrator often refers to male suspects in dehumanizing ways (“these animals”, “these violent morons” etc) but you will never hear such hate speech directed at female suspects. Quite often you will see blatant examples of pro-female, anti-male sexism in the way police carry out their work. I decided to share a few notable examples in recent episodes. (more…)

MoMA Black Ribbon Campaign 2014

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 9:58 pm

Some supporters of MoMA will be out campaigning against White Ribbon and in favour of the MoMA Black Ribbon Campaign, encouraging people to show they are against violence towards men, women and children rather than supporting misandry.

We will be at the MT MAUNGANUI MAIN SHOPPING CENTRE this FRIDAY 24th OCTOBER from 11am to 2pm approximately.

Please do come and join in, or just drop by to show some support if you can.

In the last few years we have taken our Black Ribbon Campaign to a number of centres but this year time and resources allow only this one outing. This year MoMA will focus more on some press releases and political lobbying. There is also a significant report in preparation responding to a number of official reports on family violence released this year, all either useless or dangerous because they have distorted the truth in order to promote feminist models and propaganda.

Tue 21st October 2014

Is IRD showing increasing awareness of self-harm?

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 2:21 pm

I didn’t see this article published back on the 8th October.

Includes comment from Union of Fathers (New Zealand) (more…)

Who really murdered the “angel”?

Filed under: Child Support,Gender Politics,General — ashish @ 9:51 am

Cold case: Death of ‘angel’ devastates dad – National – NZ Herald News

The biggest crooks here are the IRD and everyone involved with the Child Support system.

The father in all faith would have complained to the Police, should he have had the slightest inkling of his daughter missing. But the Child Support system kept on claiming money. Coupled with the fact that the wife’s disappearance was nothing out of ordinary, there were no warning triggers that something was amiss. The father has to be applauded for taking the initiative to hire a private investigator despite being leeched by Child Support system.

The Police are quick to acknowledge the fact that a late complaint made the investigations late. They should be taking this time to review their policies of treating males as criminals, and making modifications to the system such that the Family Law is not looked upon as a threat and something to stay away from.

A woman separating from her husband and disappearing does NOT always mean that she has been abused or the man has been violent or abusive.

There are other factors that also happen, such as, the woman getting into extra-marital affairs, or the woman’s family inciting her to live less like a couple and treat the family unit more like a matriarchy. Yes, in-law influence is an unfortunate fact in many cases also.

And the biggest botch-up has been made by the previous leftist Government. Having made the solo-mum-by-choice lifestyle so lucrative through WINZ and other benefits, they have created heaps of solo mums by choice and investment children.

My thoughts are with the father. Poor guy, caught up in a culture clash from a conservative developing country and a “all rights and no responsibility” Western country. Having lost an “angel” through the crooked system at such a tender age.

There are a lot of male suicides that have happened by evil feminist-run Family Courts and Child Support system. This is not so much an issue as men usually have lived most of their lives, but the loss of a daughter at this tender age, having caught up in this mess, is too tragic.

This murder’s blood had not only tainted the hands of the two accused, but has also tainted EVERYONE that supports this messed up system setup by the feminist liberals to oppress ALL males regardless of whether they are guilty or not.

Thu 16th October 2014

The boy school leaver

Filed under: Boys / Youth / Education — Downunder @ 6:53 pm

NZCER was contracted by the Association of Boys’ Schools of New Zealand (ABSNZ) to undertake an analysis of student achievement in New Zealand boys’ schools, and to identify approaches and strategies used by high-achieving boys’ schools.
In 2012, 28 percent of boys leaving school came from boys’ schools: a total of 7,439 students, increased somewhat from 7,390 in 2010.
The quantitative analysis provided here compares the achievement of boys in state and state-integrated boys’ secondary schools with the achievement of boys in state and state-integrated co-educational secondary schools over the period 2010-12. It uses data on secondary qualifications, namely: …

NZCER New Zealand Council of Educational Research

Pater Invisiblis photographic exhibition

Filed under: Gender Politics — JohnPotter @ 4:26 pm

Carl Lea wrote:

I am a Photographer / Artist from Raumati, near Wellington.

I have an exhibition running that opened last weekend. “Pater Invisiblis”(invisible Father) is a photographic exhibition about my experiences as an absent father.

The exhibition is at the Bach Gallery, Waikanae Beach and only runs until 19th October.

Call to people caring for families involved with CYFS

Perhaps the main highlight of this website “MENZ’, for me, was the connection to men caring about families dealing with Child, Youth and Family Services aka CYFS.

Fairways Mediation Service

Filed under: General — allan harvey @ 9:44 am

I have been asked for feedback on this new service (active since 1 April 2014).

If you have any feedback that you wish to have passed on; good, bad, anonymous then please respond either here or to me at [email protected]
We will be meeting with their team leader of mediation services early next month.

Sun 12th October 2014

Kiwi tinder gang rape claim

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 8:17 pm

Ide like to know what the Oz cops spent on this woman and her false gang rape claim.

I note the Oz law is 7 years for a false complaint. NZ is only 3. But in reality it’s nil because they almost never charge and if it ever goes to court there’s just a warning.

Fri 10th October 2014

Male Victim of Serious Violence Doesn’t Get Justice

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 8:32 am

Here is a good example of New Zealand’s attitude regarding violence towards males. A man had almost every bone in the right side of his face broken, underwent numerous facial reconstruction surgeries, has titanium plates in his skull and suffers permanent damage and ongoing complicaitons. The attacker was charged with the serious offence ‘injuring with intent to injure’. Court delays ensued for various reasons and because of this the case has now been thrown out by a judge. The victim claims he was ready to go on all of the previous hearing dates that were adjourned. (more…)

Tue 7th October 2014

And now, the Brenda Leyland Pussy Pass!

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 10:00 pm

Brenda Leyland committed suicide (apparently), a few days after a tv crew ‘outed’ her for making thousands of tweets under a false identity mostly expressing blame and hatred towards Madeline McCann’s parents. For example “I fear, that we are in this 4 long haul, up to all of us to a) Bang home the facts b) make mccann s live in shame for years”. (more…)

Mon 6th October 2014

Report of a fault with this site

Filed under: Gender Politics,General — JohnPotter @ 6:38 pm

This message was recently sent to me via the contact form. I will advise Tammy to check the comments her message receives.

Police Interference

Filed under: Law & Courts — 11girls @ 6:31 pm

Recently, the local Police Family Violence Coordinator rang me on behalf of the ex, who has a Protection Order against me. He offered to mediate an upcoming contact, which to me wasn’t that bad anyway. I politely refused his offer on these two grounds:

Sat 4th October 2014

The White Fibbin’ Anti Male Propaganda Campaign

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 7:18 am

Misguided men continue to be hoodwinked into supporting this discriminatory campaign. Note the trickery where this campaign that cares only about women and demonizes only men, refers to itself as “inspiring and equipping men to help stop violence in their communities” and “this Hui effectively engaged men, educating and inspiring them about violence”. So these white knights are redefining ‘communities’ as consisting of women as the only significant members and redefining ‘violence’ as something done only when it’s against women.

Feel free to provide some feedback to [email protected] but be aware that these arrogant ideologues have absolutely no interest in discussing the issues and will soon block anyone who dares to raise any concerns about their divisive, discriminatory, misandrist hate campaign. (more…)

Mon 29th September 2014

The Men of Middle Earth

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 12:27 pm

Affectionately named Middle Earth after our involvement in The Lord of the Rings production, one can’t help thinking, that to the rest of the world New Zealand might look like the scene of one of Tolkien’s legendary battles, following our recent and ugly parliamentary election; just how you would characterise the Labour Party after their tragic loss, I will leave to the imagination of the reader.

But what of the men of middle earth – where has that left us?

That discussion started in the post, The Killing Power of Feminism, and drew the conclusion; (more…)

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