Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 10:00 am
This story highlights the male-blaming assumptions commonly held by police, in this case, an ex-policeman. He saw a car come to a screeching halt outside his place, saw a woman get out of the car ‘quickly’, then said “Doors were slamming open and shut and they were obviously having quite a heated domestic”. (more…)
Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 9:08 am
Ms Schow is doing a great job exposing misandry in US educational institutions and Bettina Arndt continues her great job of interviewing significant people. Can feminism and its supporters hold back the tide of reason and truth? (more…)
That’s the way it’s been for most people passing this way – you don’t get paid for being here … you’re more likely trying to save the remnants of your financial integrity.
That aside who is making progress in the remnants of what we used to call the Men’s Movement?
There never really was a Men’s Movement rather than a loose connection of groups with similar interests who struggled to coordinate any great resistance to the Feminist juggernaut.
Some of these groups have faded into the past others I assume have taken on a different direction to suit their funding.
Are there any real shakers and movers out there making progress?
Given the recent events in Timaru, I am posting this news article in an effort to show what other nations do when mothers murder their children. (more…)
There came a point in the past where an entitled women gave up her position and accepted a humble life because she realised what the man knew was worth more than what she had.
So, where in history has that story been told before and do we think it will happen now?
A new report by the Coalition to End Domestic Violence (CEDV) shows that men are not the most common perpetrators Domestic Violence but are targeted in service of feminist and socialistic agendas.
In small out of the way places men and in some cases women too running small independent church type organisations.
This one in particular came to light when the lockdown was announced for Northland otherwise it would likely have escaped the world’s attention. (more…)
The appeal into sexual abuse convictions arising from the Christchurch Creche case has begun in the Supreme Court. The defence will focus on four issues:
the children’s evidence was contaminated, and obtained using improper techniques.
expert testimony by psychiatrists mislead the jury.
an expert witness gave evidence about symptoms of sexual abuse which had no scientific validity.
the prosecution failed to “tell the whole truth”. The evidence was cherry-picked then ‘sanitised’.
There is a short space of time between the male suffrage (12 years from memory) and one person one vote. Not to rehash our history – most of us know that bit.
There was a long discussion on this site in 2017 and what that might mean if Ardern became New Zealand’s prime minister.
Two elections later and if only men voted would Ardern still get the popular vote?
Complaints about NZ court Judges are not rare. Complaints proceeding to a hearing are extremely uncommon.
Last season there were 162 complaints. This year, 363 complaints.
Statistics show that complaints about the Family Court have doubled.
The Judge is entitled to have name suppression.
Judicial Conduct Commissioner’s Alan Richie on his said “On my assessment, the conduct, if established, would fall well short of accepted judicial standards.”
This is what separates the men from the women and the boys from the men – if you care about your country, you don’t have a choice but to understand and discuss these issues when politics fails to function.
Bettina speaks with New Zealander Peter Joyce, the author of Dry Ice, which documents the seven-month ordeal which followed a false allegation of historical rape. Peter, a retired English teacher, first heard about the allegation when a detective turned up at the door and announced Peter had been accused a rape by a daughter of a friend – whom he had never met. It turned out that she had accused her father of repeatedly and systematically raping her in her childhood and recruiting his friends, including Peter, to do the same.
Previously I posted the open letter to the Human Rights Commission asking them to do more for men, but they have not responded even though I did send them a reminder. So I have started a video series highlighting their human rights violations. Here is part one.
There are likely many Covid-19 tragedies so far untold, with people accepting their position in the belief that their circumstance was unavoidable until we have a unique tragedy that actually makes us all sit up and realistically analyse such questions.
It’s not the first time that an event like this has begged an answer.
NZ teacher Peter Joyce’s settled life was disrupted when a woman he had never met accused him of historic rape. With a unique brand of angry humour, his diary plots the stages of his despair and traces his attempts to find justice in the face of the current insistence that we must “believe the victim”.
Dry Ice is a compelling memoir, but much more. The accusation made the writer a reluctant expert on similar cases from all over the world. He throws light on everything that limits public knowledge of false sexual allegations, from dangerous counselling to flawed statistics, and he exposes police investigation methods as blinkered, inefficient and insensitive.