Free speech, a prerequisite for democracy, is under attack by the self-proclaimed ‘social justice’ warriors. In this last week we have seen two appalling examples of disrespect for free speech.

Archive of Gender Politics
Australian Favouritism Towards Female Offending
Professor Janice Fiamengo’s latest video exposes in her part of the world what we have frequently exposed in our part of the world: the devaluation of men and the favourable treatment of women including in the justice system. Evidence abounds, and on the very day Prof Fiamengo’s video was published there was an article in […]
I am campaigning to increase child and spousal support payments
Archive ?
Professor Jessica Palmer
Long serving dean of the Otago Law School Professor Mark Henaghan is stepping aside from his position and will remain at the University for the remainder of the year, while his deputy Professor Jessica Parker will fill the position. Henaghan is not unknown for his recognition of men’s issues within the legal system, and his […]
Counting Down to Men’s Summit, 6 April 2018
Our email to Radio NZ regarding recent developments from the anti-Rodeo activists. Thoughts? Dear Radio NZ Mammals have evolved with a stress reaction that needs some exercise. They are designed to be able run away from a ‘predator’ and to buck and shake off a ‘predator’ on their backs. Their bodies are capable of running, […]
Ideas from the Fathering Forum 2006
Ideas from the Fathering Forum 2006 [Authors name not included, due to possible privacy issues.] This document was salient in 2006. In the years that have gone by, I believe that it is just as salient today. I guess some progress has been made in some areas, but nothing like what should have been. In […]
Protests in Auckland and nationwide
G’day Chaps, Couple of protests running next month ( Organized by Families 4 Justice ) in Auckland CBD. Against the Family Justice System which include; NZ Family court – CYFS – NZ police and other associates. Expected 100++ people ! Anyone is welcome … Families 4 Justice WWW.F4J.ORG.NZ List of Event Screenshots Auckland CBD – […]
Glitter Boobs and Feminist Hypocrisy Regarding Violence
The ‘Glitter Boobs’ story from the Gisborne ‘Rhythm and Vines’ music festival has been an international hit and our NZ Herald has published numerous articles on it, giving uncritical voice to Madeline Anello-Kitzmiller, Kiri-Ann Hatfield and Katie Ashworth and misrepresenting the events significantly. A bystander’s video recording showed Anello-Kitzmiller walking through the crowd with her […]
Cooperation Among Men?
Occasionally I wonder if there might be some lack of unity among men in NZ, with respect to protecting their collective interests? By querying that, I am not implying that men should “fight” against women as a total group. (We would lose if we tried, due to the large amount of fraternising with the enemy.) […]
Miscariage of justice? My story.
Hi there. My name is Thomas Francis Knudsen. I took a plea deal after 13 months of maintaining a not guilty plea. The straw that broke the camels back was that I ended up in Wellington prison among some unsavory characters where I was threatened with getting beaten up almost immediately upon arrival from a […]
Check out this gender imbalance in Dept of Corrections
Landmark Win for Men’s Rights
Organizers of the Men’s Summit 2017 have reached a settlement after Mirimar Links Conference Centre cancelled the use of their venue in April at short notice on the grounds of feeling “uncomfortable” with men’s issues. The Human Rights Commission mediated the settlement and according to the Men’s Summit team this was the first time the […]
Modern Times: Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson
Dr. Jordan B Peterson is a professor and clinical psychologist at the University of Toronto. In this video titled Modern Times, he has a discussion with well-known American intellectual and social critic Dr. Camille Paglia. Although she is a committed equity feminist, she firmly opposes the victim/oppressor narrative that dominates much of modern American and […]
Girls’ Rock Camp
Men’s Summit 2018 Friday 6th April
Rachel Smalley’s Condescending Comments
NZ Herald femaleist (aren’t they all femaleists at the Herald?) Rachel Smalley today bemoaned the lack of females on the teams involved in negotiations to form a new government. She claimed, in her article titled “Hey guys, where’s the women on coalition negotiation teams?“: “And yet women are pretty good at preventing, managing and resolving […]
Misandry Rules Labour
With Helen Clark’s feminist agenda still driving misandrist anti-male policy in the Labour Party it comes as no surprise a new childless feminist, Jacinda Adern, has won control, claim the Ministry of Men’s Affairs (MoMA). MoMA is a community group because successive governments have neglected the voice and welfare of men and boys. They believe […]
Corrections Policy Called Corrupt
A men’s group has labelled a new policy announced this week by Corrections Minister Louise Upston as “corrupt”. The new policy aims to reduce the likelihood that female criminals will be sent to prison. Spokesman Kerry Bevin for community group The Ministry of Men’s Affairs said the policy was an abandonment of the principle of […]
Fathers Speak Out at Parliament
Fathers are speaking out at parliament on Friday 1st September, the Friday before Fathers’ Day. MPs have been invited to address the concerns of disgruntled fathers who claim they have been neglected for decades and their parenting role abused. They claim ‘de-fathering’ has delivered many thousands of devastated families and led to further child abuses […]
MILO on the Threat of Silicon Valley
Milo discussing Google: “Some people within that company have such extreme politics that science is off-limits when it comes to talking about the differences between men and women. That’s remarkable. And terrifying.” He is talking about the growing trend for “politically incorrect” organisations to be banned from the internet, and for search results to be […]