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MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Fri 1st September 2017

Isn’t that a blow to the Banks

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 6:38 pm

John Banks, known to some of us as a passionate supporter of Fathers, refused a DNA test.

If you were a father, would you not want to know?

Help me out here, is the estate, or pride, or something, more important than your own offspring.

I’m having a bit of trouble with this one, especially after my personal interactions with this political force.

John Banks found to be a father

Thu 31st August 2017

Corrections Policy Called Corrupt

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics,General,Law & Courts — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 4:55 pm

A men’s group has labelled a new policy announced this week by Corrections Minister Louise Upston as “corrupt”. The new policy aims to reduce the likelihood that female criminals will be sent to prison.

Spokesman Kerry Bevin for community group The Ministry of Men’s Affairs said the policy was an abandonment of the principle of equal justice for all under the law. (more…)

Wed 30th August 2017

Fathers Speak Out at Parliament

Filed under: Gender Politics,General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 10:27 pm

Fathers are speaking out at parliament on Friday 1st September, the Friday before Fathers’ Day.

MPs have been invited to address the concerns of disgruntled fathers who claim they have been neglected for decades and their parenting role abused. They claim ‘de-fathering’ has delivered many thousands of devastated families and led to further child abuses when children are unprotected by their fathers. (more…)

Today’s Lesson on Equality

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 8:17 am

A Feminist instructer was dutifully educating a small group of eager students in a lesson in equality.

Among the 10 aspiring students, who sought the ultimate prize, the Borg Award for collective understanding, was a young man keen to understand the requirements of the Feminist Master.

Beside them, was a small bridge over a deep dark abyss.

Now, students, please pay attention and watch me closely … and the instructor proceeded to gracefully cross the bridge and return to the class.

Now, James, would you take your turn and do the same please.

James, confident in his endeavors strode forth to cross the bridge, but at the centre point of the arch, the bridge gave way, and James fell into the deep dark hole. A small thud echoed up, but nothing more was heard of James.

The instructor smiled, and raising her eyebrows in quiet jubilation announced, “And, that girls, is today’s lesson in equality”.

Tue 29th August 2017

MPs Blind to Parent Equality

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 9:02 pm

Members of Parliament are blind to the damage done to families by our social policy and law that is skewed away from ‘parent equality’, said Ministry of Men’s Affairs spokesman, Kerry Bevin.

“Father’s Day has become a tragedy for many families as de-fathering has continued for decades.” (more…)

Fathers Day Bowling and Mini-Putt golf in Kapiti

Filed under: General — allan harvey @ 8:56 pm

A free bowling and Mini-Putt family event will be hosted by Kidz Need Dadz in Kapiti from 4-6pm on Sunday 3rd of September.
Kapiti TenPin Nikau Valley
Sponsored by Kidz Need Dadz, KCDC and AVS

All the Parents Fault

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:27 am

This article appears in the NZ Herald and attributes blame for the current state of unruly youth to the parents.

It can’t go without a mention – whether you can be bothered reading the article is a different story.

Mon 28th August 2017

Dead Men Walking

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 12:08 pm

Empty shoes March to Wellington

70 % of the shoes are men’s while eight are small ones representating children aged between 10 and 14.

Sun 27th August 2017

That’s not what it was meant for.

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 9:28 am

“It broke.”

“Yeah. Well, that’s not what is was meant for.”

Wrong tool for the job. But a DIY lesson many of us would have learnt.

“That will learn ya.” Was an expression I often heard from an old man who was watching the kids around him growing up.

What about Feminists trying their hand at a bit of DIY short-sighted thinking?

Did they take something that wasn’t purpose build for their ends. Was there something they thought, would do the job, but they never considered the possibility it might break?

In relative terms, as far as the civilized world goes, only nature and war could make such a mess in such a short period of time.

Those Feminists. Are they nothing but natural warmongers?

How big does the mess need to be, before someone says, the house is a mess?

Sat 26th August 2017

Police chief suggests non-English speaking victims of crime will be given priority with white middle class men at the bottom of the list

Filed under: General — Lukenz @ 12:42 pm

And they are still wondering why the angry white man voted in Trump.

Police chief suggests non-English speaking victims of crime will be given priority with white middle class men at the bottom of the list

Fri 25th August 2017

MILO on the Threat of Silicon Valley

Filed under: Gender Politics — JohnPotter @ 8:37 am

Milo discussing Google:

“Some people within that company have such extreme politics that science is off-limits when it comes to talking about the differences between men and women. That’s remarkable. And terrifying.”

He is talking about the growing trend for “politically incorrect” organisations to be banned from the internet, and for search results to be sanitised. Our right to free speech is under significant assault. (more…)

Thu 24th August 2017

A few questions for Jacinda Ardern.

Filed under: General — Hugin @ 8:24 pm

I put together a little video on youtube to ask a few questions of the woman who may be king after the election.

CYFs more part of the problem than the solution

Filed under: Domestic Violence,General,Law & Courts — MS @ 9:27 am

I have a tale of woe with regards to CYFs (yes I know, not another one)

I have been dealing with them for almost 2yrs now and every time they blunder into our path they leave us worse off.
My daughter has some complex emotional and mental issues as documented by mental health.

The process with CYFS has been a series of blunders and to be honest they have caused my daughter and I an incredible amount of stress and undue duress. This has lead to her feeling she is being judged by strangers who do not know or understand the situation and had an adverse effect on my health and business.

I have laid complaints with Cyfs, Anne Tolley and the Opposition Carmel Sepuloni. It took a month after some prompting to get a standard “we are looking into it response’ from Anne Tolley. (more…)

Mon 21st August 2017

Justifying the consequence

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 4:13 pm

In two generations the application of Feminist thinking and goals has turned the Western World inside out.

Today, the society around us, struggles to bear much resemblance to what many of us are familiar with, and likewise what is familiar to many has little attachment to the history it descended from.

It is a confused mess, and men are not completely but more on the loosing end of this rapid change.

We must reach a point, and perhaps we have, where no matter what a male behaviour is, we try and find a reason or a justification for it, simply to avoid continuing persecution.

This mirrors the behaviour of Feminism, finding no fault in women, through some unorthodox study, to make all women, normal and equal.

It is an impossible world – destructive world – that many, I’m sure, wish would just go away.

The real question is, what if anything are men trying to justify, because it is a consequence of the separation of the sexes, when we shouldn’t bother?

(There’s nothing wrong with us, and there’s nothing wrong with us either.)

Thu 17th August 2017

President Trump Was Accurate About Charlottesville

Filed under: Gender Politics,General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 8:06 pm

Trump may have bullshitted the working class in the US to vote for him believing he will care about their welfare rather than his own profit. However, his election was also related to a rejection of the claims of modern ‘social justice’ warriors including feminists, and a desire for free and frank speech that isn’t repressed simply because someone claims to be ‘triggered’ or offended by opinions they don’t like.

Regarding the Charlottesville violence, Trump was quite correct in criticizing both sides of the melee. The white supremacists, neo nazis, alt right supporters and other like-minded folk had a permit to gather at the park to protest against the removal of a statue of Robert E Lee. Others who disagreed with those opinions ignored a fundamental principle on which U.S. democracy was founded, i.e. the freedom to hold, support and express one’s own political views. They attended with clubs and other weapons to try to deprive the protesters of their democratic right. Of course, the steel-capped brigade inside the park were also armed and quite happy to fight. (more…)

Broken Families, Fatherlessness, Poor Discipline coming home to roost

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 2:00 pm

National promises boot camps for children who have become serious offenders with long criminal records, and to fine and criminalize parents whose children under 14 years are on the street after midnight. Yeah, creative stuff. So previous governments financially incentivized family demolition and sole parenthood (meaning mainly sole motherhood), then reduced parental authority and options for enforcing discipline, handing over the right to use force in discipline exclusively to agents of the state. Now government aims to punish parents for the predictable child behavioural results of those foolish policies largely of feminist creation.

Meanwhile, schools are becoming more and more dangerous places with attacks by children against teachers occurring from primary school onwards.

Nobody seems to want to mention the elephants in the room. The elephants as predicted will grow bigger and soon will be squeezing us all against the wall. At that point the system will either collapse or policy makers will face up to the importance of families, fathers and male wisdom in raising children.

Prostate Cancer? Who cares? They’re Only Men

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 11:42 am

According to Radio NZ Dunedin patients are waiting for many months, some well over a year, simply to get a biopsy after being referred by GPs for unpleasant symptoms and blood tests indicative of prostate cancer. Then when such cancer is diagnosed they are waiting for many more months to get treatment. Similar problems are faced by those needing heart surgery.

Of course, it’s purely coincidental that the conditions mainly affected are suffered primarily by men, and that services for women’s needs are not underfunded. As it is coincidental that the commissioner installed by government to replace the elected Health Board and who has overseen this particular division of resources leaving male services short, just happens to be a woman.

Tue 15th August 2017

The Gods of Leisure and Consumption

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 10:45 am

Oops, look out, he mentioned the G Word again.

But really, com’on, did anyone panic too much when Neil Gaiman, put American Gods on the market? Perhaps that was only because it was seen as a lucrative exercise, rather than a contemporary exercising of the mind.

If you were to read that book from an historically naive point of view, you might struggle for enthusiasm when it comes to following the story; yet anyone with a glimmer of our ancient Sunday Schools could pose a question that might remain an eternal mystery to the same reader.

He is one man, who I would suggest didn’t see a hole in the market, but rather that he saw signs of one of the reoccurring intersections in the sophistication of society.

He probably panicked at the realization and shouted, “We’re going backwards” rather than “Eurēka”.

I noticed something similar in one of the recent comments on MENZ when an economic discussion suggested that our remaining option was to retreat in the direction of Pennsylvania. That, I would suggest was a similar discovery, wrapped in golden silence.

I am not sure how many of our readers would be thinking along the same lines as I am obviously suggesting here, but this is the other side of the same coin.

You might ask, who would benefit most from the denial of that proposition?

The would-be Gods of Leisure and Consumption hoping to be born in our own house. Not imaginery gods, religious gods, or gods of literature, but earthly creatures hoping to obtain that status and recognition that historically has granted them eternity in the mythology of any culture.

Does this not concern men?

Should I not be writing this on Menz?

Or, should we all be getting on the same page in the same book?

I look forward to your thoughts.

Mon 14th August 2017

Media Stories about Today’s Man

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 10:52 am

Man, sole occupant of house, dies in fire

Motorbike hits pole, father of three will be remembered

Tetraplegic man, socially abandoned, calls to MP for help

They got a hug, before he died

Men dive for cover, as bullets fly

I’m sure you’ve got the picture by now.

If you find a story about any man in the news you read today, post a link in the comments.

Sun 13th August 2017

Employee Minimum Rights, ALL GONE, overnight

Filed under: General,Law & Courts — Julie @ 1:52 pm

It’s ALL gone!

    GONE – Relevant minimum wage must be paid
    GONE – Overtime paid at minimum wage per hour
    GONE – Four weeks’ paid annual holiday per year
    GONE – Eleven public holidays per year
    GONE – Payment of time and a half for working on public holidays
    GONE – Rest and meal breaks must be provided – Rest break must be paid

    GONE – Five days’ paid sick leave per annum after first 6 months, and 15 days can be carried over to a maximum of 20 days

    GONE – Three days’ paid bereavement leave for certain family members, one day for other people
    GONE – Up to 52 weeks’ parental leave


GONEKiwiSaver Employer Contribution (contracts don’t include KiwiSaver)
GONE – ACC employment claims are different for contractors.

GONEEmployment protection (you have to take the employee to court yourself)



In the process of it all vanishing, many, many, many New Zealanders, especially the younger and newer members to the workforce, landed in huge income tax, penalty and interest debt. Inland Revenue is encouraging employees on contract and owing to apply for bank loans to pay for the interest is much higher for tax.

    GST Penalty Interest – rate 9.21%
    Income tax underpayment rate: 8.22%


RETURN OF PAYE – pay (tax) as you earn

As of 1st April 2017, PAYE – ‘pay as you earn’ is back but re-branded as ‘Schedular Payments‘ – ‘scheduled pay as you earn’.

Many, many, many New Zealanders will have an added amount of tax to pay for they owe income tax, provisional tax, penalties and interest. Many of the many will not take a break during the year and many haven’t over the years of their employment redressed as contracts. Many are screwed when they get sick.

Dangerous Stuff

Filed under: General — Downunder @ 11:52 am

We are all too aware of the Feminist bent, in this woman’s magazine. It’s been the new, woman’s day, for a few years now, and a distant cry from the Dominion Post, its news-stand ancestor.

When it comes to admissions of age, yes I can remember the news criers on the street corners, “read all about it” stuff you need to know.

The first issue for me is an editorial issue, and the independence of the political thought that can be delivered through a news letter by one of our main news outlets. I’m no fan of the current political editor Tracey Watkins, who I expect will author these news letters.

The second issue is the subversive nature of digital photography, which I have written about in a previous post, Flatline Editing. How easy it is to adjust an image to suit the tone of the editor’s message. Manipulated photography is a dangerous political game, as some may have observed in other instances, and written words can co-operate with digital manipulation.

The third and most important issue from my perspective is the men’s voice in New Zealand media. This seldom exists these days, although I would admit, the Radio New Zealand website currently makes a more dignified effort in recovering from the tranquil depths of its former bias.

The business of news, is now into delivery of political persuasion. Morally, ethically, it is not their job, but in the pursuit of profit, men suffer once more.

Engaging With Dads Lecture at University of Auckland

Filed under: General — Brendon Smith @ 11:07 am

GreatFathers, Family Start Manukau, Father and Child present
Dave Owens, David Ringrose and Brendon Smith

On Engaging Dads Early, Converting Tricky Fathers into Involved Dads and Engaging Dads around Perinatal Mental Health issues.

This is a rare opportunity to hear from latest research, front-line experts and experienced support workers who have helped families and fathers, trained midwives, social workers and counsellors or presented on PMH and Dads, Tricky Teen Fathers and Engaging with Dads.

Hosted by: Joseph Madut – Masters Student University of Auckland, Social Work

Date: Tuesday 29th Aug 10am – 12pm
As part of our Week of Events leading up to Fathers Day

Faculty of
Education &
Social Work
74 Epsom Ave,
Auckland Uni.

Block N4,

Lecture Theatre
RSVP Optional PH 525 1690 TXT 021 892 980

[email protected]

Fri 11th August 2017

Media Stories about the Bad Gender

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 11:38 am

This story from London shows a video monitoring clip of a male jogger pushing a female pedestrian causing her to fall and almost hit by a passing bus. The news stories all implied that pushing her into the path of the bus was deliberate and apparently the male jogger has been charged with causing grievous bodily harm, interesting given that the female pedestrian did not suffer any such harm. The video evidence suggested the push was deliberate and the jogger deserves to be prosecuted and, if correct, punished for assault. However, an MRA view of the video noted some gender issues. (more…)

Mon 7th August 2017

Bottom Feeding

Filed under: Gender Politics,General — Pedro1 @ 9:26 am

Most paid it little attention. Last Wednesday, when the news broke, the nation was preoccupied with discussing what most considered a far greater outrage: that a reporter had the audacity to ask new Labour Party leader Jacinda Ardern saw motherhood anywhere on her horizon. The Ardern story on collected over forty reader comments. (more…)

Fri 4th August 2017

Barry Taylor Male Suicide Prevention Workshops

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 7:25 am

We have not yet attended these workshops so can’t yet endorse them, but the web page information suggests Mr Taylor is on the right track. We will send a representative to one of the workshops, and post this information here in case anyone else might be interested.

Link to view website

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