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MENZ Issues: news and discussion about New Zealand men, fathers, family law, divorce, courts, protests, gender politics, and male health.

Sun 25th September 2016

Documentary on NZ Family Court

Filed under: General,Law & Courts — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 3:15 pm

Radio NZ today played a documentary on the NZ Family Court and the 2014 law changes. It provided some interesting figures and raised (but did not ask) some important questions: We pulled out six issues arising in this documentary and discuss them here. (more…)

Sat 24th September 2016

Most Prostate Cancer Treatment Doesn’t Save Lives

Filed under: Men's Health — JohnPotter @ 5:59 pm

A 10-year outcome study just published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine shows that men diagnosed with prostate cancer who chose to forgo treatment were no more likely to die. Surgery and radiation therapy often have severe side effects such as incontinence and impotence.

Mens needs wants and desires dont feature highly on the agenda of modern marriage.

Filed under: Gender Politics,General — MurrayBacon @ 7:05 am

Bettina Arndt is currently co-hosting a new relationship programme which has just started on Tues nights, 9-11 pm on Sydney radio 2UE. It can be accessed online:

She’s planning to start off softly but if the programme develops she’s hoping to cover some of the more meaty topics she has been writing about recently. But in order for this to happen the programme needs to attract listeners and callers to the talk-back programme. So could you please listen and persuade others to do so. And please call in and contribute to the discussion.

Thu 22nd September 2016

What Happens when the Custodial Parent gets a Custodial sentence?

Filed under: General,Law & Courts — Nebman @ 9:37 pm

I have shared care with my ex of two of my kids aged 9 and near 11.

Their mother has committed an offence that is shortly due to see her incarcerated for anywhere up to 4 years or possibly more. In reality she will only serve 1/3 of that so in all likelihood, will be out in 12-18 months depending on actual sentence length.

The Mother and I are the Natural Guardians of the children and there are no others. She is adamant that the children will not live with me while she is inside but my lawyer does not think there’s anything she can actually do to stop me just picking them up after D-day and just taking them.

Successful Complaint to Press Council

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 4:29 pm

A representative of the Ministry of Men’s Affairs has achieved a small success in a recent complaint to the NZ Herald about this article (that the Herald has now amended). Although the Herald probably won’t concede the important matters regarding misrepresentation of Protection Orders, failing to identify its real victims in most cases (i.e. the respondents), the nature of most breaches and the lack of balance by reporting only the comments of female supporters of the Protection Order regime, even so the exercise has required this editor to become aware that his paper is misleading the public and that MoMA, on behalf of NZ men, is watching. If anyone can be bothered, a follow up email to that editor would help bring home men’s concerns and a more realistic knowledge about Protection Orders. Following is the main correspondence: (more…)

Wed 21st September 2016

Wolf Whistling May Soon be a Hate Crime in England

What the F**k is the world coming to?? Are women becoming so protected and so offended by and afraid of the world that a man can not even whistle at one without being charged with a crime. THEY HAVE TO BE JOKING!!!.Needless to say it will happen in NZ sooner or later to.

Sat 17th September 2016

Surprise Surprise, The Chief’s Stripper Lied

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 2:15 pm

Told you so. Let’s see how much prominence our misandrist media gives to this information.

Many people appointed themselves judge and jury regarding this lying stripper’s allegations, making the same mistake that our Courts so often make in taking a sexist position favouring women’s tales. Will we see apologies from the following people to the Chiefs for unfairly judging them, to the Rugby Union for unfounded allegations of a poor investigation, and to the public of New Zealand for manipulative misandrist propaganda? (more…)

Mark Williams Fathers Reaching Out Seminar in Auckland

Filed under: General — realkiwi @ 11:18 am

Mark Williams is a well known UK advocate for supporting fathers in their Perinatal Mental Health. He has been active in support work and media awareness, helping his wife through her postnatal recovery after a trauma birth and getting through his own journey.

Mark is speaking at the MARCE Conference in Melbourne and made a special connection with New Zealand when he saw the 7Sharp TV article on Father and Child’s local work in this field.

Fri 16th September 2016

Random News Round-Up

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 3:53 pm

We think it’s time for a bit more fun with another round up of recent news. No other media seems to want to present men’s perspectives in news items but thanks to MENZ Issues it happens here.

Female Hypocrisy Concerning Sentencing of a Male

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 11:08 am

Lynch mob calls for harsher punishment of Nikolas Delegat for repeatedly punching a police officer have claimed that his wealth, status, ability to afford a good lawyer and his skin colour all led to a light sentence. The skin colour issue became a major focus especially after the ‘Independent’ Police Complaints Authority (IPCA) released an analysis of pre-charge warnings vs prosecutions from police in different regions around NZ and towards Pakeha vs Maori accused.

Unfortunately, the IPCA didn’t see fit also to undertake a further simple calculation to compare the rate of pre-charge warnings given to women vs men. If they had they would almost certainly have found that females are much more likely to receive pre-charge warnings than are males, and that the gender difference here is much greater than any racial difference. (more…)

Tue 13th September 2016

Our Prime minister reading a speech which was written by Amy Adams or which feminist politician ?

Filed under: General — Zane @ 1:24 pm

WATCH: Major government Family violence announcement (Elections coming soon ……… )

Facebook video link

Stuff news link

Sat 10th September 2016

Chiefs’ Stripper Scandal

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 2:15 pm

The Chiefs’ rugby team stripper scandal has been in the news for weeks now. The only real scandal is how feminist forces have behaved and how media have milked it in such an unbalanced, misandrist fashion.

Stripper ‘Scarlette’ made allegations about the behaviour of Chiefs players who hired her to ‘perform’ at their end-of-season celebrations. Her allegations were of criminal offending for which the maximum punitive tariff is 20 years imprisonment plus lifelong punishment on a sex offenders register. She has used opportunities to spout her allegations through social media and news media, at the same time claiming she just wants to be left alone and refusing to cooperate with a Police investigation that might have led to her allegations being tested in Court through a prosecution. Convenient. (more…)

Thu 8th September 2016

Fathers Day Ambushed

Filed under: Gender Politics,General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 2:22 pm

Thanks to Father & Child and other groups who have generously supported the spirit of Fathers Day this year. Unfortunately, misandrist and femicentric forces have used the commemoration as another opportunity to bash men. A previous post – thanks Jerry – drew our attention to a couple of articles. One was about the ’10 worst fathers’ shown in films and tv. The second was about step fathers, which at least honoured men in father roles and provided some useful information. Jerry was correct though in that an article promoting step-motherhood on Mothers Day would be seen as offensive by women, especially in the absence of other articles honouring biological mothers. This year I don’t remember seeing any article honouring dads, though I guess there probably were some.

A really nasty, patronizing article was written by ‘Emily Writes’ in the NZ Herald. It was called “Emily Writes: Father’s Day can be a struggle”. Well of course the headline is correct because many fathers struggle with Fathers Day due to being alienated, shut out or severely restricted concerning their role with their own children, or threatened with one of those scenarios during the horrible process of Family Court. But none of that is what the article is about and Ms Emily doesn’t mention that stuff at all. For her it seems that the suffering of alienated, discarded and falsely accused fathers doesn’t exist or if it did it doesn’t matter.

Wed 7th September 2016

Arrears Remitted Anyone??

Filed under: Child Support,General,Law & Courts — Had_Enough @ 6:24 pm

OK, so it seems under the new legislation that us paying parents (love the term “paying”) can get our arrears remitted if we apply and if we have been paying our liability more often than not. So, I contacted IRD CS about this on the 1st of April and was informed that I should call back in June and they may look at wiping the 2% portion of my arrears which in my case is about $9,000. So I called back in June and was informed that my application would be processed and I would be told of the outcome in 2 months. Surprise surprise, here we are almost 3 months later and still no word as to whether the arrears would be remitted and no time frame given as to when I would be informed of the outcome. Just wondering if anyone else has had any experiences, good or bad, with getting arrears remitted???


Wed 31st August 2016

Fathers’ Day Weekend Activities

Filed under: Boys / Youth / Education,Events,General — Brendon Smith @ 11:59 pm

For those who are lucky enough to have their children this weekend,
or any who seek comeraderie in positive activities for families…

Father and Child and Family Start Manukau offer free fishing on Sat.
off the old Mangere bridge 10am – 2pm – free bait and a few free lines..

Plus Fathers’ Day BBQ / Picnic at Ambury Farm/Park, Mangere Bridge,
11am – 4pm, Bouncy Castle, free food and low cost soft drinks,
families welcome, music and resources for keen dads…

Celebrate the day, rain, wind or shine!
We hope to see you there,
ph 5251690 for see here for Eventfinder details

Thu 18th August 2016

Gulags for NZ Men

Filed under: Domestic Violence,Gender Politics,General,Law & Courts — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 1:50 pm

Justice Minister Amy Adams and Social Development Minister Anne Tolley this week announced that the government is to provide temporary housing for ‘abusers’ who are ordered out of their own homes through police safety orders and/or protection orders. The reason given is to reduce the likelihood that such ‘abusers’ return to their homes because they have nowhere else to stay, leading to further family violence incidents.

The rhetoric used by Adams is dishonest stereotyping and amounts to propaganda. She refers to the emergency housing as being for “people who commit violence against their partners or families”, “perpetrators of domestic violence” or “abusers”. She refers to those who were allowed to remain in their homes as “victims”.

So how is this dishonest propaganda? (more…)

Fri 5th August 2016

University Gym now with women only hours…….

Filed under: General — pcObelix @ 1:01 pm

Canterbury Uni Gym – women only hours

Calling for Help to Make Video Presentations

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 8:54 am

MoMA and an experienced tv and film maker are planning to make a series of video presentations for a YouTube channel and other sites, presenting primarily New Zealand men’s perspective on issues of relevance to them. We need help in all stages of this process from filming, editing and distribution, and we are also calling for people who are prepared to be interviewed about their own experiences of ant-male discrimination. See our introductory video clip here and please respond if you can help:

Mon 1st August 2016

Appalling sexist journalism from the NZ Herald

Filed under: General — golfa @ 3:55 pm

I’m disgusted by this story. The headline proclaims “Woman killed changing tyre”. When you actually READ the story, you discover that a man was also killed. So TWO people were killed yet the Herald only thinks the death of the woman is important enough to make it into the headline. Dreadful sexist journalism.

Thu 14th July 2016

No End to Feminist Self-Entitlement

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 6:42 pm

This is the latest but probably not the last bit of lunacy arising from feminism. The feminist division of the Nottinghamshire Police, in partnership with Nottingham Women’s Centre, have decided that ‘hate crime’ includes wolf whistles, photographing women without consent, unwanted sexual advances, uninvited physical or verbal contact, and unwanted messages via mobile phones, if such things are perceived by the ‘victim’ as occurring ‘because she is woman’.

So talking to a woman you want to get to know, without invitation, is now likely to be treated as a ‘hate crime’ by those police! Women really do want to be treated like royalty. “How dare he speak to me uninvited; off with his head!” (more…)

Tue 12th July 2016

Nazi subterfuge and Woman’s Refuge

Filed under: General — triassic @ 5:17 pm

Subterfuge is as old as civilization itself and is alive and well in our high tech society. The Nazi party was superb in moving relevant and pertinent issues into the main stream through a campaign that was advantageous to the majority of Germans. It gave no hint to the ramification of Nazi support by the masses. Here are a few of what would appear to be very fair policies, particulary if you are struggling to live in Auckland on a basic salary……

11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.

13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.


Sun 3rd July 2016

She must be a victim??

Filed under: General — triassic @ 10:35 pm

This poor woman must have suffered at the hands of a male at some time in order to commit such a crime. I just hope that the authorities can find that man in her life to pay for her brutality. It is of course possible and preferable that ‘she’ is in fact a transgender. We all know that females are just not capable of such rage…..

A mother killed four of her children by cutting their throats and sheriff’s deputies found a large butcher knife with what appeared to be blood on it in an apartment were the killings took place, according to court documents.

Shanynthia Gardner, 29, of Memphis, has been charged with four counts of first degree murder while committing aggravated child neglect in the deaths of her three daughters and one son – all under the age of 5.

Sat 2nd July 2016

How can we make Western Women great again?

Filed under: General — Ministry of Men's Affairs @ 9:58 am

How can we make Western Women great again? This was a question asked in a Facebook group. One reply seemed worth posting here: (more…)

Thu 30th June 2016

Father, Estranged, Homeless…..and dead

Filed under: General — Bruce S @ 1:50 pm

Stuff story here:–reports
…and reprinted, in part, below as Stuff have a history of letting material “expire” or just disappear.

Probably no big surprise to many of the readers of MENZ that we have yet another dead father, Daniel Binder, in the news. Too early to draw any factual conclusions as to the reasons why this father was out on the streets; suffice to say had there been any serious criminal charges against him, he would have been locked up, and presumably safe.

The questions I have are quite simple; did this father have no family or friends who were prepared to house him temporarily until other more permanent arrangements were made? Was there no agency or support available in Te Awamutu to at least give the man shelter for the night?

Condolences to those who were close to Daniel.

Bale body identified as homeless Te Awamutu father

Last updated 13:23, June 30 2016

The man whose body was found in a cardboard bale in Hamilton has been identified as 40-year-old Daniel Bindner, a homeless father of three. Detective Inspector Hywel Jones revealed details of the grisly discovery at a media briefing on Thursday. The body was found at a Hamilton recycling factory.​

Daniel Bindner was last seen at McDonald’s in Te Awamutu on June 21 where his image was captured on CCTV. His body was later found in a cardboard recycling bale in Hamilton.
He was reported missing on Monday- just 24 hours before his body was discovered.

He was understood to be homeless. “We believe he was sleeping rough in the Te Awamutu area…certainly in the days leading up to his death,” Jones said.

Police were focusing on building a picture of Bindner’s movements after he was seen at the McDonald’s in Sloane Street. “From that point we are trying to establish what his movements were,” he said. He wanted to hear from anyone who could help police track Bindner’s movements before and after that date.

Jones said the cardboard Bindner was found in appeared to have come from the Te Awamutu area and they were tracking trucks that worked that route to establish exactly where Bindner was picked up.

​Bindner was described at a European man, about 176 cm tall, of medium build and with dark brown medium length hair.

He was recently estranged from his wife and had three children aged 16, 7 and 5.

Jones said they were receiving support from Victim Support. “They seem to be holding up okay at this time,” he said. Jones said the cause of death continued to be unexplained. “A post mortem was conducted yesterday and concluded yesterday.

“But at this time the results of that are inconclusive. We await further results over further weeks to pinpoint the cause of his death. “We’ve followed numerous lines of enquiry in the Te Awamutu area. “We believe at this point that Mr Bindner was picked up in a reclycling truck and deliver to OJI solutions in Hamilton.” Police scene examinations at the OJI Fibre Solutions recycling plant have now been completed.

Wed 29th June 2016

Would an E-legal book help you to represent yourself in NZ Family court, is this enough?

Filed under: General — Zane @ 8:36 pm

E-legal book will help you to represent yourself in NZ Family court, is this enough ?

I think when a father representing himself, will need more emotional support by being abused psychologically by the Family court and police process , not only the legal part .

Stuff news Link

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