MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Archive of Gender Politics

President Trump Was Accurate About Charlottesville

Thu 17th August 2017:

Trump may have bullshitted the working class in the US to vote for him believing he will care about their welfare rather than his own profit. However, his election was also related to a rejection of the claims of modern ‘social justice’ warriors including feminists, and a desire for free and frank speech that isn’t […]

Bottom Feeding

Mon 7th August 2017:

Most paid it little attention. Last Wednesday, when the news broke, the nation was preoccupied with discussing what most considered a far greater outrage: that a reporter had the audacity to ask new Labour Party leader Jacinda Ardern saw motherhood anywhere on her horizon. The Ardern story on collected over forty reader comments.

Virtual Justice

Thu 20th July 2017:

Video links have been used for some time now, within the Justice System, to eliminate minor appearances, for a person in custody. In September the Police arrest process in Central Auckland will be transferred to a new processing unit near Mt Eden Prison. Along with this will come virtual court appearances, where overnight arrests will […]

Finding my Child

Sun 18th June 2017:

Hi, The mother of my child took her out of NZ 3 years ago against my will but the Courts allowed it so there was nothing I could do. She was 15 at the time but is now 18. I had very little contact with her while she was overseas because her mother gave a […]

Influences on decision making in NZ child protection

Wed 14th June 2017:

What influences decision making variability in the Aotearoa New Zealand child welfare system? (Seminar with Emily Keddell) Thursday 22nd June 2017 4 – 5pm Venue: Room N614, Epsom Campus Location: 74 Epsom Avenue, Auckland Host: The School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work In many countries, the complex nature of decision-making in relation to […]

Preventing adolescent relationship abuse and promoting healthy relationships

Sat 3rd June 2017:

Media have given publicity to a NZ Family Violence Clearinghouse paper recently prepared by Dr Melane Beres called “Preventing adolescent relationship abuse and promoting healthy relationships”. The paper is an opinion piece citing various research papers of varying quality in support. This may have been lost on journalists who attributed various statistics to the ‘report’s […]

International Conference on Men’s Issues – Gold Coast June 9th – 11th

The International Conference on Men’s Issues (ICMI) is a series of annual conferences presented by AVfM Education, LLC dealing with social and legal issues that disproportionately affect men and boys. This year’s conference

It’s alright to threaten violence if you’re dressed as a woman

Mon 29th May 2017:

Just found this Ben Shipiro, where about 5 minutes in, he calls this guy dressed as a woman “Sir”, just listen to his response – threatening violence. Now tell me that if he wasn’t in drag, he would get away with such a threat. Enjoy

A Woman (Joanne Harrison) Offends, A Male is Found to Punish

Thu 25th May 2017:

The case of Auditor-General Martin Matthews appears to be another example of men being held responsible when women misbehave. Not much has fundamentally changed in attitudes since the era in which husbands were considered responsible for their wives’ behaviour and debts.

Police Maintain Routine Sexism

Thu 18th May 2017:

From a correspondent; we changed place names to respect privacy: I picked up a hitch-hiker today even though he had no backpack. He told me his essential reason for needing to hitchhike and I encouraged him to share the rest of his story. I have changed the locations to respect privacy, but nothing else. He […]

Electronic Bail for Female Offenders

This is something I have wondered about for quite some time – whether electronic bail is applied more liberally for the ‘fairer sex’ for the same crime? A 29 year old woman, arrested yesterday, appeared in the Blenheim District Court this morning, charged with drug related offending and breaching electronic bail conditions. The prisoner has […]

Do These Texts Show Partner Abuse?

Mon 15th May 2017:

This was a weird one. The heading was ‘Husband’s shocking texts reveal reality of domestic violence‘. Well we might have missed something but the texts didn’t seem shocking and there was nothing showing domestic violence happening or having happened. Is it we or they who are irrational? Or is it a cynical production of a […]

Margaret Dodds

Fri 12th May 2017:

Serial offender. Child abuser.

Meat-Eating now Another Feminist Issue

Sat 29th April 2017:

For your entertainment, here’s an interesting example of modern feminist analysis, this time by a vegan.

Family Violence Tragedies Will Increase

Fri 28th April 2017:

This Australian tragedy appears to be another example of the pernicious effects of feminism. An 18yo woman attacked and murdered her grandfather because he criticized her mother’s parenting skills. While we don’t know the details of the history etc, you can be sure that part of the picture involved feminist thought patterns demonizing men, beliefs […]

Women’s rights have morphed into denigrating men

Fri 31st March 2017:

There is nothing wrong in advocating for women’s rights- but when this morphs into denigrating men we need to speak out. Various newspapers print anti-male articles on a very regular basis. Unsubstantiated stories citing domestic abuse by men against women are common-never once have I seen an article of the reciprocal situation. There is evidence […]

More BS on the Gender Pay Gap

Tue 7th March 2017:

The following complaint to Radio NZ made by one of our members provides an explanation of this latest fiasco in the name of false feminist propaganda. The relevant broadcasts were in news bulletins at midday, 1:00pm and 6:00pm and the Checkpoint programme, all on Tuesday 7th March. The relevant sources are this article on the […]

Child Support after 18 when child is doing correspondence school papers

Tue 27th December 2016:

OK here’s an ambiguous one thanks to the shit legislation. My child will be 18 in a few months and has yet to graduate from high school. She’s a very bright kid but unfortunately her mother has deliberately held her back and she would have graduated by now if it wasn’t for her mother’s own […]

Red Pill screening in Auckland

Tue 22nd November 2016:

An Auckland screening of THE RED PILL – for those of you on Facebook: [Edit by JohnP] For those of us not on Facebook: DATE AND TIME Thur 15th December 2016 6:30 PM – 10:00 PM NZDT LOCATION Kelston Community Centre 126 Awaroa Road Sunnyvale, Auckland. TICKETS Book at Eventbrite EXTENDED TRAILER

Pussywhipped men please apply!

Not sure how much use this is to you weaklings who read Is this meeting going to hit any useful spots, or is it just more irrelevancy? I wonder what the value for money is? (Sorry for my irreverency.) Raising Fathers To Save Our Children!

Milo Strikes Again

Fri 4th November 2016:

In this clip Milo Yiannopoulos Refuses to be intimidated by the BBC and clearly states why Donald Trump is gaining support. His response to the interviewers questions exposes the bias in journalism practiced today.

Donald Trump and the War Against Men

Mon 17th October 2016:

We don’t much care about the US elections and we’re not fans of Donald Trump for many reasons, but allegations by women about ‘groping’ are not among them. These allegations from women suddenly coming out of the woodwork two weeks before the US election are eagerly supported by mainstream media propaganda machines, most of which […]

Ministry of Justice Spreads More Misinformation

Tue 11th October 2016:

The signs are bad for planned law changes concerning family violence. This ‘fact’ sheet produced by our Ministry of Justice safer-sooner-factsheet provided misinformation right from the start by claiming “We have the highest reported intimate partner violence in the world”. That statement is utter nonsense and the NZ Herald recently had to retract the same […]

David Seymore on identity politics

Tue 4th October 2016:

On 29th September the NZ Herald published a response by ACT’s David Seymore to an article by Lizzie Marvelly attacking him for suggesting that the Ministry for Women be converted to a Ministry for Gender.

Mens needs wants and desires dont feature highly on the agenda of modern marriage.

Sat 24th September 2016:

Bettina Arndt is currently co-hosting a new relationship programme which has just started on Tues nights, 9-11 pm on Sydney radio 2UE. It can be accessed online: She’s planning to start off softly but if the programme develops she’s hoping to cover some of the more meaty topics she has been writing about recently. […]

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